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1 Stations Activity


3 A Soon after a takeover of the government in 1989, the new government of Sudan outlawed all political parties and created a totalitarian system in the country. Eventually the leaders put in an Islamic system of government and outlawed participation by other religions. In the region of Darfur, most people are Muslim, but many in the area were animist or Christian. Sudanese Arabs, which have a different physical appearance from non-arabs in the country are widely referred to as practicing apartheid against Sudan's non-Arab citizens. The government is accused of carrying out policies of apartheid and ethnic cleansing against non-Arabs in Darfur.

4 B The origin of the conflict in Sudan goes back to land disputes between semi-nomadic livestock herders and those who practice sedentary agriculture. The amount of productive land is very small and because of consistent issues with drought and food shortages, that land is extremely valuable. According to the United Nations, as much as half of south Sudan's population is desperately short of food. That is as much as four times what is was last year. It seems to be the case that in Sudan that one in every five years is dry. When the droughts come, agriculture collapses, people migrate and those who stay face conflict over food and water supplies.

5 C Since 2003, Sudan has been accused of carrying out a campaign against several black-Christian ethnic groups in Darfur, in response to a rebellion by Africans alleging mistreatment. Sudanese irregular militia known as the Janjaweed and Sudanese military and police forces have killed an estimated 450,000, expelled around two million, and burned 800 villages. In 2007, up to 75,000 Arabs from Chad and Niger crossed the border into Darfur. Most have been relocated by the Sudanese government to former villages of displaced non-Arab people. Some 450,000 have been killed and 2.5 million have now been forced to flee to refugee camps in Chad after their homes and villages were destroyed. Sudan refuses to allow their return, or to allow United Nations peacekeepers into Darfur.

6 D Sudan’s main source of economic income is oil production. Most of the industrial base of the country has not been updated since the 1980s. About 80% of the country still practice agriculture as their major source of income; however, that industry is often hampered by drought. Due to the recent conflict, foreign aid has been limited in recent years. Opportunities for growth are limited. In July of 2011 South Sudan became an independent country and now even has membership in the United Nations. However, the economy of South Sudan is one of the world's weakest and most underdeveloped. There is very little existing infrastructure in the country.

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