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GERUND and GERUNDIVE Gerund: a verbal NOUN

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1 GERUND and GERUNDIVE Gerund: a verbal NOUN
Gerundive: a verbal ADJECTIVE Built on present active stem (2nd principal part -re/-rī/-ī) -ND- added 2nd decl., neuter, singular Only FOUR forms: GEN: -ī, “of … -ing” DAT: -ō, “to/for … -ing” ACC: -um, “… -ing” ABL: -ō, “by … -ing” Built on present active stem (2nd principal part -re/rī/-ī) -ND- added -us-a-um endings Thus 36 possible forms singular, plural; masculine, feminine, neuter; any of the six cases -- to agree with any noun or pronoun it modifies.

2 Let’s practice Write out all gerund forms for these verbs: pugnāre
mōvēre mittere capere (root + ie + ND + endings) invenīre (root + ie + ND + endings)

3 GERUND REMEMBER: it’s a verbal NOUN.
Translate with “… -ing,” but don’t confuse with English present active participle!! The running man (participle) Running is good for your health (gerund) An infinitive can often be used to translate a gerund: either To run is good for your health or It is good for your health to run (“It” = “to run”) Let’s look at typical uses of the gerund:

4 GENITIVE: most often with following causā or gratiā to express purpose: “for the sake of … -ing” vivendī causā, docendī gratiā for the sake of-living, for the sake of-teaching often as object of certain adjectives: cupidus vincendī, desirous of-winning = eager to win or as the complement to a noun: ratio docendī, a method of-teaching, a teaching method modus operandī, manner of-operating (MO on CSI) DATIVE: most often with certain adjectives tempus loquendō idoneum, a suitable time for-talking

5 ACCUSATIVE: most often object of ad to express purpose ad videndum, for seeing = to see ABLATIVE: most often without preposition to express means/manner celeriter currendō mox advēnimus, by-running quickly we soon arrived

6 GERUNDIVE A gerund-ive is an adject-ive;
in a phrase with some noun or pronoun it modifies. passive, future: “to be … -ed, -t, -en” But don’t confuse with pres. pass. infinitive! Two main uses: instead of gerund + object: Brutus rediit ad urbem libera-nd-am Brutus returned to the city to-be-freed = Brutus returned (in order) to free the city Caesar spem hostium vince-nd-orum habuit Caesar had hope of enemy to-be-defeated = Caesar had hope of defeating the enemy

7 the passive periphrastic construction:
gerundive + any form of esse = X must be, ought to be, deserves to be, should be … -ed, -t, -en. The agent is not ablative but dative HINT: -ND- = “needs to be done” and “needs dative” get it? hic liber est lege-nd-us this book is to be read, ought to be read, should be read hic liber est vobis lege-nd-us this book is to be read by you = you should read this book Hence our word ‘legend’, a story that should be read and remembered!

Caesar arbitratus est :: Galliam sibi vincendam (esse) Caesar thought :: Gaul (was) to-be-conquered by him(self) = that he ought to conquer Gaul. Fabricius dixit :: medicum vinciendum et ad Pyrrhum regem remittendum (esse) Fabricius said (that) the doctor should be tied up and sent back to King Pyrrhus. NB! infinitive often omitted in this construction.

9 Gerundives in English Ama-nd-a = (she who) deserves-to-be-loved
Re-fere-nd-um = (a bill which) needs-to-be-taken-back (to the people for a vote) Age-nd-a = (things which) … need-to-be-done Memora-nd-um = (something which) … ought-to-be-remembered Ad-de-nd-um = (something which) … has-to-be-added In math: divide-nd, sub-trahe-nd, multiplica-nd In Spanish: hacie-nd-a (< facio) “something-to-be-made”

10 NVNC CONEMVR Cervisia non est bibenda minoribus.
cervisia, -ae, f.: beer bibo, -ere: drink Nunc est bibendum. (Q. Horatius Flaccus) Pellicula “True Grit” mihi erat spectanda. pellicula, -ae, f.: film, movie Hostium vincendorum causā, dux magnum exercitum parabat. Magister noster optimus dicit nobis esse gerundia gerundivaque bene discenda. disco, -ere: learn

11 BIBENDUM (the Michelin Man)

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