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EQUAL OPPORTUNITY $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200

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1 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200
(Click for final jeopardy) EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Responsibilities Equal Opportunity Program Training EO Reports EO Survey $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

2 EORs shall provide to all unit personnel.             

3 What is EO training? Home

4 The amount of time an EOR should be assigned.

5 What is a minimum of one year?

6 The criteria a Commander utilizes to assign an EOR.

7 Must be a Officer or SNCO Does not create a conflict of interest
What is: Designated in writing Must be a Officer or SNCO Does not create a conflict of interest Home

8 An EOR should not conduct this for a command.

9 What are investigations?

10 Areas EORs can assist the commanders in the EO program.

11 Establishing complaint procedures Reviewing complaints
What are: Establishing complaint procedures Reviewing complaints Assessing the command climate Identifying and conducting EO training? Home

12 The Marine Corps EO policy is to provide equality of _________ and the __________ for all Marines to achieve their full potential

13 treatment & opportunity?
What are treatment & opportunity? Home

14 A Commander must publish this for their commands

15 What is a command policy
statement on EO? Home

16 A commander may elect to conduct a combined _____________ event instead of numerous individual events

17 What is multicultural? Home

18 Avenues used to file formal complaints.

19 Communications with Inspectors General
What are: Request Mast Article 138 UCMJ Article 1150 US Navy Communications with Inspectors General Individual Communications with Congress Home

20 The number of hours / days a commander has to initiate an investigation into a formal EO complaint.

21 What are: 72 Hours or 3 working days Home

22 The three leadership principles that EO is based upon

23 1. Know your Marines and look out for their welfare.
What are: 1. Know your Marines and look out for their welfare. 2. Set the example. 3. Train your Marines as a team. Home

24 The best method to conduct EO training.

25 What are small group discussions?

26 The methods to correct behavior within the IRS.

27 Training Information Resources
What are: Direct Approach Informal Third Party Training Information Resources Home

28 The English translation is
“This for That”.

29 What is Quid Pro Quo? Home

30 The elements of sexual harassment.
Daily Double

31 Must be Sexual in Nature Occur in or impact on the work environment
What are: Must be Unwelcome Must be Sexual in Nature Occur in or impact on the work environment Home

32 This annual report is due on
15 Nov to CMC (MPE).

33 What is the Annual EO Data Summary Report?

34 This report is provided to assists commanders in managing their
EO program.

35 What is the Command Military Personnel Race / Ethnic Statistics Report?

36 A racial incident report involving over $1000.00 of damage.

37 What is a Significant Incident Report?

38 The submission of the Dash Report is the responsibility

39 Who is the Commander of the complainant?

40 Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Reports (DASH).
The three types of Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Reports (DASH).

41 What are: Initial Continuation Final. Home

42 This survey is required by Commanders within
This survey is required by Commanders within days of assumption of command.

43 What is 90 days? Home

44 This climate survey is issued and analyzed by DEOMI in Florida.

45 Opportunity Climate Survey
What is Defense Equal Opportunity Climate Survey (DEOCS) Home

46 The specific objectives of the Equal Opportunity Program.

47 To ensure equal opportunity exists for all Marines.
What are: To build & maintain a cohesive combat ready corps of Marines who are focused and determined to accomplish their mission. Promote teamwork and cohesion through the elimination of prejudice and harassment. To ensure equal opportunity exists for all Marines. Home

48 Discrimination is the illegal treatment or a person or group based on.
Daily Double

49 What are: Age Color Gender Race Religion National Origin Home

50 The motto on the Great Seal of the United States in Latin & English.

51 “E Pluribus Unum” “Out of Many, One”
What is: “E Pluribus Unum” “Out of Many, One” Home

52 What is the Sexual Harassment Order
Final Jeopardy $$ What is the Sexual Harassment Order Marine Corps Order

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