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WFAS: What it Takes to Be a Board/Committee Member

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Presentation on theme: "WFAS: What it Takes to Be a Board/Committee Member"— Presentation transcript:

1 WFAS: What it Takes to Be a Board/Committee Member

2 WFAS Board: Who Are They?
WFAS Members Made up of: Executive Board Members Elected positions (vacancies may be appointed until the following membership conference) Committee Coordinators Appointed by the Board Committee Members Voluntary

3 WFAS Executive Board Chair Vice Chair Secretary/Treasurer
Communications Representative Western Representatives (2) Eastern Representatives (2)

4 WFAS Executive Board: Chair
Official representative of the WFAS Section Presides over the Board Meetings Attends WFC Executive Board Meetings, reports on behalf of the Section Authorizes purchases and executes contracts, on behalf of the Section Appoints Committee Chairs

5 WFAS Executive Board: Vice Chair
Performs duties of the Chair, in their absence Assist the Chair, as needed Serves as Chair of the Nomination/Election Committee

6 WFAS Executive Board: Secretary/Treasurer
Records for the Board Meetings Receipt monies payable to the Section & keep accounting

7 WFAS Executive Board: Communications Representative
Keep current on fire service technology issues

8 WFAS Executive Board: Eastern/Western Reps
Coordinate the regional workshop in your area

9 WFAS Committees Conference Committee
Communications Committee (membership communication & website) Education Committee (speakers) Historical Committee (event photos) Protocols Committee (reviews Section Bylaws)

10 How Do You Get Involved? Join a committee
Run for a Executive Board position Attend our Board Q&A Lunch during the conference Talk to a Board or Committee Member, ask questions!

11 How Do You Run for an Exec. Board Position?
Get written permission from your Supervisor/Fire Chief Nominate yourself for your desired position (or be nominated by someone else) Solicit support from fellow WFAS members Be prepared to give a short speech as to why you would like to hold the position

Includes speakers, a theme, banquet & hospitality events, décor, catering, etc. Serves a two year term (unless elected/appointed for the remainder of a term) Meets at least four times a year (usually tied to conferences & workshops), including a Board Retreat at the location of the next conference

13 Benefits of Getting Involved
PLAN THE CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOPS! Input Networking Insight Travel

14 Responsibilities of Being Involved
Attend Board Meetings (required of Exec Board, encouraged for committee members) and conference/workshop Brainstorm & share ideas Take on tasks and meet deadlines Learn new things Have fun!

15 Questions?

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