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Production of Algal Based Semi Solid Fuel as a Renewable Energy Source

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1 Production of Algal Based Semi Solid Fuel as a Renewable Energy Source
16th Conference of the Science Council in Asia Production of Algal Based Semi Solid Fuel as a Renewable Energy Source S.K.Gunatilake, D.D.Balapitiyage, B.F.A.Basnayake Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya.

2 Introduction Sustainability, environmental and energy crisis concerns are major issues in the world today Fuel is a hot topic in the present world. Most important, dominant and governed by fossil fuel But, fossil fuel consumptions are rapidly increasing, while fossil fuel deposits are diminishing. Therefore, fossil fuel are non-renewable resources

3 Introduction So ,bio fuels are solution which are renewable as well as alternative fuels Algae based bio fuels can contribute to supply the energy demand such as biodiesel, bioethanol.

4 Development objectives
To develop and introduce sustainable algal based semi solid fuel as a renewable and alternate source of energy so as to combat the national energy crisis through protection of environment.

5 Specific objectives To harvest fresh algae grown naturally and artificially in photo bioreactor and these algae separated by centrifuge process To process the concentrated semi solid algae slurry to produce biodiesel and bioethanol

6 To develop a system in the drying process to maintain micro algal characteristics or size reduce the dried slurry forming a powder for direct injection of fuel in IC engine To determine suitable combinations and ratios of diesel/ethanol and algal slurry or powder to produce biodiesel and bioethanol for fueling IC engines

7 What is biofuels? Biofuel is any fuel that is derived from biomass, recently living organisms or their metabolic by products. Biofuel can be grouped in 'generations', according to the type of technology they rely on and the biomass feedstock's they convert into fuel. 1) 1st Generation biofuel :-Bioethanol or butanol by fermentation of starch ex –barley, corn 2) 2nd Generation bio fuels:-Bioethanol and biodiesel produced from conventional technologies but based on novel starch, Bioethanol, biobutanol, syndiesel produced from lignocelluloses material

8 Algae as a energy resources.
3) 3rd Generation biofuels:-Third generation bio fuels are made from algae and bacteria. Oil producing algae are grown in ponds and harvested. Algae as a energy resources. Algae is not only plant like organisms but also energy resources feedstock The algae biotechnology sector is at an early stage of commercial development and deployment From a bioenergy perspective microalgae is a highly attractive route for sustainable biomass production The process of harvesting and dewatering of algae are main challenges for industrial application

9 Algae. Algae are phosynthetic organisms utilize solar energy from the sun to combine water with carbon dioxide to create biomass There are two types of algae 1.Macro algae.:-Macro algae are large multicellular, The largest macro algae, called seaweed. 2.Micro algae :-Micro algae are tiny and unicellular, Diameter of microalgae is ranged from a few microns to hundreds of microns .

10 The production of biofuel from micro algae has gained considerable attention due to the fact that they can be converted into several different types of renewable biofuels such as biodiesel,bioethanol,methane biogas and butanol

11 What is Semi-solid fuels (SSF).
That topic are recently described to the world, There fore accuracy definition aren't available.SSF’s are R&D stage fuels. At, present coal and petro diesel were mixed and tried to as a jet engine fuel, that study was successfully, In this study, we were developed to which algal based semi solid fuel for energy generation.

12 Semi solid fuels were developed three type of semi solid fuels
i) Direct combustion of harvested and quality enhanced algae slurry. ii) Algae based biodiesel and algae slurry as a mixed semi solid fuel. iii)Algae based bioethanol and algae slurry as a mixed semi solid fuel.

13 Methodology Internal combustion engine Algae harvesting
Algae semi solid slurry Fermentation process Lipid extraction from micro algae Distillations Trans etherification process Direct burning of algae semi solid surry Separate of bioethanol Separate of biodiesel Algae based Bioethanol (C2H5-OH) Algae based biodiesel Bioethanol and algae slurry mixing suitable ratio Biodiesel and algae slurry mixing suitable ratio Internal combustion engine

14 Algae growing systems There are several methods s of algae growing
systems, this systems are called photo bioreactor 1.Open pond systems:- Race way pond systems, bubble column systems. 2.Closed pond systems:- Tabular column systems. Tabular vertical systems. 3.Hybrid systems :- Open and closed systems are integrated this methods.

15 Algae growing In this study, micro algae was growed as a open pond system and used leach ate as a nutrients source and growing media. Growed algae was harvested using different methods'. Centrifugation,electroflotation Harvested algae was used as a raw materials for semi solid algae production.

16 Bioethanol production process
Pretreatment of micro algae slurry Enzymatic hydrolysis Cellulose sugar Fermentation process Sugar Ethanol Distillation and evaporation Bioethanol

17 Distillation unit equipments

18 Biodiesel production process (Labotatory scale )
Algae slurry Extracted oil Heated oil (600C-800C)for min 15 Methanol (60%) + NaOH (5%) Transesterification reaction (800C-900C) for min 10 Mix with water Methyl ester mixture

19 Purified process B 100 Biodiesel

20 Industrial scale Biodiesel processor
Methanol stock tank Metal tank Transeaterification processing unit Temporally disable heate area Enable heated area Pump

21 Before works to combustion
In this study, Different type burner tube and nozzles‘ were Fabricated for each fuels samples combustion before IC Engine process. 1st Bernoulli based burner tube

22 2nd Bernoulli based burner tube
3rd Bernoulli based burner tube 1st Nozzole for burner tube

23 This pressurerized burner tube and nozzles worked for biodiesel and bioethanol fuels But none worked for algae-semisolid. Blow lamp test Blow lamp is a lamp non required external pressure for originate of flame for different flammable measurement. This lamp was fabricated for this study,

24 Blow lamp testing methods
Fuel flow controller Propagated tube Fuel insert orifices Fuel container Flame width Flame length

25 Obtained data for each fuels
Fuel density of each fuels Flame length and width of each fuel samples. Flame colour,temperature Zonation of flames of each fuels Required pressure for each fuel samples Flammable time for each fuels to constant volumes IC Engine performance test.

26 Results and discussion
Biodiesel production results 3.624L of lipid can be recovered from 01kg of dry algae 2,528 of biodisel can be produced from 01 kg of dry algae.

27 Bioethanol production results
2.491 L bioethanol can be produced from 01 kg of dry algae .

28 According to the results
01kg of dry algae Lof biodiesel So cost of production per 01L of biodiesel= 01kg of dry algae L of bioethanol RUP 68-70/= RUP 75-79/=

29 Conclusion In the absence of any measure to characterize the combustion of the slurry, blow lamp test was used and gave positive results. It was compared with mixed slurries with produced bio ethanol and biodiesel and with the known petro diesel the mixed fuel did give flames when combusted in a blowlamp. The performances were acceptable with well defined flame characteristics of lengths and widths.

30 Refferences Giuliano Dragone, Bruno Fernandes, António A. Vicente, and José A. Teixeira "Third Generation Biofuels from Microalgae." (2008). Bureau of Energy Efficiency. Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities. Chapter Chisti Y. Biodiesel from microalgae. Biotechnol Adv 2007; 25, 294–306 Nguyen, Thi Hong Minh; Vu, Van Hanh. "Bioethanol Production from Marine Algae Biomass: Prospect and Troubles ". (2012,)

31 Thank you…

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