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The Great Gatsby Chapter 5

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1 The Great Gatsby Chapter 5
By Gallia, Laura & Allana

2 Characterisation Gatsby: Gatsby has low confidence and lack of control
“This is a terrible mistake,’ he said, shaking his head from side to side, ‘ a terrible, terrible mistake.” This shows that Gatsby has been building Daisy up in his head and he can’t face her in reality because he is afraid of losing his chance.

3 Daisy: Daisy regrets choosing Tom “They’re such beautiful shirts.’ She sobbed, her voice muffled in the thick folds. ‘It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such – such beautiful shirts before.” She desires a life full of luxuries and now she sees that she has made the wrong decision because Gatsby’s got everything.

4 Nick: Nick feels awkward “my own face had now assumed a deep tropical burn. I couldn’t muster up a single commonplace out of the thousand in my head” He doesn’t know what to say because he feels out of place and the conversation is awkward and uncomfortable.

5 Themes Desire: Daisy desires Gatsby’s riches and big house and luxurious lifestyle. “That huge place there?’ she cried pointing.’ She is awe-struck by the impressive structure and it affects her decision to go back to him.

6 Class divide: Gatsby is used to higher quality than what Nick has. “Together we scrutinised the twelve lemon cakes from the delicatessen shop.’ ‘Will they do?’ I asked ‘Of course, of course! They’re fine! And he added hollowly….old sport.’ Nick is trying to impress Gatsby but their class divide is prominent.

7 American Dream: “He had been full of the idea for so long, dreamed it right through to the end, waited with his teeth set, so to speak, at an inconceivable pitch of intensity.” Gatsby was dreaming about this and working hard to achieve it and it came true which shows that perseverance can accomplish anything, which is like the American dream.

8 “after the house, we were to see the grounds and the swimming-pool, and the hydroplane and the midsummer flowers – but outside Gatsby’s window it began to rain again, so we stood in a row looking at corrugated surface of Sound.” This shows that although Gatsby has accomplished the American dream, the irony is that it rains, which shows that the American dream may not be as great as was once thought.

9 Symbolism Weather: The weather symbolises the mood and foreshadows what is to come. “Outside the wind was loud and there was a faint flow of thunder along the Sound.” The thunder acts like a warning, that bad things might happen to Gatsby or Daisy. It is ‘faint’ because the danger is not clear yet.

10 Colours: The colours show the atmosphere and highlight daisy’s feminine qualities. “ Under the dripping bare lilac-trees a large open car was coming up the drive. It stopped. Daisy’s face, tipped sideways beneath a three-cornered lavender hat, looked at me with a bright ecstatic smile.” The lavender makes Daisy seem more innocent

11 Colours: The colour of Gatsby’s clothes symbolises the American dream. “And Gatsby in a white flannel suit, silver shirt, and gold coloured tie hurried in.” Gatsby is wearing expensive looking colours to show how rich he is. Gold symbolises money and the colour shows his wealth.

12 Light: Light is used to emphasise Gatsby’s greatness. “An ecstatic patron of recurrent light.” This makes him seem like a magical hero who can bring light and happiness. It also shows that Nick thinks highly of him because he says this.

13 Nick has found out that Gatsby and Daisy have met before
Nick has found out that Gatsby and Daisy have met before. Gatsby asks Nick to organise a meeting between them. He is very nervous about it and is worried it might go wrong. Nick invites Daisy over for tea, and she sees Gatsby. At first it is quite awkward because Gatsby doesn’t know how to act, until Nick leaves them alone and by the time he gets back they have broken the ice. Gatsby takes them both over to his house and Daisy is overwhelmed by the luxuriousness of his home. She regrets leaving Gatsby for Tom because Gatsby has everything she ever wanted. Summary

14 Quiz Name a theme which appears in this chapter and back it up with a quote In this chapter why does Daisy regret choosing Tom? What does the use of light show about Gatsby? What does the weather in chapter 5 symbolise? How is the American dream relevant to the Great Gatsby?

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