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The birth of the Nation The PEOPLES that invaded Britain 19/12/13

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1 The birth of the Nation The PEOPLES that invaded Britain 19/12/13
Per impaginatore: ridurre un po’ la foto in modo che il titolo sia più leggibile. PER AUTRICI: metterei peoples tutto minuscolo ok The birth of the Nation The PEOPLES that invaded Britain Performer - Culture & Literature Performer - Culture & Literature Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella, Margaret Layton © 2012 1

2 The Vikings arrived from Denmark and Norway
19/12/13 1. The first invaders of Britain ca 600 BC – 50 AD The Celts 43 AD The Romans The Angles and the Saxons from Germany and Scandinavia 5th century 9th century The Vikings arrived from Denmark and Norway The Normans were the last invaders of the British Isles, they came from France 1066 Performer - Culture & Literature 2

3 2. The Celts: society They lived in tribes.
19/12/13 2. The Celts: society They lived in tribes. The basic unit of Celtic life was the clan. Women were almost equal to men. They lived in huts with thatched roofs. They built hill forts surrounded by ditches and banks. Performer - Culture & Literature 3

4 2. The Celts: economy They worked iron. They practised agriculture.
19/12/13 2. The Celts: economy They worked iron. They practised agriculture. They introduced the plough. They divided the field into long narrow strips. Performer - Culture & Literature 4

5 2. The Celts: religion the sun the water the moon 19/12/13 5
Performer - Culture & Literature 5

6 19/12/13 3. The Romans Performer - Culture & Literature 6

7 Cesare - “De Bello Gallico” Libro IV
19/12/13 WHEN DID THEY GET THERE? Cesare - “De Bello Gallico” Libro IV “Exigua parte aestatis reliqua, Caesar, etsi in his locis, quod omnis Gallia ad septentriones vergit, maturae sunt hiemes, tamen in Britanniam proficisci contendit...quae omnia fere Gallis erant incognita”. “Nell'esigua parte d'estate che restava, sebbene in questi luoghi, come tutta la Gallia settentrionale, gli inverni siano precoci, Cesare si affrettò a partire verso la Britannia...quasi tutte queste cose erano sconosciute per i Galli”. But...all that glitters is not gold. He tried twice in 55 B.C. and 54 B.C. and his army defeated the tribes that were waiting for him but both times his boats were destroyed by storms and he went home. The Romans wouldn't come back for another 90 years copyright RC Performer - Culture & Literature

8 Performer - Culture & Literature
19/12/13 The Second Invasion In 43 A.D. (Anno Domini), Emperor Claudius decided to invade Britain again. He sent 40,000 troops, who gradually conquered most of the country. The troops were terrified of going to Britain because they had heard about the tribes who lived there. As soon as they came, they started building forts (castra). Most of them became towns, where extensive buildings were carried out (furono messe in opera - passivo), including aqueducts and spa (termae). They also built roads, of course. These roads connected all forts and towns through a thick web of connections (see map). The Romans built works of defence, too. Massive walls were built along the northern borders to prevent (prevenire) military raids on Roman Britain by the Picts and the Scots (inhabitants of Scotland) - (see map). copyright RC Performer - Culture & Literature

9 Performer - Culture & Literature
19/12/13 The construction of the Antonine Wall began about .142 AD, during the reign of Antoninus Pius and took about twelve years to complete. Antonine Wall Hadrian's Wall was built following a visit by (in seguito a...) Emperor Hadrian in AD 122. Hadrian's Wall 1 - Londinium (London) 2 - Aquae Sulis (Bath) 3 - Dubrae (Dover) 4 - Durovernum (Canterbury) 5 - Camulodunum (Colchester) 6 - Verulamium (St Albans) copyright RC 6 5 2 1 4 3 major Roman towns other towns Performer - Culture & Literature

10 19/12/13 4. The Anglo-Saxons The Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes came from Germany and Scandinavia. They destroyed the Roman British towns. They gave the larger part of Britain its name: England the land of the Angles Performer - Culture & Literature 10

11 The Anglo-Saxon Invasion
19/12/13 The Anglo-Saxon Invasion Jutes Angles Saxons Celts QUESTIONS Which three tribes are known as the Anglo-Saxons? [Angles, Saxons, and Jutes] Where did they come from? [northern Germany, Denmark, and northern Holland] How did they get to Britain? [They rowed across the North Sea in wooden boats.] BACKGROUND King Alfred the Great came from Wessex. By the middle of the tenth century, the Wessex kings had become the kings of all England. Northumbria was known as a center of learning and the arts. The religious art mixed Celtic and Anglo- Saxon influences. The Monastery of Lindisfarne (from which come the Lindisfarne Gospels) is located on Holy Island, off the northwest coast of Northumbria. In Sutton Hoo, East Anglia, a burial mound of an Anglo-Saxon king was discovered in 1939. A.D The Anglo-Saxons push the romanized Celts into the far west of the country. Performer - Culture & Literature

12 19/12/13 Performer - Culture & Literature

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