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Revolutions Between WWI & WWII

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1 Revolutions Between WWI & WWII
Africa, Middle East, India, China, & Japan

2 Russian Revolution

3 RUSSIA Czars Continue Autocratic Rule
The Rise of Russian Nationalism-5:55 RUSSIA After 370 years of Romanov Rule, Russian czars begin losing control over empire Czars Continue Autocratic Rule • Government censors written criticism; secret police monitor schools • Non-Russians living in Russia are treated harshly • Jews become target of government-backed pogroms (mob violence) • In 1894, Nicholas II becomes czar, continues autocratic ways

4 Heavy losses in World War I reveal government’s weakness
Nicholas goes to war front; Czarina Alexandra runs government Czarina falls under the influence of Rasputin—mysterious “holy man” Nobles fear Rasputin’s influence, murder him Army losing effectiveness; people at home hungry and unhappy Rasputin-J.D. Mad Monk: 58:52

5 Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905
• In 1905, 200,000 workers march on czar’s palace to demand reforms • Army fires into the crowd, killing many • Massacre leads to widespread unrest; Nicholas forced to make reforms • The Duma, Russia’s first parliament, meets in 1906 • Czar unwilling to share power; dissolves Duma after only 10 weeks Unrest from food & fuel shortages cause czar to step down in 1917 (March Revolution) Part 1

6 Part 2 Fall of Russian Monarch-5:57 Russian Rev-21:51 Russia signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany ending its involvement in WWI Civil War: Part 3 Bolsheviks (Reds/Communists) vs. Whites (czar’s army) Bolsheviks kill czar & family: (Romanovs & Anastasia) Reds win, bringing peace & stability to Russia Renamed U.S.S.R-United Soviet Socialist Republic Communist USSR collapses in 1991, ending communism in Russia Last Czar of Russia-47:49

7 Led by Lenin: excellent organizer, inspiring leader (charisma)
Communists (Bolsheviks) soon take control of Russia’s government: Bolshevik Revolution Led by Lenin: excellent organizer, inspiring leader (charisma) Soviets (workers) gain control of factories & peasants given land Marx/Marxism: “Workers of the world unite and revolt” Part 4


9 A New Leader Trotsky and Stalin compete to replace Lenin when he dies in 1924 • Joseph Stalin—cold, hard Communist Party general secretary in 1922 • Stalin gains power from 1922 to 1927 • Stalin gains complete control in 1928; Trotsky forced into exile STALIN TROTSKY

10 Government/Life under Stalin
Totalitarianism, Centralized State Control •Totalitarianism—government that dominates every aspect of life Police State • Stalin’s police attack opponents with public force, secret actions • Great Purge—terror campaign against Stalin’s perceived enemies • By the end of 1938, Stalin in complete control; 8– 13 million dead Life Under Stalin-20:50 Stalin-4:46

11 Stalin’s Reign New Economic System
• Command economy—government makes all economic decisions Powerful Ruler • By mid-1930s, Stalin has transformed Soviet Union - totalitarian regime; industrial, political power • Stalin controls all aspects of Soviet life: - unopposed as dictator, Communist Party leader - rules by terror instead of constitutional government - demands conformity, obedience

12 Africa & Middle East

13 Africa Africans Resist Colonial Rule
Since imperialism, Africans for Europeans- Forced to work Pay taxes famine Carry ID cards Restriction on where live During 1920s & 1930s, Africans wanted to end imperialism and reclaim Africa for Africans

14 Africa in WWI During WWI, fought for colonizers in hope of independence, but didn’t get it South Africa: Apartheid: System of racial discrimination/segregation was put into place by whites over blacks Egypt: Gained independence from Britain in 1922, but remained under British influence to protect the Suez Canal Egyptians in protest, joined Muslim Brotherhood: Islamist nationalists that rejected western culture Symbol of Muslim Brotherhood

15 Middle East Turkey (former Ottoman Empire)
Led by Ataturk (Mustafa Kemal): became known as “father of Turks” Modernized following western models, separated “church” and state (gvmt), but preserved Islamic religion Expanded industry to make Turkey economically independent

16 Persia becomes Iran Resentment over spheres of influence by Britain & Russia Post-WWI, began to modernize and industrialize Got Britain to give larger share of profits from oil

17 Oil, Middle East vs. the West
Gas-powered engines used during WWI showed West need for oil in future 1920s & 1930s brought foreign investment to region to dominate and control oil Increase in Pan-Arabism: nationalism built on heritage of Arabs with common history, language, & religion

18 Jews in Middle East During WWI, Arabs helped Allies against Central powers Thought would gain independence, but didn’t: PARIS PEACE CONFERENCE Allies took further control by dividing up Ottoman Empire Caused tensions in M.E. that still exist today British mandate of Palestine against Jewish nationalists = major problems today In 1897, Jewish movement to build Jewish state in Palestine because of Anti-Semitism, prejudice against Jewish people, in Europe Ex: pogroms in Russia

19 During WWI, Allies made 2 opposite promises
Arab colonies = independence & land of Ottoman Empire including Palestine 2. Balfour Declaration=British want to set up “national home for Jews” in Palestine, but not to cause tension with non-Jewish communities in Palestine Sets stage between Arabs & Jews in region

20 From 1919 to 1940, Jews immigrated to Palestine.
Brought in money & industry Arab population also increased in Palestine Wanted to slow or stop Jewish immigration all together, so began attacking the Jewish community In response, the Jews developed own defense system Fighting still exists today over same land Jews call it Israel Arabs call it Palestine

21 India

22 India in WWI During WWI, Indians served for Allies with promises of independence Received nothing at the end of the war Controlled by Britain, but by 1919, Indians were continuing protests and revolts to get Britain out Amritsar Massacre: Britain opened fire on unarmed Indian crowd This was last straw for Indians…Britain had to go and India needed to be independent

23 Gandhi Indian National Congress (Hindus)
1920s were united by new leader: Gandhi Studied law in Britain Fought Apartheid laws in South Africa, then returned to India

24 Gandhi in India Inspired Indians of both Hindu and Islamic beliefs
Preached ahimsa: non-violence Use of civil disobedience: refusal to obey unjust laws Wanted democracy, nationalism, equal rights for all Indians, including women End harsh treatment for untouchables, members of the lowest caste (class) in India

25 Boycott 1920s & 30s Boycott Refused to buy British goods especially cotton GOAL: restore traditional industry of Indian heritage

26 Salt March British had a monopoly on salt 1930s: with followers, Gandhi set out on 240 mile march to the sea His number of followers increased along the way When they reached the sea, he went in & picked up salt and immediately jailed Indians followed by collecting and selling salt Tens of thousands were jailed Newspapers around the world criticized Britain’s use of violence on peaceful protestors Britain was slowly forced to give some power to India

27 India and WWII 1939: WWII breaks out 1945: WWII ends
Britain stopped plans for Indian independence & entered India into war Many were jailed for noncooperation, but others helped the war effort 1945: WWII ends Indian independence was inevitable India was forced to face internal issues between Muslims and Hindus

28 China

29 China needed to modernize and nationalize after years of humiliation with foreign countries controlling China’s trade and economic resources Warlords had taken power Internal fighting Economic collapse Widespread famine

30 China & WWI China was on the side of the Allies during WWI
BUT Treaty of Versailles gave Ally Japan control of German spheres of influence in China May 4th Movement: GOAL-strengthen China by getting rid of Western influence & turned toward Lenin’s communism Chinese Communist Party Soviet Union very willing to help Chinese communists

31 Chiang Ki-Shek (Nationalist)
Chinese Civil War Chiang Ki-Shek (Nationalist) Mao Zedong (Communist) Northern China Controlled China’s government Led extermination campaigns against communists Southern China Large peasant following LONG MARCH: Mao & army forced North toward Soviet Union Mao told soldiers to treat peasants politely, pay for goods and not destroy crops Peasants welcomed Mao & hated Nationalists because didn’t help them and added to their suffering


33 Japan in China 1931: Japan sent troops into Manchuria-territory gained in Russo-Japanese War 1937: Imperial Japan launched war against China Took Beijing Forced Chiang & Nationalists to relocate China’s capitol Rape of Nanking: Japanese brutalized & killed hundreds of thousands Chinese civilians Soviet Union, Britain, France, and USA gave equipment & aid to China Angers Japan…WWII

34 Imperial Japan

35 Japan & WWI Japan helped Allies with exports
Makes Japan world industrial power Received German spheres of influence in China from the Treaty of Versailles

36 Japan’s Economics Emperor Hirohito will rule Japan from 1926-1989
1920s: Parliament members influenced by powerful business leaders that pushed for international trade BUT Aggressive expansion affected economic relations with the West SO Japan cut military spending & reduced the size of its’ navy

37 Peasants were suffering & followed beliefs of Russia’s Lenin
Some clung to Western ideas & rejected ancient beliefs of family authority Issues rose between the military and government Military was upset with control by business owners & Western influence undermining Japanese values

38 Ultranationalism Japan gets hit hard with world-wide Great Depression
Ultranationalism: extreme nationalism because Japan was not a major empire like the other industrial imperialists Upset with USA for not permitting Japanese immigrants into country (Gentlemen’s Agreement) Begin building major empire Needed raw materials and places for their growing population

39 Manchuria vs. China Military expanded control in China without government consent, but were supported by Japanese people Action was condemned by League of Nations Japan withdrew Began naval build up League of Nations did nothing to stop Japan’s aggression

40 Military Japan 1937: Military took control of government, but Hirohito remained in power by getting rid of communist ideas, democratic freedoms, and increasing value of ancient warriors Schools now taught absolute obedience to Emperor and Japan Japan also allied with Germany and Italy

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