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7 Steps to becoming a Network Marketing Professional

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Presentation on theme: "7 Steps to becoming a Network Marketing Professional"— Presentation transcript:

1 7 Steps to becoming a Network Marketing Professional
GO PRO 7 Steps to becoming a Network Marketing Professional

2 The Perfect Career No Boss No commute No alarm clock No employees
No Politics No compromises No discrimination No educational requirements

3 The Perfect Career Something positive Personal growth
Great product or service Economy proof Unlimited income potential Tax benefits Residual income Fun Time freedom Lots of Perks Something meaningful Low Risk

4 Categories of Jobs Category Responsibilities ROI Blue-Collar Careers
Manual Labor Rewarding with limits White-Collar Careers Professional/Managerial Achiever or Hider Sales Careers Production Based Daily reset to $0 Traditional Business Ownership All things to everyone Investment Risks Investing Working capital/Knowledge Potential loss of control

5 Past 100 Year Economy Go to school to become employee
Find a company that will employ you Work for that company for 40 years Retirement

6 New Economy Go to school to become employee
Find a company that will employ you Switch companies every 3 to 5 years Continue to work past 40 years to retire

7 What’s Changed? Exponential rise of technology
Technology drives efficiencies Efficiency is good for company bottom line Results in fewer jobs

8 Company Options Pay for ever changing advertising
Hire, train and maintain expensive sales force Utilize Network Marketing

9 Company Benefits of Network Marketing
Provide corporate support Pay on purely performance basis “Word of Mouth” is best advertising method

10 Benefits of Network Marketing to You
Business ownership without traditional risks No cap on income Control your own destiny

11 Get Paid BIG Money Companies will pay unlimited amounts to people who can: Help blind people see Educate the ignorant Build community of like-minded people

12 Network Marketers Posers Amateurs Professionals

13 Poser Network Marketers
Treat profession like a Lottery Ticket Hoping to hit it big with little effort as possible

14 Amateur Network Marketers
Luck of finding that winning distributor Timing of entry to company Positioning within the organization Shortcuts, angles and gimmicks

15 Professional Network Marketers
Stop focusing on: luck, timing, positioning and shortcuts Be Passionate and Focus on Skills

16 Primary Elements to Business
Learn Company products and offerings Learn Compensation Plan Understand YOU are the only variable Take full responsibility for your business Do not blame your upline

17 Necessary Skills of Network Marketing
Finding Prospects Inviting Prospects Presenting the opportunity Following up with your Prospects Helping your Prospects become Affiliates Helping new Affiliates get started right Promoting events

18 Skill #1 Finding Prospects
Understand finding prospects is a core skill Create Active Candidate List Comprehensive as possible Include friends and family associates Constantly expand the list Network on purpose. Make it fun!

19 Skill #2 Inviting Prospects
The most critical “gateway” skill Educate people, don’t recruit them Invite people to review DVD or website Invite people to 3-way call or event Your ability to get a large group of people to consistently do a few simple things over an extended period of time.

20 Emotions of Inviting Rule Number One Rule Number Two Rule Number Three
Emotionally detach yourself from the outcome Rule Number Two Be yourself Rule Number Three Bring some passion Rule Number Four Have a strong posture

21 8 Steps of Inviting Be in a hurry Compliment the prospect
Make the invitation If I, would you? Confirmation #1 – Get time commitment Confirmation #2 – Confirm time commitment Confirmation #3 – Schedule next call Get off the phone

22 Step #1 Be in a Hurry Warm Prospect Cold Prospect
“I don’t have a lot of time to talk, but it was really important I reach you” “I have a million things going on but I am glad I caught you” “I’m running out the door, but I needed to talk to you real quick” Cold Prospect “Now isn’t the time to get into this and I have to go, but…” “I have to run, but…”

23 Step #2 Compliment the Prospect
Warm Prospect “You’ve been very successful and I’ve always respected the way you’ve done business” “You’ve always been supportive of me and I appreciate that so much.” “You have an amazing mind for business and can see things others can’t see.” “For as long as I’ve known you, I’ve thought you were the best at what you do.” Cold Prospect “You’ve given me some of the best service I’ve ever received” “You are super sharp. Can I ask you what you do for a living?” “You made this a fantastic experience.”

24 Step #3 Make the Invitation
One size does NOT fit all Direct Approach The Indirect Approach The Super Indirect Approach

25 Step #3 Direct Approach Warm Prospect Cold Prospect
“I think I found a way we could really boost our cash flow.” “When I thought of people who could make an absolute fortune with a business I found, I thought of you.” “Are you still looking for a job? I found a way for both of us to start a great business without all the risks.” Cold Prospect “Have you ever thought of diversifying your income?” “Do you keep your career options open?” “Do you plan on doing what you’re doing now for the rest of your career?”

26 Step #3 Indirect Approach
Warm Prospect “I’ve just started a new business and I’m really nervous. Before I get going I need to practice on someone friendly. Would you mind if I practiced on you?” “I found a business I’m really excited about, but what do I know? You have so much experience. Would you look at it for me if I made it easy on you and let me know if you think I am making the right move?” “A friend told me the best thing I could do when starting a business is to have people I respect take a look and give some guidance. Would you be willing to do that for me if I made it simple?” Cold Prospect “My company is expanding in your area. Would you do me a favor and take a look at it and let know if you think it would work where you live?” “I’ve started a business with a product I think makes a lot of sense, but I’d I like to get your input. Would you be willing to check it out and give me your opinion?”

27 Step #3 Super Indirect Approach
Warm and Cold Prospects “The business I’m in clearly isn’t for you, but I wanted to ask, who do you know that’s ambitious, money-motivated, and would be excited about the idea of adding more cash flow to their lives?” “Who do you know that might be looking for a strong business they could run from their home?” “Who do you know that has hit a wall with their business and might be looking for a way to diversify their income?” “I work with a company that’s expanding in this area and I’m looking for some sharp people that might be interested in some additional cash flow. Do you know anyone that might fit that description?” When they ask for more information, tell them: “That makes sense. You’ll want to know more about if before you refer some of your contacts.”

28 Step #4 If I, Would You? “If I gave you a DVD, would you watch it?”
“If I gave you a link to a website with a complete presentation, would you check it out?” “If I invited you to a special invitation-only conference call, would you listen in?”

29 Step #5 Confirmation #1 Get the time commitment
“When do you think you could watch the DVD for sure?” When do you think you could watch the link from the website for sure?” Don’t suggest a time for them. If they are vague, “I don’t want to waist your time or mine, so why don’t we just lock in a time when you’ll see it for sure?”

30 Step #6 Confirmation #2 Confirm the time commitment
If they say they will watch or view or, whatever, then follow up by asking if you call later that day or the next, they will have seen it for sure?

31 Step #7 Confirmation #3 Schedule the next call
What’s the best number and time for me to call?

32 Step #8 Get Off The Phone Remember you were in a hurry, right?
Tell them “Great, we’ll talk then. Gotta run!”

33 Skill #3 Presentation Do not make yourself the issue because you are not the issue! Act as the consultant that connects the prospects to the tools, events and other distributors to help them become educated. Make passion, enthusiasm, excitement and belief your priority. In Network Marketing, it doesn’t matter what works. It only atters what duplicates.

34 Skill #3 Presentation Craft your story
Your background What you didn’t like about your background How Network Marketing came to the rescue Your results, or how you feel about the future Master the opportunity presentation Learn different training presentations

35 Skill #3 Summary When you are prospecting, you are the messenger – not the message. Get yourself out of the way and use a third-party tool. Learn to tell your story in a way that will make your prospects curious to hear more. When it comes to presenting in front of a group of people, preparation is key. When you’re prepared, it’s fun.

36 Skill #4 – Following Up Concept #1 – Follow-up is doing what you said you would do Concept #2 – The only reason to have an exposure is to set up the next exposure Concept #3 – It takes an average of 4 to 6 exposures for the average person to join Concept #4 – Condense the exposures for better results

37 Concept #1 – Do what you said you would do
People respect someone that does what they say they are going to do People respect someone that values their own time

38 Concept #2 – The only reason to have an exposure is to set up the next exposure
Did you read/view it? – No “When can you do it for sure, for sure?” Did you read/view it? – Yes “What did you like best?” “On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being zero interest and 10 being ready to get started right away, where are you right now?”

39 Concept #3 – It takes 4 to 6 exposures for the average person to join
Your goal is education and understanding and it’s hard to do that in one exposure Keep your urgency – but have patience

40 Concept #4 – Condense the exposure for better results
It’s important to keep their interest Stack the exposures close together Give them the opportunity to really think about how this could change their lives without constant life-distractions

41 Questions and Objections
Remember your goal is education and understanding Use questions and objections as a way to identify their blind spots to help them see

42 Categories of Objections
Limiting belief in their abilities – Not sure they can be successful Limiting belief in Network Marketing – Not sure it will help them achieve their goals Feel/Felt/Found – “I know how you feel. I felt the same way. But here is what I found…..”

43 Prospect has limiting beliefs in their abilities to succeed
Be empathetic Let them know you were the same as they are with the same objections Tell of your (or someone else’s) pains and how they were able to be solved

44 Prospect has limiting beliefs in Network Marketing
Ask questions regarding their experiences about themselves or someone they know Be friendly and help them to see

45 Skill #5 – Help Prospects become Customers or Distributors
Remain emotionally detached from the outcome Be assumptive – expect the prospect to join Promote yourself as well as the opportunity –let them feel your passion to succeed Always be prepared with everything you need to get them started right away Ask many questions – be interested, not interesting

46 Skill #5 – Help the Prospects make a positive decision
Ask Questions “Does it make sense to you?” “Pretty exciting, isn’t it?” “Can you see how this could be an opportunity for you?” “What did you like best about what you just saw?” “On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being zero interest and 10 being ready to get started right away, where are you right now?”

47 Skill #6 – Help new Distributor get started right
Game Plan Interview – Part One Validate their decision to become a Distributor Congratulate them on taking charge of their life

48 Skill #6 – Help new Distributor get started right
Game Plan Interview – Part Two “You are going to be the difference between success and failure, not me. I am here to guide you, but I can’t do it for you.” “My job is to help you become independent as quickly as possible. Do you agree that’s a good goal?” “When you are having bad times, do you want me to leave you alone, or do you want me to remind you why you made this decision in the first place?”

49 Skill #6 – Help new Distributor get started right
Game Plan Interview – Part Three Make sure they have the company and product information Make sure they all the necessary tools Make sure they are connected to and can navigate through the company website Make sure they have a basic understanding of the compensation plan Make them knowledgeable of how to invite new prospects

50 Skill #6 – Help new Distributor get started right
Game Plan Interview – Part Four Help get results quickly How can they get their first customer? How can they get their first distributor? Encourage them to attend their first event Help them earn their first commission check

51 Skill #6 – Help new Distributor get started right
Game Plan Interview – Part Five Provide assignments with a deadline Have Distributor determine specific date Continue assignment to assignment follow up Help them cross the line between success and failure

52 Skill #7 – Promoting Events
Gain strength from the presenters “Social Proof” – Validation of your decision Positive peer pressure Sense of community Be more committed than anyone else and lead by example Make events a priority for your group

53 Anything Worthwhile Takes Time
The 1/3/5/7 Formula 1 year to become competent 3 years part-time to go full-time 5 years to become six-figure earner 7 years to become an expert

54 Anything Worthwhile Takes Time
Never stop learning Emulate behavior of successful people Embrace audio and video programs Become an avid reader Use the internet for tutorials, events, webinars, etc. Attend live events Be careful of distractions Take Action - Plan/Do/Review Learn by teaching others Association matters – toxic, negative, positive associations

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