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Neurotransmitters Neuropeptides Amines Amino acids Opioid peptides

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1 Neurotransmitters Neuropeptides Amines Amino acids Opioid peptides
Enkephalins (ENK) Endorphins (END) Peptide Hormones Oxytocin (Oxy) Substance P Cholecystokinin (CCK) Vasopressin (ADH) Neuropeptide Y (NPY) Brain-derived Neurotrophic factor Hypothalamic Releasing Hormones GnRH TRH CRH Lipids Anandamide Gases Nitric Oxide (NO) Amines Quaternary amines Acetylcholine (ACh) Monoamines Catecholamines Epinephrine (EPI) Norepinephrine (NE) Dopamine (DA) Indoleamines Serotonin (5-HT) Melatonin Amino acids Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) Glutamate (GLU) Glycine Histamine (HIST)

2 Glutamate Synthesis Glutamine Glutaminase Glutamic Acid Glutamate
Aspartic Acid Aspartate Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

3 Distribution of VGLUTs
Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

4 Glutamate Synapse Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

5 Glutamate Receptors AMPA receptors Kainate receptors NMDA receptors
GluA1-4 Kainate receptors GluK1-5 NMDA receptors GluN1 GluN2A-C GluN3A-B Metabotropic receptors mGluR1-8 Glutamate Receptors Iontotropic Metabotropic Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg AMPA Receptor

6 All ionotropic glutamate receptor channels conduct Na+ ions into the cell
Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

7 NMDA receptor properties
Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

8 Types of Memory (iconic memory) (7 bits for 30seconds)

9 Cellular Mechanism for Learning
Hebbian Synapse: Frequent stimulation can change the efficacy of a synapse

10 Enrichment Protocol Impoverished Enriched

11 Quantifying Dendritic Arborization

12 Hippocampal Brain Slicing

13 Hippocampal Pathways Psychopharmacology2e-Box Fig-A-0.jpg

14 Long-Term Potentiation (LTP)
each triangle represents a single action potential Slope of the EPSP (one characteristic measure of an action potential) baseline response potentiated response Hippocampus has a three synaptic pathway Stimulate one area (mossy fibers) and record the action potentials in another (CA1) Stimulate multiple times to get a baseline response Once a stable baseline is established give a brief high frequency stimulating pulse Use the same stimulating pulse as in baseline but now see a potentiated response This potentiated response can last hours, days, or even weeks (LTP)

15 Normal Synaptic Transmission
Glutamate Channels: NMDA Mg2+ block no ion flow AMPA Na+ flows in depolarizes cell

16 LTP Induction With repeated activation
the depolarization drives the Mg2+ plug out of the NMDA channels Ca2+ then rushes in through the NMDA channels Ca2+ stimulates a retrograde messenger to maintain LTP Ca2+ also stimulates CREB to activate plasticity genes

17 LTP-induced Neural Changes

18 Neurobiological Changes via Learning
Dendritic changes: Increased dendritic arborization Increased dendritic bulbs Synaptic changes: More neurotransmitter release More sensitive postsynaptic area Larger presynaptic areas Larger postsynaptic areas Increased interneuron modulation More synapses formed Increased shifts in synaptic input Physiological changes: Long-Term Potentiation Long-Term Depression

19 Learning Requires Protein Synthesis!
Anisomycin: (protein synthesis inhibitor) blocks long term memory

20 GABA Synthesis Glutamate Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD) GABA
Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

21 GABA Synapse Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

22 GABA Receptors GABAA receptors GABAB receptors GABAC receptors
Iontotropic Metabotropic Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg GABAA Receptor

23 GABAA receptor properties
Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

24 Anxiety Disorders feelings of concern or worry
increased muscle tension restlessness impaired concentration sleep disturbances irritability increased heart rate Increased sweating other signs of “fight-or-flight” response

25 Three-Component Model of Anxiety
General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Panic Attacks Panic Disorder Phobias Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

26 Neurobiology of Anxiety
Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

27 Neurobiology of Anxiety
Psychopharmacology2e-Fig R.jpg

28 Neurochemistry of Anxiety
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) Norepinephrine (NE) Serotonin (5-HT) Dopamine (DA) GABA 28

29 GABA and Anxiety Benzodiazepines (BDZ) and barbiturates cause sedation and reduced anxiety by binding to modulatory sites on the GABA receptor complex BDZ binding sites are widely distributed in the brain. They are in high concentration in the amygdala and frontal lobe. 29

30 GABA and Anxiety Inverse agonists bind to BDZ sites and produce actions opposite of BDZ drugs—increased anxiety, arousal, and seizures. The β-carboline family produces extreme anxiety and panic. They are presumed to uncouple the GABA receptors from the Cl– channels so that GABA is less effective. 30

31 GABA and Anxiety Animal studies have found that natural differences in anxiety levels are correlated with the number of BDZ binding sites in several brain areas. PET scans of patients with panic disorder show less benzodiazepine binding in the CNS, particularly in the frontal lobe. 31

32 Drugs for Treating Anxiety
Anxiolytics Sedative–hypnotics Benzodiazepines Barbiturates Antidepressants 32

33 Benzodiazepines Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

34 BDZ binding and antianxiety effect
Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

35 Barbiturates Psychopharmacology2e-Fig jpg

36 Antidepressants Psychopharmacology2e-Table jpg

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