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Customer Satisfaction Doctors’ Arm Perceptual Mapping Tracker

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1 Customer Satisfaction Doctors’ Arm Perceptual Mapping Tracker
NAGY RESEARCH MEACRO Middle East & Africa Contract Research Organization Customer Satisfaction Doctors’ Arm Perceptual Mapping Tracker

2 Content Reporting PMT Definition PMT Study Objective Methodology


4 Perception There is a difference between reality and perception.
So We must insight doctors’ perceptions of product and how it closely  matches their prescribing criteria for sound decision-making.

5 It shows the current strengths and weaknesses of each brand.
Mapping The map is used to locate position of something at certain point of time. Perceptual mapping is used to understand a brand’s position in the marketplace. A perceptual map draws the relationships among the competitive set of brands and a group of attributes. It shows the current strengths and weaknesses of each brand.

6 Tracker Will assist you to monitor changes that may occur overtime.
Obtained information will help you in developing, monitoring, updating and taking corrective actions of your marketing & strategic plans. It is Regular Syndicated study


8 Objectives 1. Awareness Unaided awareness
3. Selection Criteria Criteria that affect the company image A) Company-related criteria (Ethics standards) B) Services-related criteria C) Medical rep-related criteria 4. Companies Evaluation Doctors’ satisfaction with different companies regarding each criterion. A) Satisfaction with company-related criteria B) Satisfaction with service-related criteria C) Satisfaction with Medical rep-related criteria 2. Best Companies Best companies and reasons behind their choice.

9 Unaided awareness 1.05 0.64 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.51 0.43 Score
Awareness Score = First Mentioned % x 2 + Subsequent Mentioned x 1 The higher the score, the more the awareness of doctors of it Score 1.05 0.64 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.51 0.43 What are the names that come to your mind when you hear the word “Pharmaceutical Company”?

10 Most frequently mentioned companies
Sample Size: 250 Doctors Leading Companies 30% 27% Q2-In your opinion, what are the 3 best pharmaceutical companies? What are the reasons behind your choice?

11 Reasons of choice of best brand companies
Novartis Pfizer Eva Sanofi GSK Eipico MSD Wide range of products 26 7 11 10 4 17 3 Highly effective drugs 56 29 31 18 19 Affordable prices 76 28 42 23 14 37 12 Continuous availability of drugs in market 2 1 Well organized / professional company 22 5 8 Provide documented clinical trials 9 13 Regular rep visits 89 20 53 24 25 Well organized scientific meetings 32 Brand / trusted products Aware of doctors’ & patients' needs Knowledgeable / presentable reps 15 Active scientific office / good promotional materials 16 National growing company Leading Companies and Leading Reasons Q2-In your opinion, what are the 3 best pharmaceutical companies? What are the reasons behind your choice?

12 Factors Affecting Companies Image (Selection Criteria)

13 Criteria upon which doctors select a pharmaceutical company
Company related criteria Service related criteria Medical Rep related criteria Q3. Please rate the following criteria according to their importance to you with 7 being the highest degree of importance and 1 is the lowest.

14 Company Evaluation

15 Most satisfactory x 2 + Second satisfactory x 1
Performance Score: Most satisfactory x 2 + Second satisfactory x 1 The higher the score the more frequently mentioned company

16 A. Company Related Criteria

17 The company has internal rules and regulations that benefit health care professional and patients
Sample Size: 250 Doctors Leading Companies Score

18 2. Develops many innovative products
Sample Size: 250 Doctors Leading Companies Score

19 Market Leaders / Conjoint Analysis
Company Related Criteria 1.Availability of its products 2.Develops many innovative products 3.Oriented towards doctors needs 4. The company has internal rules and regulations that benefit health care professional and patients 5. Provides credible and clear information about its products 6. Reasonable pricing of its products/ Value of money 7.Community and health care supporters (Sponsored for awareness/educational campaign). 8. Low turn over of its medical reps

20 Leading companies in company related criteria
First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh 1. Availability of its products Novartis Eva Amoun Pfizer Sanofi Eipico GSK 0.53 0.37 0.33 0.29 0.25 0.23 0.20 2. Develops many innovative products 0.56 0.40 0.34 0.22 0.21 0.16 0.15 3. Oriented towards doctors needs MSD 0.59 0.28 0.24 4. The company has internal rules and regulations that benefit health care professional and patients. 0.66 0.38 0.19 0.17 5. Provides credible and clear information about its products 0.57 0.32 0.31 6. Reasonable pricing of its products/ Value of money Pharco 0.42 0.30 0.18 7. Community and health care supporters (Sponsored for awareness/educational campaign). 0.63 0.26 8. Low turn over of its medical reps 0.52 Sample Size: 250 Doctors

21 B. Service Related Criteria

22 1. Has promotional materials with credible information
Sample Size: 250 Doctors Leading Companies Score

23 2. Brand reminder give away gifts
Sample Size: 250 Doctors Leading Companies Score

24 Market Leaders / Conjoint Analysis
Service Related Criteria 1. Organizing scientific meeting and seminars 2. Has documented clinical trials 3. Assisting in local clinical research & trials 5. Has promotional materials with credible information 4.Brand reminder give away gifts

25 Leading companies in service related criteria
First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh 1. Organizing scientific meeting and seminars Novartis Eva GSK Sanofi Pfizer Servier MSD 0.70 0.33 0.29 0.26 0.23 0.15 0.14 2. Has documented clinical trials Amoun 0.66 0.42 0.32 0.21 3. Assisting in local clinical research & trials Pharco 0.59 0.35 0.34 0.28 0.18 0.12 4.Has promotional materials with credible information Eipico 0.62 0.38 0.30 0.27 0.16 5.Brand reminder give away gifts 0.31 0.22 0.20 Sample Size: 250 Doctors Regarding service related criteria Eva appeared in 2nd, 4th and 5th place.

26 C. Medical Rep Related Criteria

27 1. Regular rep visits Sample Size: 250 Doctors Leading Companies Score

28 2. Rep is extremely knowledgeable about recent advances in my specialty
Sample Size: 250 Doctors Leading Companies Score

29 Market Leaders / Conjoint Analysis
Medical Rep Related Criteria 1.  The rep is always respectful and never makes a situation uncomfortable 2. Regular rep visits 3. Rep is extremely knowledgeable about recent advances in my specialty 4. Rep understands how busy I am and always accommodates to my schedule 5. Rep understands exactly how I treat different types of patients 6. Rep is always willing to depart from his presentation if I have a question or concern 7. The rep discusses the positives of their product compared to competitive drugs 8. Rep always remembers our discussion and makes it a point to follow up

30 Leading companies in medical rep-related criteria
Sample Size: 250 Doctors First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh 1. The rep is always respectful and never makes a situation uncomfortable Novartis Eva Pfizer Sanofi GSK Amoun MSD 0.69 0.31 0.27 0.26 0.22 0.14 0.12 2. Regular rep visits Eipico 0.68 0.37 0.24 0.20 0.19 0.17 3.  Rep is extremely knowledgeable about recent advances in my specialty 0.65 0.36 0.30 0.15 4. Rep understands how busy I am and always accommodates to my schedule 0.47 0.41 5. Rep understands exactly how I treat different types of patients 0.56 0.32 0.23 0.21 6. Rep is always willing to depart from his presentation if I have a question or concern 0.62 0.34 0.25 0.18 7. The rep discusses the positives of their product compared to competitive drugs 0.64 0.28 0.16 8. Rep always remembers our discussion and makes it a point to follow up In Medical rep related criteria Eva was mainly in the second and third place, the only criteria that took the fourth place was the rep knowledge.

31 Overall Best Company Evaluation in all criteria mentioned
Total Score Sample Size: 250 Doctors Leading Companies Level 1 Level 2

32 Leadership Risk High Med Low 1. Availability of its products
2. The rep is always respectful and never makes a situation uncomfortable 3. Develops many innovative products 4. Regular rep visits 5. Rep is extremely knowledgeable about recent advances in my specialty 6. Oriented towards doctors needs 7. Organizing scientific meeting and seminars 8. Rep understands how busy I am and always accommodates to my schedule 9. The company has internal rules and regulations that benefit health care professional and patients. 10. Provides credible and clear information about its products 11. Has documented clinical trials 12. Assisting in local clinical research & trials 13. Reasonable pricing of its products/ Value of money 14. Rep understands exactly how I treat different types of patients 15. Rep is always willing to depart from his presentation if I have a question or concern 16. The rep discusses the positives of their product compared to competitive drugs 17. Community and health care supporters (Sponsored for awareness/educational campaign). 18. Rep always remembers our discussion and makes it a point to follow up 19. Has promotional materials with credible information 20. Low turn over of its medical reps 21. Brand reminder give away gifts Leadership High Med Low Risk Brands Ranking Company related criteria Service related criteria Medical rep related criteria


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