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Customer Service or Customer Experience?

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Presentation on theme: "Customer Service or Customer Experience?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Customer Service or Customer Experience?
June 22, 2016 Welcome MWCCA!


3 What is Customer Service?
cus·tom·er serv·ice - noun noun: customer service; plural noun: customer services the assistance and advice provided by a company to those people who buy or use its products or services.

4 Customer Service Truths
A good Customer Service experience is shared about 33% of the time A bad Customer Service experience is shared about 55% of the time It is 6-7 times more costly to attract a new customer than it is to retain an existing customer.   U.S. brands are losing approximately $41 billion each year due to poor customer service. How often do you share a good CS experience? Avtex – good experience story – vendors, it’s not the big things it’s the little things Bad experience – Share at your table

5 Customer Service Myths
Customer Service is a touchy feely experience Customer Service means doing everything the customer wants Customer Service is just for Call Centers and Retail stores Customer Service is the same for every customer Customer Service is only for external customers

6 What is Customer Experience?
Customer Experience (CX) - is the product of an interaction between an organization and a customer over the duration of their relationship. This interaction includes a customer's attraction, awareness, discovery, cultivation, advocacy and purchase and use of a service. “The Customer Experience is the next competitive battleground” - Jerry Gregoir – CIO Dell

7 What is Client/Customer Experience at PCI?
Everything a Client or Customer feels, sees, hears and experiences when they come in contact with ANY person or process at PCI. It is the SUM total of all their experiences with Preferred Credit.

8 Why does it matter at PCI?
What matters about Customer Service and Customer Experience here at PCI? It’s in our Mission Statement It’s how we retain customers “We don’t sell anything tangible, there has to be a reason they choose us” – Greg Windfeldt It’s how we gain customers It’s our Special Sauce It’s got to be a part of our culture BUT: If we become more and more technology based does Customer Service still matter?

9 Client Service Operations
Purpose Statement: We serve Clients, by buying the right contracts at the right price, processing them effectively and efficiently, building relationships and anticipating Client needs, in order to help them build their business. By doing this we help our organization achieve its mission and drive PCI’s economic model through increased contracts with higher margin and sustained growth. Vision: Client Services strive to provide effective, efficient experience with excellence.

10 How to be a Customer Service Leader
Leadership IS service Remember it’s the little things Share experiences Constantly try to improve Be aware ALL roles at PCI are service/experience based Understand it’s the CORE of the Gene Windfeldt philosophy Believe in it It’s ultimately maintained and earned with TRUST

11 Questions? Thank you!

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