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Psychological Impact of Living with Peritoneal Tumours Anne Crook Counsellor / Psychotherapist Psycho-oncology The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Michele.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychological Impact of Living with Peritoneal Tumours Anne Crook Counsellor / Psychotherapist Psycho-oncology The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Michele."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychological Impact of Living with Peritoneal Tumours Anne Crook Counsellor / Psychotherapist Psycho-oncology The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Michele Angelo Petrone

2 Impact of cancer and treatment

3 Living with the challenges
Physical Mental Vulnerability Loss of control Future

4 Sense of self

5 Adjustment is a process

HEALTHY Normal functioning REACTING Adjustment process INJURED Impaired functioning ILL Clinical disorder

7 Normal Protective Threat focused
Anxiety Normal Protective Threat focused

8 Fight or Flight

9 What is Anxiety? Excessive worry, fear, dread Restlessness
Physical symptoms: Fast heartbeat Shortness of breath Muscle tension Light headed Nausea, butterflies in stomach Difficulty sleeping, concentrating, decision-making

10 Living with Uncertainty
Inevitable Fuels anxiety & fear Irritable, angry, frustrated Worry Difficult to make plans

11 Coping with worry Talk to someone Write it out Counselling / CBT
Do something else Mindfulness Problem solve

12 What is Depression? Low mood on most days Loss of interest / enjoyment
Increasing irritability Easily moved to tears Feeling slowed down Thinking life not worth living

13 When should I seek help? When day to day activities are
affected by these symptoms or experiences

14 Support from others

15 Impact on relationships
1 out of strain on relationships 4 out of sex life suffered Macmillan (2006)

16 The cancer survivor's companion
The cancer survivor's companion. Practical ways to cope with your feelings after cancer Frances Goodhart, Lucy Atkins 2013, Piatkus

17 It helps to … Talk Ask Be physically active Make plans, set goals
Problem solve Be kind to yourself Give yourself time

18 Who am I now? What have I learnt from this?
What do I want for myself now? Opportunity?

19 You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.
Maya Angelou

20 Questions?

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