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Aaronic Priesthood and LDS Scouting
Bishops Roundtable Session 2 February 2017
What is the Purpose of Scouting?
What is the Purpose of Scouting?
For a boy to earn his Eagle Scout Award?
What is the Purpose of Scouting?
X No. That is NOT the main purpose of Scouting.
What is the Purpose of Scouting?
The Eagle Scout Award could be an outcome, but it is so much more about helping the young men and boys develop traits and skills that will help them be successful in society and their families – now and future. Mental and Physical Health Character Development Citizenship Training
Character Development Citizenship Training Mental and Physical Fitness
Aims of Scouting Character Development Citizenship Training Mental and Physical Fitness
Scout Law Trustworthy Loyal Helpful Friendly Courteous Kind Obedient
Cheerful Thrifty Brave Clean Reverent
Scout Oath On my honor I will do my best
to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
“If ever there were a time when the principles of Scouting were vitally needed—that time is now.” President Monson, 1991 “Scouting brings out the best in each of us … You’ve learned much from Scouting. Live what you’ve learned and will continue to learn … You are part of a mighty army of youth, even a royal army, and every organization, to be successful, has an honored tradition to uphold. May you uphold Scouting’s tradition, for it can be as a lighthouse beacon in the world of stormy seas, it can be a motivation to prepare for your role in life, it can be a yardstick against which you measure your accomplishments.” President Monson, 2010
What is the Purpose of Scouting in the LDS Church?
Support the Purposes of the Aaronic Priesthood (Our charge is to provide the experiences such that he will …) Become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ and live its teachings. Serve faithfully in priesthood callings and fulfill the responsibilities of priesthood offices. Give meaningful service. Prepare and live worthily to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood and temple ordinances. Prepare to serve an honorable full-time mission. Obtain as much education as possible. Prepare to become a worthy husband and father. Give proper respect to women girls and children. It’s all about what we’d like to see our young men become. Review the mission of the Aaronic Priesthood. This evening we’re going to learn how Venturing methods work quietly in the background helping young men become what the Lord would have them become.
“[Scouting] is a wonderful tool to help build and strengthen core values in the lives of young men. It is critical that we do not become overly program driven. The main thing is not to forget the main thing. What is the main thing? Instilling values into young men that will guide them to make wise and ethical choices throughout their lives; strengthening the family, and developing a testimony of Jesus Christ and His divine mission. These three things are the main thing, and we should never loose sight of that. If we do it is the equivalent of looking beyond the mark.” Elder Donald Keyes, formerly of the Seventy Elder Donald Keys served the Trapper Trails Council as the first point of contact with the LDS Church several years back. In June of 2006 he made the comment recorded above. He cautioned not to lose sight of the main thing, and then defines what the main thing is.
Remember the Purpose … Come unto Christ, and… be perfected in him …
God’s Purpose – Moses 1:39 Church’s Purpose Family Purpose Quorum Purpose Scouting Purpose … Come unto Christ, and… be perfected in him … Moroni 10:32 “The main thing is not to forget the main thing … Instilling values … strengthening the family … developing a testimony of Jesus Christ and His divine mission.” - Elder Donald Keyes, formerly of the Seventy
If your young men and YM advisers and are not including the Scouting programs in their weekly and yearly planning, what are they using? What are the purposes of their “program”?
Scouting programs (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity, Venturing) have detailed and organized programs and materials that have been developed with LDS influence They are based off proven experience and results It should be “easier” for an adult adviser to use the developed programs and materials rather than to try to create his own program
Varsity Program 5 Fields of Emphasis – Balanced Program
Advancement in Scouting High Adventure/Sports Personal Development Service Special Programs and Events
Varsity Program High Adventure & Sports
Backpacking Canoe Camping Caving Cross-Country Skiing Cycling Discovering America Fishing Freestyle Biking Frontiersman Mechanics Operation On-Target Orienteering Rock Climbing and Rappelling Roller Hockey Shooting Sports Snow Camping Survival Swimming Waterskiing Whitewater Canoeing Basketball Bowling Soccer Softball Tennis Triathlon Volleyball
Venturing Program Adventure Leadership / Mentoring Personal Development/Growth Service / Social Adult Association Ideals Group Identity Venturing Ideals: Know and live by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Promise to be faithful in religious duties, treasure their American heritage, help others, and seek truth and fairness.
Extending Callings and Providing Expectations
See Handout When a calling is extended, provide expectations and resources Testimony, Training, Time, Tenure Support – Committees Program expectation – Journey To Excellence
Getting Started (if not already working well)
Step 1: Train the Quorum Presidency
Bishop and Advisers set up a Quorum Presidency Meeting Give expectations and job descriptions for each presidency member Teach the purpose and format for quorum presidency meetings Establish a regular quorum presidency meeting schedule and agenda/format Establish a regular format and guideline for weekly Mutual program
Step 1A-1: Expectations and Job Descriptions
The boys are the LEADERS of the quorum (along with the Bishop in the Priest quorum) The other adults are “advisers.” Don’t take the leadership role away from the boys. Weekly Presidency Meeting. Specific roles and responsibilities. Ideally these are explained and given to the Priest/Teacher/Deacon when he is called by the Bishopric to be a quorum leader. More ….
PLAN WITH PURPOSE – Priest Quorum Example !
First Week Second Week Third Week Fourth Week Fifth Week PLAN WITH PURPOSE – Priest Quorum Example ! Ethics in Action Ethics Forums Ethical Controversies Quorum Presidency Quorum Code of Conduct Adventure Ranger Award Requirements Quest Award Requirements High Adventure Summer & Winter Activities Church & BSA Sports Rappelling Scuba Ice climbing Snowmobiling Leadership / Mentoring Visit collegiate campuses Produce a resume’ Career nights from PCI How to interview well Leadership Skills Courses Personal Growth/Duty to God Missionary splits Cooking classes Cultural Exchanges Preach My Gospel TRUST Award Requirements Service/Social Possible assignments for committees responsible for the quorum’s [crew’s] activities for a typical month. In the BSA, Venturing Crews are co-ed. The local council would have no difficulty, however, in inviting girls to Venturing activities using BSA properties. Three Venturing awards are mentioned here in passing: The Ranger, Quest, and the Trust Award. They have remained fro the old program. New to Venturing are STEM awards. Teach the Venturing method known as Ethical Controversy and suggest it as a possible 5th week activity. Note the powerful influence of Ethics Forums within this group. These forums can be used to promote Priesthood purposes. Examples follow. Learn to dance Teach the Laurels to repel Organize a blood drive Clean up a park or playground
Step 2: Train the Quorum Members (and Parents)
Weekly, Monthly, and Year Program Quorum member participation Activity Interest Survey/Program Capability Survey Parent’s meetings and Committee Duty To God Program Sunday/Weekly Expectations Father/Son Overnighter Activity Program Key Features (Priest/Venturing example below) ALPS Leadership Skills Course Ethical Controversies Kodiak
Step 3: Endure to the End Don’t forget the Purpose Dig into the full training resources and program details Tweak, modify, and expand as needed to fulfill the purposes Use the Church identified programs and expectations. It could take several months or even a year until old traditions are overcome and boys and leaders see the value of programs the Church has identified for our young men. D&C 82:10 “I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say ….”
Comments, Questions, Feedback
Was this helpful? Should we have more of these Bishop specific break-outs in the future?
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