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Surviving Your First Year Teaching: Managing Your Classroom Budget

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1 Surviving Your First Year Teaching: Managing Your Classroom Budget
Amanda Holland, Carmen Pedersen, Kristie Storms, Veronica Suarez, & Nadia Berleth Texas Tech University, FCSE Doctoral Students

2 First Things First . . . . Make an actual budget.
Ask experienced teachers. Know your district’s policies.

3 Perkins Funding The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) is a principal source of federal funding to states and discretionary grantees for the improvement of secondary and postsecondary CTE programs across the nation. State and local decision Stay up to date with legislation Contact policymakers and advocate Legislation is probably going to change soon Policy Watch

4 Labs Develop and save grocery lists of items needed for each lab. Include the costs each time you purchase to help you make a budget. Find resources that help you plan on a budget. Make a copy of your receipts. Enforce proper measuring, but buy a little more than you need. Price items out and keep copies of receipts to be able to estimate how much the lab may cost next time.

5 Labs Use lab ingredients that are applicable for multiple labs.
Buy in bulk. It’s ok if all students prepare the same foods. Require that your students compute the amounts of ingredients required. (math skills) Use best practices- in season produce, sales, price per ounce, etc.

6 Classroom Supplies Ask parents and students to donate.
Teach students how you expect them to treat classroom supplies. Use reusable resources when possible.

7 Collecting Monies Find a receipt system that works for you.
Envelope system Collection days/times Get help from students or colleagues Back-up/Plan B- What do you do when you have a sub? Follow your district’s policy. Dictate to you sub what is expected.

8 Mileage Track your mileage. Pictures Excel Notes

9 Other Incentives do not have to cost money.
Be prepared: students will ask for food. Keep personal receipts for tax purposes.

10 Personal Find deals and discounts. Phone Clothing Technology
Entertainment Travel Etc. Try couponing.

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