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Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización
National Quality System
INEN´S MISSION Our mission is to
Standardización – Products and services
The standardization process focuses in three national standardization, which prioritizes international adoption, international standardization, through our Council participation, national mirror committees and MOUs and marketing and sales, which seeks that all the INEN standards are available to the public as well as promote the information.
Standardization – International Agreements
MEMBERSHIPS ISO CODEX CAN COPANT PASC MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING ICONTEC – Colombia NC – Cuba ANSI – United States ABNT – Brazil IRAM – Argentina DIN – Germany AFNOR – France AENOR – Spain DGN – Mexico INN – Chile OSN – El Salvador MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING - ASOCIATIONS NFPA – United States ASTM – United States NEMA – United States CNCP – Mexico AFFILIATIONS IEC IEC – MENTORING AGREEMENT Electrotechnical Committee - Mexico INEN on standardization area has established some MOU with different standardization organisms, international, regional, national and associations of different countries.
Regulation – Products and services
Technical Ecuadorian regulations, RTE INEN, elaboration. Anual operative plan – 112 RTE INEN revised to enhance application. Procedures made through the “Ventanilla Única Ecuatoriana” (Ecuadorian unique window), VUE. Electronic tool that optimizes and integrates the external affairs issues for INEN Recognition certificate. Equivalences with Ecuadorian technical regulations. A product´s regulatory matters (country of origin – country of destination) comply the required level of protection as an “importer” Ease the implementation of international, multilateral, regional and bilateral agreements, where Ecuador is signatory. The regulation area is in charge of the elaboration of technical Ecuadorian regulations that are used by both importers and exporters, up to the date 112 Regulations are revised in order to enhance its application and on benefit of more people. Accordingly to the Ecuadorian tools on benefit of importers and people involved on external affairs and foreign market, INEN works through the Ventanilla única ecuatoriana for recognition certificates. Regulation also works to promote equivalences with technical regulations, that ensure that the level of protection is fulfill and products. The regulation area also works to ease the implementation of international, multilateral, regional and bilateral agreements.
Validation and certification – Products and services SAMPLE (1a) LOT (1b) “SELLO DE CALIDAD INEN” QUALITY STAMP (5) CERTIFICATION LABELS VEHICULES EMISSION SEALING, PACKAGING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. INSPECTION PHYSICS CHEMICAL MECHANICAL TESTS This area focuses on certify the conformity of products according to Standards and Regulations. It also inspect that the requirements are met and validate them. This area of INEN is responsible of implement, maintain and improve the quality management system of the institution. Certification and validation products and services are: Regarding certification: INEN gives a quality stamp called “Sello de calidad INEN” to those products that comply with the standards. It is recognized in Ecuador, and currently we have over a thousand stamps for 113 different industries. On inspection, this area mainly works on inspection of labels, vehicles emission, sealing and packaging of alcoholic beverages. On our laboratories we perform several tests to measure physical, chemical and mechanical quality of products. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
Measuring instruments
Metrology – Products and services Legal Metrology Metrology Temperature Humidity Mass Volume Pressure Length Energy Chemistry Scales Strength Net content Measuring instruments Scales verification Net weight verification Pre-packed products Taximeters model approval Industrial and scientific metrology On the metrology area, we have different services divided on legal metrology and industrial and scientific metrology. On the first one, we provide verification of scales and net weight, as well as taximeters model approval. On industrial and scientific metrology, the area has the calibration service for measuring instruments and physical qualities, service that is provided for instance to industries and laboratories. We also provide aptitude tests on physical and chemical quantities. The metrology area has laboratories for this quantities: mass, length, strength, temperature, humidity, volume, density, chemistry and energy. Calibration service for measuring instruments on physical quantities. Aptitude tests on physical and chemical quantities.
Regulation referring to the “Minimum elements of motor vehicules”
Regulation RTE 034 Regulation referring to the “Minimum elements of motor vehicules” Forth revision of the document. The regulation has had several changes since its first publication as follows: The Regulation RTE 034 reffers to the Minimun elements of motor vehicules, which has been discused throughly with interested parties since it was first published on 2000, consequently several modifications as well as update as different revision had been done. Currently INEN´s in force document corresponds to the forth revision published 2016. The timeline showed the summary of major updates as new revisions of this regulation, which resulted from several technical analysis.
Key elements of Regulation RTE 034
Application Cars on Ecuadorian Market: imported, assembled or produce in Ecuador. References UNECE Regulations Use as basis for NTE INEN Exceptions: NTE INEN 1669: Safety glasses, NTE INEN 2099 and NTE INEN 2100: Tires ONU regulations Annexes Regulations and standards from USA, Korea, China, Japan and Australia are considered in the Annexes as alternatives The current regulation RTE INEN 034 has several items that allow its correct application. It is a regularion applied to cars on the ecuadorian market, this means those imported from other countries, produced in Ecuador or assembled in the country. The requirements stablished on this regulation cite usually INEN standards that use UNECE regulations as reference accordingly. The only national standards that do not refere UNECE Regulations are the ones regarding to safety glasses and tires. Even though the national standards are cited on the regulation they are not the only tool to apply this regulation, ONU regularions are also referred for most of the requirements. In adition to this, several regulations and standards from USA, Korea, China, Japan and Australia are considered in the Annexes which provide more alternatives to the compliance of this regulation.
Key elements of Regulation RTE 034
Lighting Ergonomics Brakes Electronic stability control Tires Suspension Power Steering Chasis Body Ventilation system Glass Seat belts Bumper Bars for heavy vehicules Impact protection Air bags Seabelt warning device Locking system Tacograph Hood The requirements stablished on the Regulation RTE 034 are divided in 20 major groups regarding:
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