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Eva Seidl und Birgit Simschitz, Innsbruck, April 2015

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1 Eva Seidl und Birgit Simschitz, Innsbruck, April 2015
treffpunkt sprachen Centre for Language, Plurilingualism and Didactics, University of Graz Head: Ms Daniela Unger-Ullmann Staff: 30, Lecturers: 62 Language Courses: 255, Participants: (2013/14) Language Courses for  students of all faculties  international students  university employees  university graduates  external participants Eva Seidl und Birgit Simschitz, Innsbruck, April 2015

2 Current Research Project (1)
Short term study abroad - needs and experiences How do international exchange students who attend a language course at treffpunkt sprachen experience their semester abroad in Graz? Project's aim: survey students' expectations and needs motivation and high and low points in short-term studies abroad Eva Seidl und Birgit Simschitz, Innsbruck, April 2015

3 Current Research Project (2)
Short term study abroad - needs and experiences Project‘s Focus: Central intercultural sources of conflict in university communication, such as the organization of studies (orientation at the university) teaching methods and learning styles (knowledge transfer and acquisition, academic culture, scientific culture) performance requirements (academic expectations and performance) communication and interaction (standards of conduct, role expectations) Eva Seidl und Birgit Simschitz, Innsbruck, April 2015

4 Eva Seidl und Birgit Simschitz, Innsbruck, April 2015
Eva Seidl und Birgit Simschitz, Innsbruck, April 2015

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