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Liberalization & Globalisation - Impact on working people

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1 Liberalization & Globalisation - Impact on working people
mnkjhdj.k vkSj oS’ohdj.k & Jfed turk ij ÁHkko 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

2 Who is a worker ? fdldks dkexkj dgsaxs\
Factory workers - QWDVjh et+nwj Municipal employees - E;qfufliy deZpkjh Government employees - ljdkjh deZpkkjh Farm laborers - [ksr et+nwj Contract labor - da=kVh dkexkj IT engineers- - vk;~- Vh- baftuh;lZ Call centre operators - dkWy lsaVj deZpkjh All type of Knowledge workers - Kku ds {ks= esa dke djusokys lc Employees in the field of education & health - f’k{kk vkSj LokLF; {ks= esa dke djusokys lc Kamwali bai - dkeokyh ckbZ Etc… - b- 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

3 vk/kqfudhdj.k dk dk;ZØe 1985 esa 'kq: gqvk
Liberalization & Privatization program - when did it start ? mnkjhdj.k vkSj futhdj.k dk dk;ZØe dc 'kq: gqvk\ Modernization drive started in ’85 vk/kqfudhdj.k dk dk;ZØe 1985 esa 'kq: gqvk LP as a policy for Globalization started in ’91. These are referred to as Economic reforms oS’ohdj.k ds fy, uhfr crkSj mnkjhdj.k vkSj futhdj.k 1991 esa 'kq: gqvkA budks vkfFkZd lq/kkj dgk tkrk gSaA Second wave of reforms in ‘02-’03 lq/kkjksa dk nwljk nkSj 2002 & 2003 esa Now the third wave. vc rhljh ygj Reforms in Hindi means “Sudhar”. Let us see what really happened. dgrs gSa lq/kkjA pfy;s] ns[ksa okdbZ esa D;k gqvkA 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

4 fgUnksLrkuh vFkZ O;oLFkk ij ÁHkko Lkekftd {ks= ij ÁHkko
Lessons from the experience of the last 20 – 25 years of this drive bl dk;ZØe dk fiNys 20 & 25 lkyksa dk vuqHko fgUnksLrkuh vFkZ O;oLFkk ij ÁHkko Impact on Indian economy Lkekftd {ks= ij ÁHkko Impact on Social sector Tkurakf=d vf/kdkjksa ij ÁHkko Impact on Democratic rights jktuSfrd lh[k Political learning **lq/kkj** fdlds fy,\ “Sudhar” for whom ? 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

5 “Sudhar” for whom ? **lq/kkj** fdlds fy,\ & 1
Indian industry has hugely benefited. In many sectors like cement, steel, two wheelers, plastics, etc, Indian companies now ranks among the 10 biggest of the world fgUnksLrkuh m|ksxksa dks cgqr Q+k;nk gqvk gSA lhesaV] Q+kSykn] Vw Oghyj] IyWfLVd] b- esa nqfu;k ds lc ls cM+h 10 dEifu;ksa esa fgUnksLrkuh dEifu;ksa dk uEcj gSA So have the Indian capitalists. Four biggest Indian capitalists now rank among 10 richest of the world fgUnksLrkuh iwathifr;ksa dks Hkh cgqr Q+k;nk gqvk gSA nqfu;k ds lc ls cM+s 10 iwathifr;ksa esa 4 fgUnksLrkuh iwathifr;ksa dk uEcj gSA 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

6 “Sudhar” for whom ? **lq/kkj** fdlds fy,\ & 2
Have the Indian consumers benefited ? D;k ns’k ds miHkksDrkvksa dks Q+k;nk gqvk\ Yes of course –Flush with Consumer products , big jump in housing industry th gak] miHkksx ds inkFkZ vklkkuh ls feyrs gSa] ?kj fuekZ.k m|ksx cgqr c<+k Big money for handful of farmers from sale of land to SEZ’s ls> ds fy, viuh t+ehu cspusokys pan fdlkuksads gkFkksa esa dkQ+h iSlk vk;k gSA How have working people fared ? dkedkt+h yksxksa dh ft+anxh D;k lq/kjh gS\ How have farmers fared ? D;k fdlkuksa dh ft+anxh lq/kjh gS\ Thus it is clear that huge majority of Indian people have lost a lot from these policies Li"V gS fd vf/kdak’k ns’kokfl;ksa dks bu uhfr;ksa ls uqdlku gqvk gSA 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

7 Impact on Indian economy - 1 fgUnksLrkukh vFkZO;oLFkk ij ÁHkko
fgUnksLrkuh vFkZO;oLFkk vc T++;knk ek=k esa fu;kZr ij fuHkZj cu x;h gSA Indian economy has become much more export oriented fgUnksLrku dk mRikn vkSj lsokvksa dk fons’kh O;kikj vc dqy ?kjsyw mRikn dk 45 % cu pqdk gSA International trade of India for products & services already accounts for 45 % of GDP. Rkks vc ge vkSjksa ds lkFk tqM+ x;s gSaA So we are no more insulated ;g vPNk gS ;k cqjk\ Good or bad ? fiNys lky us gh fn[kk fn;k gS fd mlds ifj.kke fdrus Hk;adj gSaA In the last one year itself it has given a glimpse of how devastating can it be 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

8 Impact on Indian economy-2 fgUnksLrkuh vFkZO;oLFkk ij ÁHkko
Service sector share has increased to around 60% now from 40% in lsok {ks= dk Áek.k] tks 1990&91 esa 40 % Fkk] vc c<+ dj 60 % cu x;k gSA Contribution of agriculture to GDP has reduced to around 20% now from 35% in dqy ?kjsyw mRikn esa Ñf"k {ks= dk ;ksxnku] tks 1990 & 91 esa 35 % Fkk] vc fxj dj 20 % jg x;k gSA Impact of all the above bl lc dk vlj & -Lowering of wages & osru esa fxjkoV -Increasing working hours & dke ds ?kaVksa esa csgn c<+r -Tremendous job insecurity & ukSdjh dh csgn vlqjf{krrk -Tuar dal hovering around Rs.100/ kg & rwj nky dk Hkko 100 #- fdyks 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

9 Impact on Social Sector - lkekftd {ks= ij ÁHkko
Education – Not our duty ! f’k{kk Ánku djuk & gekjh ft+Eesnkjh ugha! Public Health – Not our duty ! lkoZtfud LokLF; & gekjh ft+Eesnkjh ugha! Water supply – Not our duty ! ty forj.k & gekjh ft+Eesnkjh ugha! Electricity supply – Not our duty ! fctyh & gekjh ft+Eesnkjh ugha! PDS – Not our duty ! jk’ku O;oLFkk & gekjh ft+Eesnkjh ugha! Providing jobs – Not our duty ! ukSdfj;ak Ánku djuk & gekjh ft+Eesnkjh ugha! Then why is such a government needed ? fQj ,sls ljdkj dh t+:jr gh D;k\ 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

10 turakf=d vkSj VªsM ;wfu;u vf/kdkjksa ij ÁHkko Impact on Democratic & Trade Union Rights -1
Áfr g¶+rk 60 ?kaVs dke dks dkuwuu oS/krk pkfg, --- fdlds fy,\ 60 hour work week needs to be legalized …for whom? ls> esa VªsM ;wfu;u vf/kdkj ugha gksus pkfg, --- blls fdldks Q+k;nk\ In SEZ no TU rights …. who benefits? dEifu;ksa dks can djus ds igys ljdkj dh bt++kt+r ysuk vko’;d ugha gksuk pkfg, --- blls fdldks Q+k;nk\ It should not be mandatory to take prior permission of the government for closure of business establishment … who benefits? 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

11 turakf=d vkSj VªsM ;wfu;u vf/kdkjksa ij ÁHkko Impact on Democratic & Trade Union Rights -2
can] gM+rky] vke lHkkvksa ij cWu yxkuk pkfg, --- blls fdldks Q+k;nk\ Bandh , Strike , Public meetings need to be banned …. who benefits? Hkwfe vf/kxzg.k dkuwu cukuk csgn t++:jh gS --- fdlds Q+k;ns ds fy,\ Land acquisition act promulgation is a must … for whom? blh rjg] cM+h dfBukb;ksa ls ge us tks turakf=d] VªsM ;wfu;u vkSj ekuokf/kdkj thrs Fksa] mudks [kkfjt djus dh dksf’k’ks gks jgh gSa] rkfd cM+s m|ksx vkSj m|ksxirh Qys Qwysa! Thus our hard won basic democratic , TU & Human rights are sought to be nullified so that big business establishments can flourish ! 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

12 jktuSfd lh[k Political learning - 1
vk/kqfudhdj.k dk dk;ZØe 1985 ls tc 'kq: gqvk] rc ls ysdj vkt rd] fdruh dsUnz ljdkjs cny pqdh gSa\ Since ’85 when the modernization drive started till today, how many Central governments have changed ? fnYyh dh jktxÌh ij fdrus jktuSfd xBca/ku fojkteku gks pqds gSa\ How many political formations have come to power at the centre ? fQj bl ls ge D;k lh[k ldrs gSa\ So what is the learning ? ;gh fd 1985 ds ckn Hkys fdlh Hkh jktuSfd xBca/ku ds ikl lRrk D;wa u gks] mnkjhdj.k vkSj futhdj.k ds }kjk oS’ohdj.k dk dk;ZØe t+kjh gh j[kk x;kA No matter which Front came to power since 1985, the program of globalisation throguh liberalisation and privatisation was continued. 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

13 jktuSfrd lh[k & Political learning - 2
D;k mnkjhdj.k vkSj futhdj.k ds }kjk oS’ohdj.k dh uhfr;ksa ds f[+kykQ+ yksx yM+s ugha gSa\ Have not people fought against the policies of Globalisation through Liberalization & Privatization ? th gak] t+:j yM++s gSa] vkSj vkt Hkh yM+ jgs gSaA They have fought & even now are fighting D;k flQ+Z VªsM ;wfu;u ds la?k"kZ bu dks jksd ldrs gSa\ Will only Trade Union battles be sufficient to stop this juggernaut ? ugha! gfxZt++ ugha! No ! Definitely not ! mnkjhdj.k vkSj futhdj.k ds }kjk oS’ohdj.k] ;g fgUnksLrkuh iwathifr;ksa dk jktuSfrd dk;ZØe gSA Liberalization & Privatization is the political agenda of Indian Capitalists . ml ds f[+kykQ++ jktuSfrd yM+kbZ vko’;d gSA It has to be fought politically 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

14 jktuSfrd yM+kbZ dh pqukSfr;ak Challenges in the Political fight-1
dkedkt+h turk dks ,dtqV djuk] ;gh lc ls cM+h pqukSrh gS & Uniting the working people is the biggest challenge – & /keZ ds vk/kkj ij QwV -Division on the basis of Religion & tkfr ds vk/kkj ij QwV -Division on the basis of Caste & Áns’k vkSj Hkk"kk ds vk/kkj ij QwV -Division on the basis of region & language & laxBu vkSj jktuSfrd lHkklnRo ds vk/kkj ij QwV -Division on the basis of organizations & political affiliation. 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

15 jktuSfrd yM+kbZ dh pqukSfr;ak Challenges in the Political fight-2
**dke djusokys lc ,d gSa!** & bu QwV M+kyusokyh uhfr;ksa ds f[+kykQ+ yM+us ds fy, ;gh ,deso tokc gks ldrk gSA “All Working People Are One!” can be the only answer to fight these divisive tactics. 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

16 jktuSfrd yM+kbZ dh pqukSfr;ak Challenges in the Political fight - 3
nwljh cgqr egRoiw.kZ pqukSrh gS vius ns’k dks ladV ls fudkyus ds fy, ,d oSdfYid dk;ZØe dks fodflr djuk Developing an alternative program to take our country out of the crisis is the other major challenge. cM+s cM+s iwathifr;ksa dk fgrj{k.k djuk & ;g bl dk;ZØe dk mÌs’k ugha gks ldrk! Aim of the program can not be – - to take care of the interests of the money bags ! 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

17 jktuSfrd yM+kbZ dh pqukSfr;ak Challenges in the Political fight - 4
fgUnksLrku dh dkedkt+h turk dk fgr j{k.k djuk & ;gh bl dk;ZØe dk edln gksuk pkfg,! Aim of the program will have to be – - to take care of the interests of working people of India. - vius ns’k esa dke djusokys gh rks cM+h cgqla[;k esa gSaA -It is the working people who constitute a huge majority of our population. - ns’k dk fgr j{k.k gks jgk gS] ,slk ge rHkh cksy ldsaxs tc muds fgrksa dk j{k.k gks! -Only if their interests are protected we can say that Country’s interests are being protected ! 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

18 fgUnksLrku ds uofuekZ.k dk dk;ZØe Program for renewal of India - 1
mnkjhdj.k vkSj futhdj.k ds }kjk oS’ohdj.k ds uhfr;ksa ds f[+kykQ+ fcu le>kSrs dk la?k"kZ Uncompromising struggle against the policies of globalisation through liberalisation and privtisation ewyHkwr ekkuokf/kdkj vkSj turakf=d vf/kdkjksa dks dqpyus ds f[+kykQ+ fcu le>kSrs dk la?k"kZ Uncompromising struggle against suppression of basic Human Rights and Democratic Rights. 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

19 fgUnksLrku ds uofuekZ.k dk dk;ZØe Program for renewal of India - 2
dbZ rRdkyhu eakxsa bl Ádkj dh gks ldrh gSa & Certain immediate demands can be – & dt+Z pqdkus ij jksd -Moratorium on debt payment & 'kL=kL= vkSj l’kL= cyksa ds Åij tks [kpkZ gksrk gS] ml esa cM++h dVkSfr -reducing drastically expenses on arms & armed forces. & mlls tks iSlk cprk gS] og lc ds fy, f’k{kk vkSj lc ds fy, LokLF; Ánku djus ds fy, vkSj Ñf"k {ks= esa fuos’k ds fy, bLrseky djuk pkfg,! -Money saved by the above to be utilized for Education for All & Health for All , investments in agricultural sector ! 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

20 fgUnksLrku ds uofuekZ.k dk dk;ZØe & 3 Program for renewal of India - 3
& ,d lkoZf=d jk’ku O;oLFkk -A universal PDS. & gj ,d dke djusokys O;fDr dks flQ+Z+ 48 ?kaVksa dh M~;wVh dh lhek nqckjk LFkkfir gksuh pkfg, --- -Restoration of 48 hour work day for every working person… gesa fny ls ,slk fo’okl gS fd fgUnksLrku ds ge dke djusokys yksx] tks vius ns’k dh lkjh laifRr dk fuekZ.k djrs gSa+] ge esa bl Ádkj dk dk;ZØe fodflr djus dh {kerk gSA We sincerely believe that we the working people of India , who produce all the wealth of our nation are capable of developing such a program ! Rkks fQj pfy,] ,sls dk;ZØe dks fodflr djus esa viuk viuk ;ksxnku nsa! So let us all contribute in developing such a program! 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

21 Kamgar Ekta Chalwal-1 dkexkj ,drk pGoG
dkexkj ,drk pGoG ;g ,d VªsM ;wfu;u ugha gSA KEC is not a Trade Union. vius ns’k ds dkedkt+h yksxksa ds gkFkksa esa lRrk ykus ds mÌs’; ls mudh jktuSfrd ,drk cukus ds fy, laxBu gSA It is an organization to build the political unity of working people of our country with the aim to empower them. 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

22 Kamgar Ekta Chalwal-2 dkexkj ,drk pGoG
;g laxBu gS & It is an organization – dkedkt++h yksxksa dk! Of the working people ! dkedkt+h yksxksa ds fy,! For the working people ! dkedkt+h yksxksa us cuk;k gqvk!+ By the working people ! 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

23 /kU;okn! Thank you! 2 Aug 2009 LRS, KEC, TISS Symposium

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