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Physician Community Webinar May 4, 2017

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1 Physician Community Webinar May 4, 2017
Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform: The TIGER Initiative Presented by Rachelle Blake, PA, MHA & Toria Shaw, MSW, HIMSS TIGER Staff Liaison

2 Welcome to the Physician Community Webinar Series Sponsored by the HIMSS Physician Community
A complimentary virtual event. Covers a wide range of topics on Medical Informatics, HIEs (Health Information Exchange), Standards and Interoperability, eMeasures and Quality Initiatives, and how it affects, impacts and involves physicians. For more information see or contact Yvonne Patrick at

3 Welcome to the Physician Community Webinar Series Sponsored by the HIMSS Physician Committee
Please insert all questions in the Q & A box located on the bottom right of your screen. A copy of the recording and slide set will be available for download within 5 business days on the Physician Community Webinar Series Archive Page

4 Toria (Tori) Shaw, MSW Manager, Clinical Informatics, HIMSS North America
Joined HIMSS September 2014 (Chicago Office) TIGER Staff Liaison EU*US eHealth Consortium Team Lead Focus on education reform initiatives, international community & workforce development

5 Learning Objectives Learn about the TIGER (Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform) Initiative and TIGER’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Discover how our global workforce development project aims to transform educational, professional development and networking opportunities for physicians, clinicians and all members of the allied health team. Participate in meaningful activities and discussions related to TIGER and the EU*US eHealth Work initiative.

6 What is TIGER (Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform)?
TIGER began as a grassroots initiative in 2006 within the nursing community with the goal of engaging and preparing the workforce in using technology and informatics to improve the delivery of patient care. 2012: TIGER International Committee was established 2014: TIGER transitioned to HIMSS under Clinical Informatics TIGER stands for: Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform. TIGER advances the integration of health informatics to transform education and practice by enabling the interprofessional clinical workforce to use informatics and technology to improve patient care; interweaving evidence and technology into seamless practice, education and research; and by fostering a learning health system. TIGER began as a grassroots initiative within the nursing community in 2006, with support from over 70 contributing organizations including HIMSS, two grants from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and a personal endowment. Focused on better preparing the clinical workforce to use technology and informatics to improve the delivery of patient care, TIGER transitioned to HIMSS, effective September 22, 2014 under Clinical Informatics with an interprofessional, interdisplinary focus. Following the transition to HIMSS on September 22, 2014, TIGER has embraced an interprofessional/interdisciplinary approach as the work we are doing is applicable regardless of clinical discipline.

7 The Evolution of the TIGER Initiative
TIGER advances the integration of health informatics to transform education and practice by: Enabling the interprofessional clinical workforce to use informatics and technology to improve patient care Interweaving evidence and technology into seamless practice, education and research Fostering a learning health system

8 HIMSS TIGER Interprofessional Community
The TIGER Community is led by the HIMSS TIGER Committee which is charged with providing domain expertise, leadership and guidance to activities, initiatives, and collaborations within the interprofessional community. Mari Tietze, PhD, RN-BC, FHIMSS, Associate Professor, Texas Women’s University Co-Chair Victoria Wangia-Anderson, PhD, Program Director/Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati Co-Chair TIGER Interprofessional Community TIGER Committee TIGER International Committee Scholars Workgroup – FY18 The TIGER Community is led by the HIMSS TIGER Committee which is charged with providing domain expertise, leadership and guidance to activities, initiatives, and collaborations within the interprofessional community. FY17 Co-Chairs: Mari Tietze, PhD, RN-BC, FHIMSS, Associate Professor, Texas Women’s University Co-Chair Victoria Wangia-Anderson, PhD, Program Director/Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati Co-Chair

9 TIGER International Committee
Established in 2012 24 Countries Represented; 34 Members/Liaisons Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Panama, Philippines, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the United States Chaired by Ursula Hertha Hübner, PhD of Germany

10 TIGER Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

11 What is the TIGER VLE? Powered by HIMSS, the VLE is a dynamic and unique one-stop portal for academic professionals, students, adult learners, and clinical educators. The VLE contains vetted resources reflective of core International competencies to take you from A to Z in health IT. This personalized learning experience is designed to expand skillset in a self-paced format. Easily integrate health IT modules and resources into your curriculum Participate in live webinars and access to on-demand webinar archive Pilot partnerships and case studies underway to demonstrate how to leverage VLE materials Powered by HIMSS, the VLE is a unique and dynamic education resource for academic professionals, students, adult learners, and clinical educators. It contains resources reflective of core international competencies designed to take you from A to Z in Health IT. These selected resources have been vetted by the TIGER VLE SME Workgroup. The VLE is a personalized learning experience designed to expand skillset and knowledge on important health IT subjects: Resources/materials can be viewed within the VLE or downloaded anywhere, at any time (as long as there’s internet connectivity) THE VLE has a self-paced learning format enables subscribers to go at their own speed The VLE highlights the work of open source collaborators such as: The ONC (Office of the National Coordinator) Pharmacy curriculum developed by Partners in E Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) curriculum Courses developed by HIMSS amongst others

12 Discover the Benefits of VLE Bulk Subscriptions
Join us on the journey of education reform and workforce development. Partners will be showcased and invited to publish their story of TIGER VLE curriculum adoption through HIMSS international publications -- the HIMSS Blog, Clinical Informatics Insights, the Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI) as well as the TIGER landing pages and our bi-weekly newsletter. Benefits: Easily integrate health IT modules, assessments and resources into your curriculum Reduced pricing based on 10 or more VLE seats purchased Custom VLE demos for staff/students and quarterly check-ins

13 Rachelle Blake, PA, MHA CEO/President, Omni Micro Systems/Omni Med Solutions, GmbH
Founded Omni Micro Systems/Omni Med Solutions (US) in 2007, in 2014 in Germany Original member of EU-US Workforce Development Workgroup Co-creator of HITCOMP tool Member of Global Health Workforce Council (AHIMA) TIGER Committee Member Present EU*US eHealth Work Project Coordinator

14 EU* US eHealth Work: A Horizon 2020 Project
Mission: map skills and competencies provide access to knowledge, tools and platforms, and strengthen, disseminate and exploit success outcomes for a skilled Transatlantic eHealth Workforce Goal: to measure, inform, educate and advance eHealth and health information technology skills, work and workforce development throughout Europe, the United States and globally This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No EUUSEHEALTHWORK

15 EU*US eHealth Work Consortium
HIMSS North America, via the TIGER Initiative, became an early key member of this consortium Under the scope of work of this project, HIMSS’ TIGER (Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform) Committee* and Communities will execute project deliverables globally on behalf of the HIMSS Foundation The consortium developed into a “network of networks” and includes, in addition to HIMSS: Omni Micro Systems/Omni Med Solutions GmbH (Project Coordinator) (Germany) EHTEL (European Health Telematics Association) (Belgium) University of Osnabrück (Germany)* Tampere University of Technology (Finland) Steinbeis 2i (Germany) * HIMSS and University of Osnabrück will submit all deliverables in tandem, as the university’s team lead is also chair of the International TIGER committee

16 Global Network of Partners
EU*US eHealth Work Global Network clinicians health associations academia industry Our Consortium, along with global stakeholders, are uniquely poised to answer the Horizon 2020 call We are a network of partners from clinical practice, academia, healthcare associations, and industry We have one physician and one physician assistant on the project team Together, we are working toward the common goal of positively impacting the healthcare workforce with heightened skills, tools, and knowledge

17 TIGER’s Role in the EU*US eHealth Work Project
Under the project scope of work, HIMSS’ TIGER is executing project deliverables globally on behalf of the HIMSS Foundation The EU-US eHealth Work Project is an opportunity for HIMSS & TIGER to collaborate with European partners to enable a highly skilled workforce regionally, across borders and on a global scale.  HIMSS’ TIGER as a Consortium member helps transform health through IT in workforce development

18 The Important Role of the Physician Community in the EU
The Important Role of the Physician Community in the EU*US eHealth Work Project Maps health IT skills and competencies to physician training at the baccalaureate level, in medical schools, and in specialty training Enables physicians on a global level to gain better access to electronic tools and resources in the health IT/eHealth space, especially in education and skills development Helps ensure clinical competency areas (including decision support, workflows, and care coordination) are included in global health IT curriculum development Incorporates an interdisciplinary and interprofessional care community in development of skills, education and competencies, with a primary focus on direct patient care delivery Promotes health informatics in all areas of ambulatory and acute medicine Engages physicians as key stakeholders in this global initiative

19 Key Project Deliverables
Survey of Current State of Needs with Gap Analysis that leads to Case Studies Survey open through May 2017 Priority: Flagship of our project Goal: Capture information to identify global health IT/eHealth workforce development needs, trends and gaps Target: Over 1,000 respondents Survey Addresses: Availability of eHealth courses Certification & Certificates Digital skills gaps eHealth promotion/importance Online tools / courses Gender disparities eHealth education funding eHealth reputation in politics

20 Key Project Deliverables (cont’d)
Gap Analysis that leads to Case Studies

21 Key Project Deliverables (cont’d)
Development of Foundational Curricula Interactive Website Platform HIT Skills and Knowledge Assessment and Development Framework Update and upgrade of HITCOMP

22 HITCOMP 2.0 – What is the tool?
An interactive health information technology role, competencies and education research tool and repository It is a global resource that can be used by employers, educators, managers, recruiters, agencies, students, job seekers, current eHealth workers and more It is open Source, free to anyone with access to the internet, and accessible through a variety of resources, including HIMSS’ TIGER Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) There are over 1000 competencies mapped to 250 roles and soon will be an entire foundational online curriculum and further education mapped to each competency and role You can find HITCOMP at

23 HITCOMP 2.0 (cont’d)

24 HITCOMP 2.0 Currently, you can perform a HITCOMP mapping search by either competency or by role. A med student, new employee, or staff member looking to move up the career ladder may first choose a competency-based search. A health educator, health informatics manager, or eHealth human resources professional may more frequently use a role-based search, based on their unique workflows. However, both types of searches are always available.

25 Upcoming Stakeholder Event: Finland
May 23-24, 2017: Stakeholder Engagement Event #1,managed by Tampere University of Technology, Finland Social and Healthcare ICT Conference in Helsinki, Finland - “EU - US eHealth Skills Collaboration Opportunity” – an afternoon of eHealth workforce engagement and collaboration activities

26 More Events to Come… Upcoming dissemination events:
Healthcare Workforce Planning Summit, Presentation and stakeholder participation opportunities, Berlin, Germany, May 18-19, 2017 Future Health Care Week, Presentation and stakeholder participation opportunities, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 6-7, 2017 MedInfo 2017, Presentations and panels/stakeholder participation opportunities, Xiamen, China August 21 – 25, 2017

27 More Events to Come…(cont’d)
Project sponsored events: September 2017: Stakeholder Engagement Event #2, managed by University of Osnabrück, Germany, (presenting the lessons learned and interim results to stakeholders) January 2018: Final Conference in Brussels, Belgium, co-managed by EHTEL and OMS (presenting lessons learned and final results of the project)

28 How You Can Support The Project
We need your help, now, during the project, and after its completion: Log on to our website: or Take our survey Sign up for our project newsletter Visit TIGER’s landing page: Sign up for the TIGER listserv: Help us in our efforts to: Inform and educate current and future eHealth workers Participate as a stakeholders in our events Help disseminate and use your networks to exploit the results of this important work to make an impact in eHealth

29 How You Can Support The Project & Get Involved with TIGER
HIMSS Annual Call for Committee Volunteers Log on to our website: or Visit TIGER’s landing page: Sign up for the TIGER listserv: Help us in our efforts to: Inform and educate current and future eHealth workers Participate as a stakeholders in our events Help disseminate and use your networks to exploit the results of this important work to make an impact in eHealth


31 Rachelle Blake| | @ShelBlake
Toria (Tori) Shaw | | EU*US eHealth Work Project| #tigersightings #tigervle

32 Physician Community Website
Please visit for more information on: Physician community activities How to get involved and membership Educational sessions Networking eNewsletters Physician Community Blog Physician Community Member Profiles New to Medical Informatics Workgroup

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