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NCERT and Eklavya books

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2 NCERT and Eklavya books
- an alternetive way of presenting

3 Current textbooks Indian agriculture was backward Irrigration project
Green revolution to modernize farming and make it profitable High yielding varieties of seeds Loans available Government banks and others

4 Why do we need to discuss agriculture
We need to understand food production, distribution We are connected to the environment and environment determines food availability Livelihoods of many people We need to see how policy has changed and how it impacts lives

5 Then and now We will look at this picture

6 Historical policy British policies
Cotton, indigo, poppy seed cultivation How zamindars became ”owners” famine in Bengal in 1943 crops were exported Restrictions on transport Abolition of zamindari system (Page 5,6 - Ch-1) Large investments in irrigation Graphical data, mapping irrigated regions The idea behind the Green Revolution (Page 8,9)

7 After the green revolution
High yielding seeds Requiring large inputs Large farmers made lot of money Mechanization and size of farmholding affected demand for farm workers Effects of Green Revolution Fertilizer input Groundwater shortage Seed diversity (see the PDFs)

8 Current conditions Padmamma's story Page 2 of Ch 2 Current policy
Reduced government support Trade is allowed Corporations (companies) play a role now Page 6 of Ch 2 Revival of traditional crops

9 Outcomes (idea, skill, knowledge)
Agriculture was a way of life It became a livelihood Source of revenue (for zamindars) delinked from the crops Crops were meant for foreign users Food ”aid” was a way of making countries dependent Why green revolution But agriculture is not only yields Seed diversity

10 Outcomes (idea, skill, knowledge)
Economic conditions Small farmers suffer Large farmers do well Agriculture influences environment Community and traditional knowledge are important Analyzing economic facts and figures Mapping land (crop) use Building community awareness

11 Connecting to the local
Local landlords and large farmers What crops are grown? How have they changed from 20, 30, 40, 50 years? How may people farm? Do they own land? Are they landless? Sources of income Do we need to make any changes?

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