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Learning Objectives Introduce the student’s graduation application process Understanding the Registrar’s Office graduation track batch process Creating.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objectives Introduce the student’s graduation application process Understanding the Registrar’s Office graduation track batch process Creating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objectives Introduce the student’s graduation application process Understanding the Registrar’s Office graduation track batch process Creating an initial review of graduation applications Viewing a summary of the student’s academic data Updating the student’s graduation eligibility status li

2 Graduation Tracking Process
li Graduation Application Graduation Track Batch Graduation Tracking Graduation Processing

3 Graduation Tracking Process
li Graduation Application Graduation Track Batch Graduation Tracking Graduation Processing

4 Graduation Application
Students will apply for graduation by submitting their application through their self-service The application for graduation updates the student’s program/plan stack (CPP Stack) to show they’ve applied for graduation for a term Expected grad term will in the CPP Stack on the Student Program tab. Graduation Application

5 Graduation Application
When the student clicks on the Apply for Graduation link, the screen will return the active programs that are available for the student. The student should click on the Apply for Graduation link next to the program Note that graduate students will not be able to submit their application for degree until they have completed all requirements from the Graduate School. There are some security blocks in the system that prevents a Non-matriculated student from applying for graduation NOTE: If the student has more than one program, the student should apply first for the degree program and complete the process. The student will need to go back into the application to pick up the additional programs after the first application has been successfully accepted.

6 Graduation Application
The student will be asked to select an Expected Graduation Term from a pulldown menu. Only those terms accepting applications will be available. If a term is not included in the pulldown menu, the student may not apply for that term.

7 Graduation Application
The student will be asked to verify the selected program and term. The student may correct their choice by clicking on Select Different Program or Select Different Term. The student should click continue to move on.

8 Graduation Application
The student will be asked to submit their intention to participate in the Commencement ceremony and provide a phonetic description of how their name should be spoken at the ceremony.

9 Graduation Application
The student’s name and diploma address cannot be changed in the application process. They are encouraged to the Registrar’s Office if this information is to be changed. They can confirm their name and address by updating their Catalyst profile. Note: The preferred name of the student is provided on the screens in the application process.

10 Graduation Application
An undergraduate student will be required to complete the graduation survey next. Graduate students will not be presented with this survey as they have completed their survey through the Graduate School’s process. Optional fields include Employee name, salary Required: Did student participate in Co-Op/Internship, accepted to graduate school, participate in UC activities, etc. Questions on this undergraduate survey are identified as Required or Optional for the student’s responses.

11 Graduation Application
The student will be prompted to submit payment of the Graduation Application Fee. Note that the student will have an opportunity to change the Billing address on the next page. Students do not have to pay for a certificate or a minor. That’s why it’s preferred the student applies for undergraduate program first before applying for certificate/minor. Note: Students do not have to pay for a certificate or a minor

12 Graduation Application
Things to Keep in Mind If the student has more than the one program in which they wish to apply to graduate, they must go back into the application to add the additional program’s application. If the student has already completed the graduation survey, they will not need to answer the questions again. If the student has already paid the graduation fee for that term, the student will not be asked to submit payment again. After Fall Semester begins, students who wish to add a Diploma Name or a Diploma Address may do so by clicking on the Update Profile link from the Student Portal. By updating their profile, they will be able to: Add a Diploma Name Add a new address that can be identified as a Diploma Mailing Address.

13 Graduation Tracking Process
li Graduation Application Graduation Track Batch Graduation Tracking Graduation Processing

14 Graduation Track Batch
Office of Registrar’s business process Run a batch process that will add a graduation tracking status of “Applied” Data for graduation processing comes from the student’s program plan stack (CPP Stack) The status makes students available to retrieve in the Graduation Tracking Search Graduation Track Batch

15 Graduation Track Batch
Remember that this query is only ran by the Office of Registrar. 1 2 3 4 Institution Career Degree Checkout Status Expected Grad Term IMPORTANT REMINDER** Once the query is complete then the Certifying Officers from the colleges will be able to retrieve students in the Graduation Tracking Search to approve/ deny a student’s graduation application.

16 Graduation Track Batch
Student’s Career-Program-Plan Stack after applying for graduation: Student Program tab Program Action Action Reason Expected Grad Term 1 2 3

17 Graduation Track Batch
Student’s CPP Stack after applying for graduation: Student Degrees tab Degree Checkout Stat 1

18 Viewing a student’s program/plan stack
Catalyst Training Exercise #1 Viewing a student’s program/plan stack

19 Graduation Tracking Process
li Graduation Application Graduation Track Batch Graduation Tracking Graduation Processing

Once a student has successfully submitted their application for graduation for a term, a new effective dated row is inserted in the student’s academic program table. On the Student Degrees page, they will have a Degree Checkout Status of “Applied”. An academic department or advisor may perform a search for a group of students based on a number of data fields such as career, program, plans, sub-plan, degree, and expected graduation term, etc. After reviewing the students’ eligibility for graduation, the department will update the Graduation Tracking Status to reflect their eligibility. Graduation Tracking

21 A new effective dated row is inserted in the student’s academic program table. On the Student Degrees page, they will have a Degree Checkout Status of “Applied”. An academic department or advisor may perform a search for a group of students based on a number of data fields. After reviewing the students’ eligibility for graduation, the department will update the Graduation Tracking Status to reflect their eligibility. Once a student has successfully submitted their application for graduation for a term, a new effective dated row is inserted in the student’s academic program table. On the Student Degrees page, they will have a Degree Checkout Status of “Applied”. An academic department or advisor may perform a search for a group of students based on a number of data fields such as career, program, plans, sub-plan, degree, and expected graduation term, etc. After reviewing the students’ eligibility for graduation, the department will update the Graduation Tracking Status to reflect their eligibility. Graduation Tracking

22 Search for all applicants in your college.
Graduation Tracking: Academic Group Search for all applicants in your college. Important Fields Academic Group College Number 15 = College of A&S 2. Search 1 2

23 Search for students in your college of a particular career.
Graduation Tracking: Academic Career Search for students in your college of a particular career. 1 Important Fields Academic Career Undergraduate Graduate Law Medicine 2. Academic Group College Number 15 = College of A&S 3. Search 2 3

24 Academic Program/Plan
Graduation Tracking: Academic Program/Plan Search for students in your college in a particular program or plan. Important Fields 1 Academic Program College Number + Academic Entity A&S Baccalaureate= 15BAC Academic Plan Area of Study + Degree Awarded Bach. of Science in Biology = BIOL-BS Academic Sub Plan** Area of Study + Concentration Bach. of Science w/ a concentration in Biology of Plants = BIOL-P 4. Search 2 3 4

25 Graduation Tracking: Optional Fields Degree Expected Grad Term
Award achieved from academic program Bachelor of Arts = BA Expected Grad Term Term code of student’s projected completion of program Fall Semester 2016 = 2168 Grad Review Status Applied, Approved, Denied, First Review Complete, Second Review Complete EMPL ID Student’s catalyst ID number Campus ID Student’s UCID number 1 2 3 4 5

26 Graduation Tracking: Search Results Download View Student Details
Results that appears below will show list of students who fit from the search criteria. Download Download search results to excel View Student Details View a student’s graduation tracking record 1 2

27 GRADUATION TRACKING Graduation Tracking
Once a student has successfully submitted their application for graduation for a term, a new effective dated row is inserted in the student’s academic program table. On the Student Degrees page, they will have a Degree Checkout Status of “Applied”. An academic department or advisor may perform a search for a group of students based on a number of data fields such as career, program, plans, sub-plan, degree, and expected graduation term, etc. After reviewing the students’ eligibility for graduation, the department will update the Graduation Tracking Status to reflect their eligibility. Graduation Tracking

28 Graduation Tracking: Student Details
Displays a summary of the student’s academic data that includes the following: Student’s name will display here Update a student’s graduation tracking status. Identify the academic plan(s), including the degree, the student has applied to for graduation. View a summary of students’ cumulative units, statistics and transfer credit View a complete history of the student’s class information. 1 2 3 The Graduation Tracking component displays a summary of the student’s academic data. The component also allows you to update the student’s graduation eligibility status (approved, denied, etc.). You may also attach degree honors and record any note related to the student’s graduation. To update the student’s graduation status, select the Update Graduation Status box. When the box is selected, the New Graduation Review Status and Status Date fields are made available for update. Click the drop down to select a new status. The Status Date will default to today’s date. Graduation Status: Approved: This status should be given if the student has fulfilled their graduation requirements and the college approves them for degree certification. Denied: This status should be applied if the student has not met their graduation requirements and the college want to delete them from the graduation list and deny their degree certification. First Review Complete and Second Review Complete are provided to accommodate any intermediate internal graduation review processes in the colleges that require multi-level approvals. A college choosing to use these values is still expected to provide a final status of Approved or Denied. Academic Plan: This identifies the academic plan(s), including the degree, the student has applied to for graduation. Statistics: This is where the student’s cumulative units, statistics and transfer credit are summarized. Enrollment: By selecting the Show All button you can view a complete history of the student’s class information. Will not be using the Grad Notes field. Honors: Where you can enter the Honors Code. Click on the magnifying glass to select a Honors code. Registrar’s office will take care of the Latin Honors as they have done before. 4

29 Graduation Tracking SearcH
Catalyst Training Exercise #2 Graduation Tracking SearcH

30 Graduation Tracking (Approved)
Catalyst Training Exercise #3 Graduation Tracking (Approved)

31 Graduation Track (Denied)
Catalyst Training Exercise #4 Graduation Track (Denied) NOTE TO INSTRUCTOR: After exercise #4 has been completed, take a 10 minute break so instructor can run 4 Graduation Processes through their all access account. Once processes have completed, example’s student’s CPP stacks should be updated as completed program ( approved grad status) or active in program with no value entered in the Expected Grad Term (Denied grad status).

32 Graduation Tracking Process
li Graduation Application Graduation Track Batch Graduation Tracking Graduation Processing

33 Graduation Processing
The Registrar’s Office will run additional batch processes in the Graduation Processing component to update the students’ CPP stacks to either award or deny the degree. This process updates the In Progress status students see on their self service portal. An awarded degree will post to the Student Degrees component as well as the student’s official transcript. Before this process can run, the certifying officers must complete their graduation tracking process. Registrar’s office will inform colleges when the deadline will be for graduation tracking. Keep in mind: Term Activation Student’s who have applied prior to term activation they will not be term activated and unable to register for classes. Student’s who have applied after term activation they will be able to register for classes. Graduation Processing

34 Graduation Processing:
Approved Process The following process is performed by the Registrar’s Office for graduate applications that have been approved for graduation. 1 Graduation Process Action New Degree Checkout Status Action Reason Completion Term Program Effective Date Confer Date Option 2 3 4 New Degree Checkout Status: Select Degree Awarded. Action Reason: Select Degree Posted. Completion term: Enter the graduation term. Program Effective Date: will default to today’s date. Confer Date Option: Select Confer Dt. (this pulls the conferral date form the academic calendar) 5

35 Graduation Processing:
Approved Process Student’s CPP stack will be updated with a new effective dated row Program Action will be assigned as COMP (completion of program Action Reason will be assigned as DEGR (degree posted) The CPP stack will be updated with a new effective dated row with a program action of COMP (completion of program) and an action reason of DEGR (degree posted).

36 Graduation Processing:
Approved Process Student’s name will display here The Student Degrees page will reflect an Awarded degree checkout status. Completion Term will have populated The Student Degrees page will reflect an Awarded degree checkout status. Departmental Honors reported by the McMicken College of Arts & Sciences and the Division of Professional Practice and Experiential Learning (ProPEL) will be Awarded in this process.

37 Graduation Processing:
Denied Process The following process is performed by the Registrar’s Office for graduate applications that have been approved for graduation. 1 Graduation Process Action New Degree Checkout Status Action Reason New Expected Grad Term Expected Grad Term Option 2 3 4 5 Graduation Process Action: New Degree Checkout Status: Denied Action Reason: Select Applied for Graduation New Expected Grad Term: Leave blank. A blank Expected Grad Term allows the student to apply for graduation in a future term. Expected Grad Term Option: Update Only if Blank

38 Graduation Processing:
Denied Process Student’s CPP stack will be updated with a new effective dated row Program Action will be assigned as DATA (data change) Action Reason will be assigned as DENY (Denied for graduation) Expected Grad Term will be blank

39 Graduation Processing:
Denied Process Student’s name will display here The Student Degrees page will reflect a blank degree checkout status

40 Viewing a student’s program/plan stack (After Review)
Catalyst Training Exercise #5 Viewing a student’s program/plan stack (After Review)

41 Viewing Student Degrees
Catalyst Training Exercise #6 Viewing Student Degrees

42 Lessons Learned Introduced the student’s graduation application process Summarized the Registrar’s Office graduation track batch process Created an initial review of graduation applications Viewed a summary of the student’s academic data Updated the student’s graduation eligibility status li

43 Resources Online Help Materials Technical Support
UC.EDU/CATALYST/TRAINING Technical Support UCIT Help Desk Functionality & Business Process to Catalyst Training Team

44 Course Evaluation We want your feedback about this training! On the Catalyst homepage, locate the Training tab and select Course Evaluations. Choose the Graduation Tracking course evaluation located under Student Records (Registrar) section. Thanks in advance for your feedback!

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