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Scavengers and Decomposers

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Presentation on theme: "Scavengers and Decomposers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scavengers and Decomposers

2 Energy Transfer in a Food Web
Producers These are organisms that get their energy directly from the sun... Algae Grass Trees Shrubs Fruits Vegetables Consumers These are organisms that get their energy from other organisms: Herbivores (eat plants only) Carnivores (eat animals only) Omnivores (eat plants and animals) Decomposers & Scavengers (feed on waste and dead, decaying plants and animals.

3 Example of a food web...

4 Differences between Scavengers & Decomposers
Go around and eat the remains of already dead organisms. You can see scavengers with the naked eye. Examples: red worms, night crawlers, sow bugs, millipedes, slugs, mites, and various types of insects such as beetles, termites, and ants. Decomposers: Convert waste into simple nutrients that can be used by plants (proteins, minerals, etc.) You cannot see a single decomposer without the use of a microscope Examples: bacteria and fungi (e.g. yeast, mold, and mildew)

5 BIGGER Scavengers... There are also larger animals that play the role of scavenger by eating waste that has begun to decay. Examples: Seagulls Crows Turkey Vultures Coyote

6 How it happens... FIRST: Decomposers (Bacteria and Fungi) begin to break down organic matter. NEXT: Now that the organic matter has been “softened” by decomposers, scavengers will break the material down into smaller parts. THEN: The decomposers break these smaller parts down further, into simpler components (proteins, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. FINALLY: These simple components can now help nourish growing plants.

7 Why is decomposition important to us?
All previously living things decompose. If nothing decomposed, the Earth would be covered with dead animals and plants. In addition, the soil would not get back the nutrients that plants need to grow. Ultimately, consumers (including humans) would not be able to obtain the nutrients that are needed for their bodies to grow and function.

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