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New Jersey Driving License System and New Jersey Driver Testing

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Presentation on theme: "New Jersey Driving License System and New Jersey Driver Testing"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Jersey Driving License System and New Jersey Driver Testing
Jeopardy! New Jersey Driving License System and New Jersey Driver Testing

2 New Jersey Driving Licenses
Topic 1 New Jersey Driving Licenses

3 Topic 2 Emergencies

4 Signs: shapes and colors
Topic 3 Signs: shapes and colors Pavement Markings

5 Topic 4 Alcohol and Driving

6 Topic 5 Driving and Parking

7 Topic 6 Random

8 Jeopardy Licenses Emergencies Signs/Pavement markings Alcohol Parking & Driving Random 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy!

9 The 3 documents NJ motorists must carry when operating a vehicle…...
Licenses $100 Question The 3 documents NJ motorists must carry when operating a vehicle…...

10 Insurance card, and Registration
Licenses $100 Answer What is Driver license, Insurance card, and Registration

11 Return

12 The amount of time a motorist has
Licenses $200 Question The amount of time a motorist has To report a legal name change Address change Address change out-of-state to MVC…..

13 Licenses $200 Answer What is two weeks 1 week after you move 60 days

14 Return

15 How old does one need to be to get a basic driver license?
Licenses $300 Question How old does one need to be to get a basic driver license?

16 Licenses $300 Answer What 18 years old

17 Return

18 Licenses $400 Question What is the time restriction for a holder of an examination permit who is 21 or older?

19 What NO time restriction
Licenses $400 Answer What NO time restriction

20 Return

21 Licenses $500 Question How many passengers can a special learner permit have in the car with them?

22 Licenses $500 Answer What is
Limited to any parent, guardian or dependant of the special permit holder and one additional passenger

23 Return

24 Emergencies $100 Question
When are the roads most slippery?

25 What is during the first few minutes of rainfall
Emergencies $100 Answer What is during the first few minutes of rainfall

26 Return

27 Daily Double Daily Double!

28 The 6 points you need of ID verification for receiving your license.
Daily Double Question The 6 points you need of ID verification for receiving your license.

29 Daily Double Answer What are Digital photograph and Digital signature

30 Return

31 Emergencies $300 Question
What should one do if they drive through a deep puddle?

32 What is test your brakes by pumping them
Emergencies $300 Answer What is test your brakes by pumping them

33 Return

34 Emergencies $400 Question
What should one do if they have a tire blowout?

35 Take the foot off the gas pedal
Emergencies $400 Answer What is Grip the wheel Take the foot off the gas pedal Slow down gradually Pull off

36 Return

37 Emergencies $500 Question
How does one regain control if they are skidding?

38 Emergencies $500 Answer Turn the wheel in the direction the rear end is going, take foot of the gas (do not hit the brakes)

39 Return

40 Signs\Pavement Markings $100 Question
Yield Sign Shape and color?

41 Signs\Pavement Markings $100 Answer
What is red and white, triangle

42 Return

43 Signs\Pavement Markings $200 Question
Stop Sign Shape and color?

44 Signs\Pavement Markings $200 Answer
What is red and white, octagon

45 Return

46 Signs\Pavement Markings $300 Question
Railroad Shape and color?

47 Signs\Pavement Markings $300 Answer
What is Black and Yellow circle

48 Return

49 Signs\Pavement Markings $400 Question
What are the markings for a passing zone?

50 Signs/Pavement Markings $400 Answer
Dashed or Dotted Lines

51 Return

52 Signs/Pavement Markings $500 Question
What is the acceleration lane?

53 Types of NJ Driver License $500 Answer
What is an extra lane at highway entrances used by motorists to speed up to join the flow of traffic.

54 Return

55 What is the only thing that will make one sober?
Alcohol $100 Question What is the only thing that will make one sober?

56 Alcohol $100 Answer What is Time

57 Return

58 What is the risk of getting in an accident with a BAC of 0.10%?
Alcohol $200 Question What is the risk of getting in an accident with a BAC of 0.10%?

59 Alcohol $200 Answer What is 6x

60 Return

61 5 oz glass of wine has the same amount of alcohol as ____ oz of beer
Alcohol $300 Question 5 oz glass of wine has the same amount of alcohol as ____ oz of beer

62 Alcohol $300 Answer What is 12 oz

63 Return

64 After 2-4 drinks alcohol begins to impair…
Alcohol $400 Question After 2-4 drinks alcohol begins to impair… 3 things

65 What is Coordination, balance, and reaction time
Alcohol $400 Answer What is Coordination, balance, and reaction time

66 Return

67 What is the implied consent law?
Alcohol $500 Question What is the implied consent law?

68 Alcohol $500 Answer When you drive a motor vehicle in NJ you automatically agree to take breath test following an arrest for suspected drinking and driving.

69 Return

70 When parking downhill wheels should be:
Parking and Driving $100 Question When parking downhill wheels should be:

71 Turned towards the curb
Parking and Driving $100 Answer What is Turned towards the curb

72 Return

73 Please demonstrate the three hand signals
Parking and Driving $200 Question Please demonstrate the three hand signals Right Turn Left Turn Slow Down/Stop

74 Parking and Driving $200 Answer

75 Return

76 When driving around a curve your car will tend to…
Parking and Driving $300 Question When driving around a curve your car will tend to…

77 Continue going straight
Parking and Driving $300 Answer What is Continue going straight

78 Return

79 How many feet do you park from a Crosswalk at an intersection
Parking and Driving $400 Question How many feet do you park from a Fire hydrant Crosswalk at an intersection Stop sign

80 Parking and Driving $400 Answer What is 10 feet 25 feet 50 feet

81 Return

82 Two cars enter the intersection at the same time, who yields?
Parking and Driving $500 Question Two cars enter the intersection at the same time, who yields?

83 The driver on the left yields.
Graduated Driver License $500 Question The driver on the left yields.

84 Return

85 What type of insurance is required in NJ?
Random $100 Question What type of insurance is required in NJ?

86 What is Liability insurance
Random $100 Answer What is Liability insurance

87 Return

88 When can you pass on the right?
Random $200 Question When can you pass on the right?

89 Random $200 Answer What is when the car ahead is turning left and there is enough room to pass or when you are moving in two or more substantially continuous lines.

90 Return

91 The laws of NJ require motorists to keep to the ….
Random $300 Question The laws of NJ require motorists to keep to the ….

92 What is keep to the right, except when passing.
Random $300 Answer What is keep to the right, except when passing.

93 Return

94 When night driving one should be able to stop…
Random $400 Question When night driving one should be able to stop…

95 What is within the distance you can see ahead.
Random $400 Answer What is within the distance you can see ahead.

96 Return

97 What should one do if approaching an uncontrolled intersection?
Random $500 Question What should one do if approaching an uncontrolled intersection?

98 Slow down, proceed with caution and be ready to stop
Random $500 Answer What is Slow down, proceed with caution and be ready to stop

99 Return

100 Final Jeopardy Topic

101 Final Jeopardy Question
Driving privileges will be postponed or suspended to any unlicensed person (13-21) convicted of… All three!

102 Final Jeopardy Answer What is Setting off false alarms Graffiti
Buying alcoholic beverages and/or driving under the influence (DUI)

103 Thank you for playing!

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