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Anatomy and Physiology I Unit 7: The Skeletal System

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy and Physiology I Unit 7: The Skeletal System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy and Physiology I Unit 7: The Skeletal System
Anatomy of the Skeletal System Part I: Bones of the Cranium Part II: Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton

2 Bones of the Cranium

3 Frontal View

4 Frontal Frontal View

5 Parietal Frontal View

6 Temporal Frontal View

7 Nasal Frontal View

8 Vomer Frontal View

9 Zygoma Frontal View

10 Maxilla Frontal View

11 Mandible Frontal View

12 Frontal View Frontal Parietal Temporal Nasal Vomer Zygoma Maxilla
Mandible Frontal View

13 Lateral View

14 Frontal Lateral View

15 Parietal Lateral View

16 Temporal Lateral View

17 Nasal Lateral View

18 Zygoma Lateral View

19 Maxilla Lateral View

20 Mandible Lateral View

21 Sphenoid Lateral View

22 Occipital Lateral View

23 Mastoid Process Lateral View

24 External Auditory Meatus
Lateral View

25 Lateral View Parietal Frontal Sphenoid Nasal Temporal Zygoma Occipital
Maxilla Mastoid Process Mandible External Auditory Meatus Lateral View

26 Sutures

27 Sagittal Sutures

28 Frontal (Coronal) Sutures

29 Squamous Sutures

30 Lambdoid Sutures

31 Sagittal Frontal (Coronal) Squamous Lambdoid Sutures

32 Appendicular Skeleton
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton


34 Clavicle

35 Scapula

36 Costals (Ribs)

37 Sternum

38 Vertebra

39 Humerus

40 Ulna

41 Radius

42 Clavicle Scapula Sternum Costals (Ribs) Humerus Vertebra Ulna Radius


44 Sacrum

45 Ilium

46 Ischium

47 Pubis

48 Femur

49 Patella

50 Tibia

51 Fibula

52 Ilium Sacrum Pubis Ischium Femur Patella Fibula Tibia

53 Bones of the Hand

54 Carpels Bones of the Hand

55 Metacarpels Carpels Bones of the Hand

56 Phalanges Metacarpels Carpels Bones of the Hand

57 Bones of the Foot

58 Tarsals Bones of the Foot

59 Metatarsals Tarsals Bones of the Foot

60 Phalanges Metatarsals Tarsals Bones of the Foot

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