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Reference Document Document de référence

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1 Reference Document Document de référence
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat  © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. This information is released under an Open Government Licence - Canada.  Disclaimer: This resource has been deemed to have business value but is not an official publication of the Government of Canada. It is provided in the original language and format in which it was created.    Document de référence Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor du Canada © Sa Majesté la Reine du chef du Canada. Les présents renseignements sont communiqués selon les termes de la Licence du gouvernement ouvert — Canada.  Avis de non-responsabilité: On a jugé que les présents renseignements possèdent une valeur opérationnelle, mais il est possible qu’ils soient inexacts car ils sont périmés. Ils sont fournis dans la langue originale et le format dans lesquels ils ont été créés. Open Government Canada Gouvernement ouvert Canada

2 Jordan Zed, Director, Open Government, TBS
Introduction to Open Government June 21, 2017 – Presentation to the Department of Justice Jordan Zed, Director, Open Government, TBS

3 What is Open Government?
Open Government is about greater openness and accountability, strengthening democracy and citizen participation, and driving innovation and economic opportunities for all Canadians A key Government of Canada priority A recognized international undertaking An opportunity for public servants to more effectively deliver the programs and services Canadians want and expect

4 Ministerial Mandate Letters
A key Government of Canada priority Ministerial Mandate Letters: “We have also committed to set a higher bar for openness and transparency in government” Prime Minister of Canada “Government and its information must be open by default. Simply put, it is time to shine more light on government to make sure it remains focused on the people it was created to serve – Canadians." – Right Honourable Justin Trudeau Ministerial Mandate Letters 2016 Federal Budget

5 An international movement
The Open Government Partnership (OGP), founded in 2011, is a multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to: Promote transparency Empower citizens Fight corruption Harness new technologies to strengthen governance Canada joined in 2012 75 member countries today Canada elected to the OGP Steering Committee – a 3-year term which begins in October 2017 5

6 Support for Innovation
Canada’s Third Biennial Plan to the OGP The Third Biennial Plan to the OGP consists of 22 commitments organized under 4 themes: Open by Default Fiscal Transparency Support for Innovation Engaging Canadians Ensuring citizens are equipped to participate in our democracy Unleashing innovation and advancing sustainable development through data and information Enabling citizens to better understand how their tax dollars are spent Sharing government information and data wherever feasible

7 Open Government Partnership
Elements of Open Government Open Government Partnership Open Government Plans Open data Open source Open maps Open access Open information Open dialogue Open licence Open by design Open budgets Open science Open standards Open state Open policy Open contracting Open heritage Open parliaments Open education

8 Important Federal Initiatives
1. Directive on Open Government Took effect on October 9, 2014 Aims to maximize the release of non-sensitive information and data Key requirements include releasing data under an open licence, in accessible formats, and creating data inventories 2. Open Government Portal One stop shop for information on open government Structured along 3 themes: Open Data; Open Dialogue; and Open Information Key Open Information elements: Access to Information Proactive Disclosure Expenditure Management

9 Open Government Across Canada
Canada and Alberta co-chair a FPT working group on Open Government as part of the Third Biennial Plan to the OGP Many open government activities at the municipal level GC is developing a DIY Toolkit for Open Data in municipalities to spur more uptake Fifth Canadian Open Data Summit held in June in Edmonton, AB

10 Open Government and the Department of Justice
Supporting TBS in modernizing the Access to Information Act (Commitment #1 of Canada’s Third Biennial Plan) Releasing data through the portal Collaborating through TBS-led working groups Advance OECD’s Open State concept in Canada Integrating open government principles into democratic institutions (e.g., judiciary) - Dialogue Coordination - Sharing info between actors Legislative Citizens Civil Society Businesses Academia Tracking Progress Open Gov Executive Data inventory Total datasets: 70 Released datasets: 20 Judiciary Local Gov

11 Current Initiatives Evaluation – Self-Assessment Review of Canada’s Third Biennial Plan Portal Refresh – Enhance the usability of Open By Default – Pilot to give Canadians a behind the curtain look to non-sensitive information and data Collaborate Begin consultations on Canada’s 4th Action Plan to the OGP Targeting Fall 2017 Establish a permanent civil society dialogue mechanism

12 Opportunities for Public Servants
Target Outcomes Open data and information help government deliver programs and services that Canadians need and expect Canadians have the tools to trust GC and hold it accountable Leverage open data and information → Release open data and info! Explore the portal! Align organizational initiatives with open government → Identify opportunities to champion open by default Expand public participation in decision-making → Leverage your assets to build partnerships & consider where citizen engagement adds value Pursue open government learning opportunities → Open government = enterprise-wide commitment OG offers numerous benefits to public servants (e.g., enhancing innovation, effectiveness) Benefits of OG span many areas, as reflected in OECD’s December 2016 report entitled Open Government: The Global Context and the Way Forward. Potential benefits from OECD: Ensuring better outcomes at less cost; Raising compliance levels; and, Establishing greater trust in government. Leverage open data and information Explore the Portal and consider how you can use it to generate insights and inform decisions Align organizational initiatives with open government Challenge traditional ways of working and actively locate opportunities for integrating openness into day-to-day business Expand public participation in decision-making Broadening range of people we engage, expanding public engagement across GC domains and engaging earlier Pursue open government learning opportunities. TBS is leading on OG skills across GoC and we are creating a diverse range of learning solutions as per Commitment 6 of the 3rd Biennial Plan Through skills development and enterprise-wide engagement, public servants will : Armchair Discussion with CSPS on April 12, 2017, from 1:30 to 3:00 pm National Policy Conference on March which has a webcast option Online OG module with GovLab; and Video series

13 How do I stay connected? Connect with your Justice Open Government coordinator: Visit and sign up for our mailer, and us Join us on social media, tweet with #OpenGovCan and follow or on GC Tools (GCpedia, GCconnex and GCcollab).

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