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OSIRIS Full Team Meeting Welcome, Introduction, Agenda

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1 OSIRIS Full Team Meeting Welcome, Introduction, Agenda
Holger Sierks Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung

2 OSIRIS - Scientific Camera System
NAC – Narrow Angle Camera FOV 2.2°, IFOV 18.6 µrad/px SiC, 2k x 2k BI E2V CCD, AB 3-mirror off-axis, f/8, 717mm WAC – Wide Angle Camera FOV 12°, IFOV 101 µrad/px Al bench, 2k x 2k BI E2V CCD, AB 2-mirror off-axis, f/5.6, 140mm plus 3 E-Boxes (35.6 kg total) 22 % of Rosetta p/l

3 Introduction OSIRIS is healthy, hibernating since end of March 2011
Hibernation ends in 8 months and a few days: 20 Jan 14, 7am! OSIRIS turn on due approx. 6 weeks later Science Planning HAC and LAC is important NOW Need planning and analysis tools for C-G get ready OSIRIS delta commissioning to be laid out Delta calibrations dito Operations User Manual to be finished CoIs and Associate Scientists: Take action and role in C-G prep work

4 Agenda We, 15 May 2013, 9-18h 09:00 Welcome / introduction / logistics – O. Groussin, H. Sierks 09:15 Science Session   Update on understanding of comets – M. A’Hearn Dust photometry – J. Agarwal Update on dust and gas modeling – J.-B. Vincent Activity of C-G – C. Snodgrass, C. Tubiana Update on SPG and SPC for OSIRIS – L. Jorda, F. Preusker 3d reconstruction of the nucleus of 67P/C-G with the M-PCD technique – C. Capanna Measurements of local non-gravitational forces with OSIRIS images and MIRO spectra – L. Maquet Minerals in OSIRIS filters – N. Oklay Science by multi-instrument campaigns – J. Agarwal On the Rosetta Orbit Plane Beta Angle – U. Keller 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Introduction and summary of the work done on the science plan – C. Snodgrass 14:30 Review of OSIRIS science plan and science sequences (HAC, MAC, and LAC) by resp. person Topic by topic review of the science plan and sequence implementation, Part I 17:30 Executive session 18:00 Adjourn   Team dinner

5 Agenda Th, 16 May 2013, 9-18h 09:00 Review of OSIRIS science plan and science sequences (HAC, MAC, and LAC) by resp. person Topic by topic review of the science plan and sequence implementation, Part II   Rosetta planning segmentation for High, Medium, and Low Activity Case Data volume allocation for OSIRIS DG spreadsheets and priorities (and priority vs. time) Fly-by examples and strategies 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Pre-landing science and implementation of sequences (activity, SPG, SPC, composition..) 14:30 Trade pyramid vs. GMP circular orbits for DTM and OSIRIS science 15:00 Report from calibration working group – M. Küppers 15:15 Detection and evolution of small features in OSIRIS flats with the internal calibration lamps – L. Lara 15:30 Revision of the delta calibration and regular calibration implemented in the science plan 16:00 Multi-instrument campaigns as of plan 16:30 Compression analysis 17:00 OSIRIS mission success criteria 18:00 Adjourn

6 Agenda Fr, 17 May 2013, 9-14h 09:00 Rosetta operations, SGS, planning cycles – P. Gutierrez 09:15 Pointing uncertainty mitigation by use of WAC for NAC ops – P. Gutierrez 09:30 Update of operations and pipeline implementation – P. Gutierrez 09:45 Update on delta-commissioning post hibernation – P. Gutierrez 10:00 Dust on mirrors update (UPD and LAM) 10:15 ICDs and cross-instrument cooperation on Rosetta 10:30 Co-location, publication policy, papers … 11:00 Organization of products, who produces what and when 11:30 Philae/orbiter meeting, contribution and collaboration 11:45 VSTP needs in terms of products and team support 12:00 Discussion/Lunch 13:00 Date and place of next full team meeting (proposal: week of Nov 4, MPS) 13:30 AOB 14:00 Adjourn

7 L. Jorda: A.1 - Internal structure
N. Thomas/deputy J. Agarwal: B.1 - Large-scale morphology J. Knollenberg/deputy S. Hviid: B.2 - Small scale morphology C. Leyrat: C.1 - Refractory material S. Fornasier/deputy C. Leyrat: C.2 - Ices M. Küppers: D.1 - Spatial distribution of active areas B. Davidsson/deputy J. Agarwal: D.2 - Physical properties of active areas H. Sierks: D.3 - Transient event S. Hviid: D.4 - Effect of the activity on the surface properties I. Bertini/deputy V. Da Deppo: E.1 – Satellite search J. Agarwal: G.1 - Dust D. Bodewits/ deputy M. A’Hearn: G.2 - Gas JB. Vincent: H.1 - Dynamics J. Agarwal: H Sublimation of icy-grains M. A'Hearn: H Evolution of large icy, fluffy chunks (snowballs) J. Agarwal: H Fragmentation of grains D. Bodewits/deputy M. A’Hearn: H Photo-dissociation of water molecules I. Bertini/deputy V. Da Deppo: I.1 - Dust grains physical properties S. Magrin/deputy F. La Forgia: I.2 - Ices S. Hviid: J.1 - Geology and Physical properties S. Mottola: J.2 - Composition and Activity C. Snodgrass: K.1 - Ground truth of ground-based observations: Physical properties C. Tubiana: K.2 - Ground truth of ground-based observations: Dynamics JB. Vincent: L.1 - Ground truth of ground-based observations: Dust coma M. A’Hearn: L.2 - Ground truth of ground-based observations: Gas coma

8 Dates SPWG telecons to continue consolidation July 15/16 w/ Mike, post PI mtg #4 & RS mtg Aug 7/8, post end-2-end tests Rosetta week of Sep 2, pre SOWG #15 next Science Planning WG Mtg in Granada in week of September 23, 2013; proposed date Sep 13 prep for PI telecon the week after next OSIRIS Full Team Meeting, incl. SPWG mtg Venice lagoon, November 5-8, 2013

9 DG_Trajectory_Segment_Design_v17_FINAL.xlsx LAC_trajectory_segmentation_DG1_ xlsx D1G_2013_03_20.xls DG2_2013_03_20.xls DG3_2013_03_20.xlsx DG4_ xlsx RO-ESC-TN-5562, Issue 1.1, , Navigation Analysis for comet operations up to SSP delivery.pdf RO-ESC-TN-5566.doc, Rosetta Project Comet Reference Models RO-SGS-PL-1011_Rosetta_Science_Activity_Plan_D_2_16-MAR-2012.doc RO-ESC-TN-5053-working Inputs for Pre-landing Phase.docx RO-SGS-LI-1007-Data_Volume_Summary-0_3_21-Mar-2013_OSIRIS_non_swapped_official_plan.xls osiris_science_planning_document_v5_ docx OSIRIS_sequence_description doc OSIRIS_Sequences_ _HAC_OSIRIS_non_swapped_official_plan.xlsx OSIRIS_Sequences_ xlsx OSIRIS_Fly-Bys_15Mar2013.xlsx OSIRIS-Data-Volume_ _HAC.xlsx RO-RIS-MPAE-TN-062/7-, OSIRIS Pre-landing Operations, Landing support and science


11 Backup

12 C-G Observations Rosetta’s first view of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko
25th March 2011, start 22:55, end 26th March 11:48 163 million km from target 24 deg phase angle comet at 5.1 AU (640 Mio km) from Sun spacecraft at 4.14 AU from Sun 5min exposures full frame NAC and WAC 52*15min (13h) exposures, clear filter, 512x512 px (~0.5 deg) R=20.9 (~ a million times fainter than the faintest stars visible to the naked eye)

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