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Universal Design in Online Learning: From Principles to Practice

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1 Universal Design in Online Learning: From Principles to Practice
Sheryl Burgstahler, University of Washington Academic Services, UW-IT

2 Two UW Centers: Access Technology Center (ATC) DO-IT Center
Founded 1984 Funded by UW DO-IT Center Founded1992 Supported with federal, state, corporate, private funds Expanded to DO-IT Japan, 2007

3 Ultimate goal: To improve academic & career outcomes for all students, including those with disabilities

4 Universal Design in Higher Education: From Principles to Practice
Harvard Education Press See Chapters for content related to online learning to join our UDHE CoP

5 Presentation outline Approaches to access
Universal design (UD) & its applications in educational settings Applications of UD relevant to online & hybrid courses Issues with respect to Canvas Resources

6 People face challenges related to:
Socioeconomic status Race Culture Gender Age Veteran status Ability

7 Ability on a continuum see hear walk read print write with pen or pencil communicate verbally tune out distraction learn manage physical/mental health

8 Differences in Education Legislation
K-12: Every child is offered a free, appropriate education in as integrated setting as possible Postsecondary: Students must meet the entrance/course/ graduation requirements with or without reasonable accommodations that they must request

9 Evolution of access approaches: • Exclusion • Medical, functional limitations focus: cure, rehabilitate, accommodate • Social justice & universal design

10 Accommodation = Alternate format, service, &/or adjustment for a
specific individual

11 “Coffeepot for Masochists”, Catalog of Unfindable Objects by Jacques Carelman; in Donald Norman’s The Psychology of Everyday Things, 1988

12 Universal design = “the design of products & environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.” The Center for Universal Design

13 UD can be applied to: Student services Technology Physical spaces Instruction

14 Universal Design of Instruction (UDI)

15 ...promotes curriculum with multiple means of:
representation expression engagement UDL, Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)

16 Apply UDI to: overall design of instruction
specific teaching techniques (e.g., lectures, large- & small-group discussions, video presentations, online instruction) choice of course content (e.g., include UD/disability content)

17 Examples of UDI practices:
Welcome students by name. Avoid stigmatizing a student by drawing undue attention to a difference. Use large, bold fonts with high contrast on uncluttered overhead displays & speak aloud all content. Provide multiple ways to gain & demonstrate knowledge, using multiple senses. 17

18 Examples of UDI practices:
Avoid unnecessary jargon; define terms. Provide scaffolding tools (e.g., outline). Provide materials in accessible formats. Provide corrective opportunities. Test in same manner in which you teach. Minimize time constraints as appropriate. Know how to arrange for accommodations.

19 Good teaching is good teaching.

20 UD of IT

21 UW Accessible IT Task Force
Enhancement of online resources Accessible Technology at the UW Promotion of accessible IT Exploration of policies & processes

22 Universally-designed Video
Address multiple audiences in design Film with captions in mind Large, clear captions Searchable captions Design so that key content is spoken as well as visually presented Content clearly organized Audio-described version available Examples:

23 Beneficiaries include people who:
are unable to hear the audio are unable to see the video are unable to use a mouse are limited in English skills do not speak English are in a noisy/noiseless location have slow Internet connections need to find content quickly

24 Problem Solution (AT) access to electronic resources universal design
access to computers access to electronic resources assistive technology (AT) universal design

25 Bachelors Degree Computer Science
Nicole Torcolini Bachelors Degree Computer Science Stanford Google speech output Braille translation software Braille display & printer

26 Professor, Seoul National University
Sang-Mook Lee, Ph.D. Geoscience Professor, Seoul National University sip & puff, head controls onscreen keyboard English speech input phone-computer interface

27 Business Analyst
Jessie Shulman BA, Informatics Business Analyst speech output speech input grammar/spell checker

28 Universally-designed website is:
Perceivable Operable Understandable Robust World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) WCAG 2.0

29 Accessible website uses:
Standard HTML Alternative text for images Simple backgrounds Appropriate color schemes & contrast Descriptive link text Techniques that do not rely on mouse

30 Test a Web Page for Accessibility
Turn off graphics Turn off sound Use only keyboard Use accessibility checker tools (e.g., SiteImprove)

31 Accessible design of online learning issues:
Guidelines/standards to adopt Policies & procedures that promote accessible design Use of content management systems that facilitate the creation of accessible courses Professional development of faculty & online course designers

32 UD on a continuum Materials on website, in accessible formats
Materials on website as scanned-in PDFs All materials in printed form

33 UD – know it when you see it:
…at “skateboard park”

34 Issues regarding Canvas:
Instructure (company that produces Canvas) is not required by law to make an accessible product, but the UW is required to make its courses accessible to all students (& faculty!) Instructure staff listen & care about meeting customer's needs; UW-IT staff is working closely with them on accessibility issues

35 To design accessible courses in Canvas you can:
Use headings Add alternate text to images Caption videos Upload accessible course materials Ask questions about accessibility before selecting other features or tools Consultant: Terry Thompson,

36 + Send email to to join our UDHE CoP
Online resources: Real Connections: Making DL Accessible to Everyone World Wide Access: Accessible Web Design Equal Access: Universal Design of Distance Learning AccessDL Accessible Technology at the UW + Send to to join our UDHE CoP

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