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Agenda. Welcome To The HN & Vocational Senior External Verifier Event August 29th 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda. Welcome To The HN & Vocational Senior External Verifier Event August 29th 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To The HN & Vocational Senior External Verifier Event August 29th 2013

2 Agenda

3 QA Past, Present and Future….

4 And then……………

5 Your Role ‘A Senior External Verifier provides leadership and support to a team of external verifiers through the processes in accordance with SQA policy and instruction.’

6 Alastair Morton Operations Planning Manager
(HN and Vocational Qualifications)

7 Topics Review of Verification Activity 2012 – 13 College Review
Future of Reporting

8 Comments: 75 Holds reported (1st Aug 2012 – 31st July 2013) 54% of Allocated Events were Successful 38% of Events were updated as Not Running vs 36% Session Includes visits conducted under new approach Profile excludes China and International Centres

9 How SQA plans to tackle this
Colleges Provided Verification Plans to all other Scotland’s Colleges Process worked well with 10 partner colleges over last 2 sessions Colleges highlighting Not Running – internally select for accreditation purposes – SQA will set to Not Running First time this process has been considered ETPs Reviewed entry patterns for all approved SVQs over last 2 years Allowed SQA to identify areas of candidate activity Also allowed SQA to target individual Work Assessed units Will select -> de-select as per College process Longer Term IQA project – significant expenditure in designing complete system

10 Profile of Verification Activity

11 Comment: 150 more Successful events vs session (2112 vs 1962) Includes visits conducted under new approach Profile excludes China and International Centres.

12 Comparing vs : Type Diff SVQ 963 1049 -86 HN G/U 378 376 2 HN 358 357 1

13 Impact of Verification Profile
Resource impact on Centres Resource impact on Appointees Missing assessment windows – (e.g. Semester 1) Availability of candidate evidence at Centres may drive part of this profile Moving away from single allocation period -> quarterly allocations React to changing developments at centre / across subject area / industry Allocations will be issued throughout the session -> ongoing verification Initial concentration on ETPs – assessment often throughout year

14 Scotland’s College Update

15 Scotland’s Colleges Update
Verification Planning All Scotland’s Colleges – met / discussed finalised Verification plan Real focus on Entry information Discussed verification areas which have over / not verified Plans are agreed in partnership Swing from HN qualification to NCs College Mergers Number of Colleges in process of merging Sensitive to the transitional period, particularly around availability of candidate evidence across sites Majority of merging centres have yet to finalise single SEED number and will be operating under original numbers for next 6 – 12 months

16 Challenges of Changing Quality Assurance Approaches in Merging Colleges
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 New New New New Old Old New New Old New New New Old New Old

17 College Feedback Verifiers are not liaising with the SQA Coordinator
Some Feedback sessions could be more comprehensive Sampling needs to be more widespread Visit Plans are not being provided ahead of visit. Verifiers using a College address and not a private one…. Some Verifiers are not using standard templates for contacting / planning Visit plans are issued less than 2 weeks before visit More Comments need to be provided against Criteria

18 HN and VQ Approach to Quality Assurance Walkthrough
Preparing Planning Verification Carrying Out Request Information Send Visit Plan Docs Prepare Accept EV+ Select Sample Prepare for Visit Contact Agree Agenda Conduct Sampling General Points Completing Report & Follow-Up Communicating Decision Judge sufficiency Follow-up Flowchart Complete Report Plan Feedback Reporting Flowchart Explain Decision

19 Accepting Centre Allocation on EV+
Planning Accepting Centre Allocation on EV+ Do’s Accept allocation within 14 days If you decline a visit, please provide a reason Once you have registered, please remember keep your password safe. SQA will not provide you with a password. Verification allocations will only be provided via EV+ system Accept You will receive notification of allocation from EV+ via . Decline If you decline the allocated visit, please provide a reason If you do not accept your allocation within 14 days, an automatic reminder will be sent by EV+ SQA may re-allocate to another Verifier if no response is received within this timescale Please highlight any conflict of interest to QA Logistics Team Don’ts

20 Plan to deliver balanced feedback
Communicating Decision Plan to deliver balanced feedback Communicate verification decisions on criteria compliance and overall risk rating. Highlight positive aspects of visit, including good practice. Think clearly – what really is Good Practice ? No specific guidance on length of time required for feedback. Do’s Consider confidentiality and location of feedback session Give balanced feedback Recognise centre’s efforts where sufficient evidence provided. Take time out between making the decision and giving feedback Don’ts Focus solely on Action Points

21 Criteria Reporting – The Way ahead

22 Evolution of Verification Outcome Reporting
Pre 2010 SEV Report Count of Holds Activity EV8A Reports Count of Holds Activity EV8A Reports SEV Report Senior Review 2012-Now New Verification Reports Activity Senior Review SEV Report Detailed Analysis

23 Detailed Analysis

The Way Forward… Activity Database (QAMS) ONLINE WEB FORMATTED REPORT Benefits from this session: Real time information available – easy to extract and disseminate Understand “pockets” of non-compliance quickly Criteria compliance reporting supported by narrative Provide information on more frequent basis Share with Centres / SQA teams and Appointees to highlight, understand and fix Explore use of Social Media

25 Example Activity Database Centres Implement and Communicate Fix
Information via Profiles Centres Appointees SQA teams Implement and Communicate Fix Contains profile of criteria (R / A / G) and Good Practice Awareness and analysis through number of views / reports Highlight and understand Non Compliance pattern

26 David Pirnie Lead Verifier – HN & VQ

27 Results of Survey Questionnaire June 2013
Centres Website is easy to follow - 93% Guidance informs what to expect from a Qualification Verification Visit – 75% Qualification Verification forms and templates are clear – 64% Qualification Verifiers Clear flowcharts and procedures - 100% Understand the type of evidence required – 74% Guidance is effective - 81% Qualification Verification forms and templates are clear – 10%

28 Veronica Kirk Quality Enhancement Manager

29 QEM feedback Anecdotal feedback from centres on the new systems and criteria.

30 Tea Break

31 Quality Assurance Logistics Manager
Juliette McGinley Quality Assurance Logistics Manager

32 Overview Introduction and team update EV+ functionality
Quality Assurance Management System

33 Quality Assurance Logistics Team

34 EV+ documents and templates
Review of documents Template index and restructure of documents Quality Framework documents archived

35 Allocations via EV+ Process Style Allocation Accept or Decline
Style Allocation Accept or Decline Visit Date Visit Report Location Reminder Facility New Approach to QA EV+ Online reporting EV+ then QAMS Visiting SVQ/HN Contact QA Logistics Team Report upload to EV+ Visiting NQ Documentation from EV+

36 EV+ Summary Continue to accept/decline allocations
Log estimate and actual visit dates Availability of visit plan PDF Some reminder facilities will remain

37 Quality Assurance Management System (QAMS)

38 Benefits of the Quality Assurance Management System (QAMS)
Online Reporting for Systems and Qualification Verification Workflow for verification activity Information Management System Intelligence to inform future selections for Systems and Qualification Verification Reporting output to centres

39 Benefits of the Quality Assurance Management System (QAMS)
SQA Information Management System Reduction in manual monitoring, logging and tracking Intelligence building for each centre Centre Improved report layout with non-compliances at glance Improved Service Level Agreements Evidence review only contains non-compliant criteria Qualification and System Verifiers Ease of use, web based system Built in Guidance and on screen errors Only need to view active, outstanding workload Evidence review only contains non-compliant criteria

40 Quality Assurance Management System (QAMS)
. Online Reporting – do not use OLD excel report forms Web link to QAMS included in guidance and EV+ Automated reminders addresses - EV+ - QAMS

41 Welcome Back

42 David Pirnie Lead Verifier – HN & VQ

43 Supporting Qualification Verification
Update of SQA’s Quality Assurance Guidance New system for dealing with Qualification Verification queries Introducing the Standardisation Record

44 Quality Assurance Guidance has been updated
The purpose of SQA’s Quality Assurance Guidance is to: support Qualification Verifiers promote consistency and transparency in Qualification Verification provide a source of reference for verifiers and centres

45 Visit Planning 1. Accept allocations on EV+
2. Make initial contact with each centre and ascertain optimum time to visit (if visit is feasible) 3. *Request information from centre 4. Select sample, formulate and send Visit Plan *Where centres have agreed to provide evidence for all selected units, they should still let you know who the assessors/verifiers are and list the assessment sites being used

46 Criteria wording changes
2.8 There must be evidence of initial and on-going reviews of assessment environment(s), assessment procedures, equipment, learning and assessment materials 4.1 The centre’s assessment and verification procedures must be documented and implemented to meet qualification and SQA requirements  (the “review” requirement removed – now in 2.8) 3.2 Candidate’s development needs and prior achievements (where appropriate) must be matched against the requirements of the award (“These must be related to agreed personal action/training plans” has been removed and placed in examples of evidence

47 QCF Assessor/Verifier Requirements
General requirements apply: All Assessors/Internal Verifiers In general terms, SQA requires all Assessors/Internal Verifiers to be competent in the subject/occupational area to a level appropriate to the qualification and competent in assessment/internal verification of the type involved in the qualification. QCF and Customised Awards Assessors/Internal Verifiers do not need to show evidence of having achieved nationally recognised assessor/verifier qualifications e.g. A1/V1/9DI as per SVQs.

48 Context section has been added
Criterion 2.8: There must be evidence of initial and on-going reviews of assessment environment(s), assessment procedures, equipment, learning and assessment materials. Rationale for criterion inclusion It is each centre’s responsibility to ensure that the assessment environment, assessment procedures, equipment, learning and assessment materials are up to date and provided in sufficient quantity to meet ……………………….. Context “Evidence of planned or/and past reviews can be Considered in judging whether sufficient evidence exists” .

49 Context section has been added
Context - other examples: “Collective and/or individual candidate development needs can be considered when reviewing evidence” 4.1 “Comparing expected practice (documented procedures) with actual practice (the implementation of those procedures) can help provide appropriate evidence” 4.2 “Assessment methods/instruments and decisions should be sampled “

50 Other changes to Quality Assurance Guidance
Interviewing candidates is important to the verification process (all qualifications) and should take place whenever possible Where the qualification(s) sampled include one or more SVQ Units, the relevant Sector’s Assessment Strategy applies to those units New Guide to Assessment about to be published


52 Processing Qualification Verifier queries
Draft responses, dependent on what they are, may be sent to a nominated SQA Senior Manager/Department for their comment. All queries to be submitted via the QA Appointee Website The Quality Assurance Panel (QAP) will agree response wording and advise whether it should be included in Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or Answering Your Queries (AYQ) within 5 days. FAQs accessible to all SQA centres and all SQA staff and appointees on SQA’s Q A Website. AYQ accessible to SQA staff and appointees only on SQA’s QA Appointee website. New items are added to either the FAQs and/or AYQ . The FAQs and AYQ will be reviewed and the results used to update Qualification Verification procedures and guidance.

53 Introducing the Qualification Verification Standardisation Decision Record
A Standardisation Decision record is: A single continuous and up to date record used by a Verifier Group to record key decisions relating to the group’s subject area Benefits All key decisions relating to externally verifying qualification(s) in one place New (and more timely) decisions can be added without face to face meetings Focuses on group agreement, promoting consistency Relevant SQA Staff can more efficiently access decisions made by each group New group members can get up to speed more quickly

54 Questions?

55 Quality Assurance Logistics Manager
Juliette McGinley Quality Assurance Logistics Manager

56 Standardisation Meetings and EV Updates
Standardisation meetings are booked for 4 Saturdays in October and 1 in November. Singleton Update in November Invites will be sent out to Seniors by 3rd September. QAMS training sessions will run each Saturday Disseminate information relating to Quality Assurance at standardisation meetings

57 Service Level Agreements
Qualification Approval Accept or decline allocated visit within 3 working days Advise of visit date within 5 working days of acceptance Visit plan sent to centre copying in Visit Report submitted to SQA within 5 working days of visit Qualification Verification Accept or decline allocated visit within 2 weeks Contact centre to arrange visit as soon as possible Re contact centre within 6 weeks of visit to request information Visit plan sent to centre and SQA within at least 2 weeks before the visit

58 Housekeeping College regionalisation – please ensure SQA has a current list of exception centres. EV contact details – please ensure SQA holds your most current details. Please submit IAR ASAP, deadline 30th August New EVs – contact QA Logistics team to create an EV+ account. Quality Assurance Appointee website – migration from SQA Academy. Visit Plans must be sent to SQA.

59 Moving Forward Quality Assurance Appointee Website will be updated with documentation discussed today: Standardisation documentation Processing qualification verification queries EV+ guidance SQA’s Quality Assurance presentation/videos Qualification verification guidance Regular e-zines to update Verifiers as documentation is published on Appointee website All centres offering HN & VQ will move to SQA’s Quality Assurance for Higher National and Vocational Qualifications by August 2014

60 Further Information Quality Assurance Appointee Website:
QAMS online reporting:

61 Questions?


63 Senior External Verifier Event 29 August 2013

64 Appointee Management Mark Hood Training and Development Manager Tel:

65 Senior External Verifier Event
HN/SVQ External Verifier Qualifications Key Performance Measures (KPM) Data Protection Act (1998)/ Protecting Information SQA Academy Courses

66 HN External Verifier Award – 2012/2013 Academic Session
Externally Verify the Assessment Process in Non Workplace Contexts – (FX33 36) 2012/2013 Academic Session 75 HN External Verifiers enrolled on the award 39 Started in 2012/2013 academic session 36 Started in the 2011/2012 academic session HN External Verifier Award The award was well received by those External Verifiers who participated on the award. In most instances the standards allowed experienced EVs to ratify that there working practices met national standards.

67 HN External Verifier Award – 2012/2013 Academic Session
Externally Verify the Assessment Process in Non Workplace Contexts – (FX33 36) 2012/2013 Academic Session 10 Candidates completed the award in the 2012/2013 academic session – started 2011/2012 academic session 11 Candidates from 2011/2012 academic session are scheduled to complete.

68 HN External Verifier Award – 2012/2013 Academic Session
Externally Verify the Assessment Process in Non Workplace Contexts – (FX33 36) 2012/2013 Academic Session 15 Candidates from the 2011/2012 academic session require centres to be allocated in the 2013/2014 academic session in order to complete award. 16 Candidates from 2012/2013 academic session are scheduled to complete prior to January 2014. HN External Verifier Award The award was well received by those External Verifiers who participated on the award. In most instances the standards allowed experienced EVs to ratify that there working practices met national standards. The Other Eleven External Verifiers Will Require One or More Running Centres in order to complete the award in the 2013/2014 academic session.

69 HN External Verifier Award – 2012/2013 Academic Session
Externally Verify the Assessment Process in Non Workplace Contexts – (FX33 36) 2012/2013 Academic Session 23 Candidates from the 2012/2013 academic session require centres to be allocated in the 2013/2014 academic session in order to complete award. HN External Verifier Award The award was well received by those External Verifiers who participated on the award. In most instances the standards allowed experienced EVs to ratify that there working practices met national standards. External Verifiers Will Require One or More Running Centres in order to complete the award in the 2013/2014 academic session.

70 SVQ External Verifier Award – 2012/2013 Academic Session
Externally Monitor and Maintain the Quality of Workplace Assessment – (FD44 04) 2012/2013 Academic Session 29 SVQ External Verifiers enrolled on the award 13 Started in 2012/2013 academic session 16 Started in the 2011/2012 academic session SVQ External Verifier Award The award was well received by those External Verifiers who participated on the award. In most instances the standards allowed experienced EVs to ratify that there working practices met national standards.

71 SVQ External Verifier Award – 2012/2013 Academic Session
Externally Monitor and Maintain the Quality of Workplace Assessment – (FD44 04) 2012/2013 Academic Session 7 Candidates completed the award in the 2012/2013 academic session – started 2011/2012 academic session 1 Candidate from 2011/2012 academic session is scheduled to complete.

72 SVQ External Verifier Award – 2012/2013 Academic Session
Externally Monitor and Maintain the Quality of Workplace Assessment – (FD44 04) 2012/2013 Academic Session 8 Candidates from the 2011/2012 academic session require centres to be allocated in the 2013/2014 academic session in order to complete award. 6 Candidates from 2012/2013 academic session are scheduled to complete prior to December 2013. SVQ External Verifier Award The award was well received by those External Verifiers who participated on the award. In most instances the standards allowed experienced EVs to ratify that there working practices met national standards.

73 SVQ External Verifier Award – 2012/2013 Academic Session
Externally Monitor and Maintain the Quality of Workplace Assessment – (FD44 04) 2012/2013 Academic Session 6 Candidates from the 2012/2013 academic session require centres to be allocated in the 2013/2014 academic session in order to complete award. SVQ External Verifier Award The award was well received by those External Verifiers who participated on the award. In most instances the standards allowed experienced EVs to ratify that there working practices met national standards. External Verifiers Will Require One or More Running Centres in order to complete the award in the 2013/2014 academic session.

74 HN/SVQ External Verifier Awards 2013/2014 Academic Session
HN External Verifier Award Scheduled to commence from November 2013 SVQ External Verifier Award Scheduled to commence from December 2013

75 Key Performance Measures (KPMs)
KPM – No. 6 submit CPD record with agreed timescales where appropriate

76 Continuing Professional Development Record (CPDR)
Submission Date: 30 June in any given year Total Number of CPDRs expected 442 Total Number of CPDRs submitted 334 Total Number of CPDRs not submitted 98

77 Continuing Professional Development Record (CPDR)
Submission Date: 30 June in any given year Total Number of CPDRs submitted 334 Total Number of CPDRs Compliant Total Number of CPDRs Non-Compliant 9 Total Number of CPDRs Compliant – Late 32 Notes: Of the 352 that were compliant – 30 of those submissions were submitted after 30 June The latest being 8 August 2012.

78 CPDR – Standardisation
Total Number of CPDRs Non Compliant on first submission Total Number of CPDRs Compliant on second submission Total Number of CPDRs Non-Compliant submitted after – 30 June Total Number of CPDRs Non-Compliant 9

79 Result of CPDR Non-Submission
The following may not be re-appointed for the 2013/2014 academic session as CPDR was not submitted for 2 years in a row: 15 EVs across HN and SVQ Qualifications Blocks Not a particular pleasant slide. SEV/EVs advised late August/early September 2012

80 Key Performance Measures (KPMs) Principal External Verifier (1 of 3)
Train, develop and support members of the EV team to meet SQA requirements <SQA> Monitor performance of members of the EV team to meet SQA requirements <SQA> Ensure consistency of decisions made by members of the EV team <SQA> Ensure reports generated by members of the EV team meet quality standard <SQA>

81 Key Performance Measures (KPMs) Principal External Verifier (2 of 3)
Positive engagement with all members of the team through leadership and management of people <SQA> Positive engagement with all members of SQA staff<SQA> Complete Principal External Verifier annual report within conditions and timescales<SQA>

82 Key Performance Measures (KPMs) Principal External Verifier (3 of 3)
Satisfactorily fulfil the KPMs of the External Verifier role <SQA>

83 Key Performance Measures (KPMs) External Verifier (1 of 2)
Complete External Verifier training/updates <SQA/PEV> Complete scheduled centre allocation of visits within conditions and timescales for SQA <SQA/PEV> Complete scheduled central events within conditions and timescales for SQA where appropriate <SQA/PEV>

84 Key Performance Measures (KPMs) External Verifier (2 of 2)
Complete External Verifier reports as per SQA quality standard and within agreed timescale <PEV> Positive engagement with all members of the team, SQA centre’s personnel and with all members of SQA staff <SQA/PEV> Submit CPD record within agreed timescales where appropriate <SQA>

85 Data Protection Act (1998)/ Protecting Information
SQA Data Protection policy has recently been reviewed. The updated policy aims to: Clearly explain the implications of the Data Protection Act for SQA’s work Set out expectations of employees, appointees, nominees, agency workers and secondees in carrying out their duties. Explain the consequences for SQA for any policy breach Will be on the SQA Academy. Principal External Verifiers and External Verifiers will be notified by when the course is available.

86 Data Protection Act (1988)/ Protecting Information
2013/2014 Academic Session Protecting Information Course Protecting and Storing Information In the workplace On the move Staying safe online Assessment Five separate categories. Will be on the SQA Academy. Principal External Verifiers and External Verifiers will be notified by when the course is available.

87 SQA Academy Programmes
In October 2013, I shall all SEVs/EVs and advise that the following 2 courses have been updated for this current academic session: CPD for HN/SVQ External Verifiers Explaining the External Verifier Awards Explaining the External Verifier Awards – Newly appointed External Verifiers will receive this .

88 CPD for HN/SVQ External Verifiers
Changes for 2013/2014 Academic Session One If you are a Principal External Verifier or External Verifier with a Vocational Qualification appointment will be asked to confirm that you meet the occupational requirements of the Assessment Strategy for your area of expertise in any one academic session.

89 CPD for HN/SVQ External Verifiers
Two If the awarding body is audited by a regulatory body (for example: SQA Accreditation or Ofqual) we may ask you to submit evidence to this effect for audit purposes. Three The Continuing Professional Development Record (CPDR) is now in a PDF format.

90 CPDR SQA Accreditation Unit Audit
SQA Accreditation Unit Audit – July 2013 17 Verification Groups were selected for audit

91 CPDR SQA Accreditation Unit Audit
Carpentry and Joinery (165) Construction and Civil Engineering Services (352) Construction Conservation (432) Construction Engineering (352) Construction Management (316) Construction (Plant and Ops) (186) Construction Technician (161) Emergency First Aid at Work (488) Licensed Trade Qualifications (425) Painting and Decorating (169) SVQ Sport and Recreation – Facilities Management/Development (202) SVQ Sport and Recreation – Exercise and Fitness (200) SVQ Sport and Recreation – Outdoor Education (204) SVQ Sport and Recreation – Playwork (201) SVQ Sport and Recreation – Spectator (204) SVQ Sport and Recreation – Sports Coaching (199) Wood Machining (170)


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