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Plyometric Exercises For College Athletes

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1 Plyometric Exercises For College Athletes
Justyce Pollitt Explosive Athletes

2 What type of exercise can …..
Best kind of exercise What type of exercise can ….. Add energy to your normal workout routine Consist of fast and powerful movements Related to activating your nervous system Could benefit you most as an explosive athlete Will make you a powerful force of nature Plyometric Exercising

3 What are plyometric exercises?
Definition of Plyos. Merriam Webster def.-exercise involving repeated rapid stretching and contracting of muscles (as by jumping and rebounding) to increase muscle power

4 Who does plyos? EVERYONE


6 Purpose To be able to apply max power in the least amount of time
Enhance reactions between your brain and your muscles Increase the speed of muscles firing

7 Before… Training like this is physically demanding
One must have a strong base of strength and conditioning The athlete must have a background in weight training

8 Phases of Plyometric There are three phases of Plyometric Exercise
Eccentric phase Amortization Phase Concentric Phase

9 Eccentric phase This phase begins the movements
It is like stretching a rubber band The energy is waiting to be expelled

10 Amortization Phase This is the stabilization phase
This is the “switch phase” Your muscles begins to snap and contract The faster this is, the more powerful Then , Finally…..

11 BLAST OFF!! This is the last part of performing this type of exercise
This is the quick contraction of the stretched out muscle Called the Concentric Phase It will be explosive and strong

12 When Applying Plyos Things to pay attention to
Form must be taught and done correctly The workout must be geared toward the sport The better the form , the higher the intensity can be FORM : INTENSITY : PERFORMANCE

13 EQUIPMENT Some equipment must be used Boxes Jump ropes Med balls
Vertimax-resistance platform Resistance bands Jump soles-Weighted shoes Hurdles

14 List of Multiple Exercises
What follows are a couple of exercises just to give you a tastes

15 Plyo pushup Start in a push up position Go slow on the way down
Go down until arms are at 90 degrees When pushing up, explode off of the ground and land in the starting position

16 Depth Box Jump This is fairly difficult
Start standing at the top of a high box Take a step off the box Jump up on to the next box as soon as you hit the ground.

17 Med Ball Toss Squat down slowly holding med-ball between your legs
On the way up, explode out of the squat At the same time begin to throw the ball as far as you can *Can front and backwards

18 Sideways hurdle hops Start standing side by side to a hurdle
Jump side ways over the hurdle Do at a fast pace *when jumping keep head up and chest up for good form

19 Geared for Athletes These exercises are made for athletes
They can optimize your abilities Sky's the limit when adding PLYOMETRICS to training

20 Now you have all of this information …listen to Bruce. APPLY AND DO

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