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CLTA-SC Spring Workshop May 6, 2017 Pasadena City College

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Presentation on theme: "CLTA-SC Spring Workshop May 6, 2017 Pasadena City College"— Presentation transcript:

1 CLTA-SC Spring Workshop May 6, 2017 Pasadena City College
Finding the Missing Pieces between Learning Objectives and Student Performance Nyan-Ping Bi University of Washington

2 Presentation Outline Sharing student learning outcome examples from different proficiency levels Discussing disconnects between standards for Chinese language learning, learning objectives, and student performance Balance between language styles and language skills Lesson planning and delivery Articulation between levels within a program

3 Example A Learning Outcomes Learning Objectives Example B Example C

4 Presentation Takeaways
At the end of the presentation, you will be able to assess whether the following are in place and work well in your courses or program: Standards for Chinese Language Learning Learning Objectives for Lessons Desirable Student Learning Outcomes Acceptable and Measureable Learning Evidence of Competence Lesson Planning and Delivery Articulation between Levels

5 Standards for Chinese Language Learning
Consensus among colleagues? Guidance from program/school administrators? Guidelines for standardized exams? World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages? [

6 National Standards for Foreign Language Learning
K-16 Five Cs Three modes of communication capture students performances in these three modes of communication is essential. interpersonal communication: two ways: either obtaining information or expressing opinions interpretive communication: one way: reading a passage or listening to audio input: to comprehend and to understand what’s going on presentational communication: one way: spoken or written

7 Identifying Learning Objectives
Themes and topics Linguistic forms Language functions Language skills Learning strategies Cognitive development

8 Standards for Chinese Language Learning
Student Performance Measurable Outcomes Assessment Learning Objectives Set for Your Lessons/Units

9 Example A: Third or Fourth Year Chinese in Higher Education
Produce learning outcomes at the Advanced Low Level if assessed using the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. [

10 Advanced Low: Listening
Students are able to understand short conventional narrative and description texts. Students understand the main facts and some supporting details.

11 Advanced Low: Speaking
Students can speak about some topics related to employment, current events, and matters of public and community interest. Students demonstrate the ability to narrate and describe in paragraph-length discourse. Responses produced by students are typically not longer than a single paragraph. Students are able to use communicative strategies such as rephrasing and circumlocution.

12 Advanced Low: Reading Students understand conventional narrative and descriptive texts with a clear underlying structure though their comprehension may be uneven. Students understand the main ideas and some supporting details.

13 Advanced Low: Writing Students are able to compose simple summaries on familiar topics. Advanced Low writers are able to combine and link sentences into texts of paragraph length and structure.

14 Example A: Third or Fourth Year Chinese in Higher Education: Learning Objectives
Do narration and description in paragraph-length connected discourse; Do some amount of supporting and explaining; Explain new vocabulary using learned materials; Use colloquial Chinese to explain the meaning of written Chinese; Do oral summation; Obtain the gist of the written text

15 Student Samples (Writing)
作者讨论一般人为了养家糊口而工作,工作的时间比在家跟家人一起的时间多得多,疏忽家人,这是一个矛盾。作者建议人生最美好快乐的事情是与家人。 作者指出现代的人为了养家糊口而工作,对工作的投入超过了对家庭的投入。作者认为人们应该在工作与家庭之间保持平衡,并用自己的亲身经历来说明家庭的重要。 作者认为人们为了养家糊口而工作,投入工作的时间超过投入家庭的时间,造成工作与家庭之间平衡的问题。作者举例来说明跟家人一起共度时光才是人生最重要的事情。

16 Student Samples (speaking)

17 Example B Learning Objectives





22 https://canvas. uw. edu/courses/1137864/gradebook/speed_grader

23 Example C Learning Objectives

24 https://canvas. uw. edu/courses/895342/gradebook/speed_grader

25 Articulation Text types: Sentence Level vs. Paragraph Level
Language Styles: Conversations vs. Narrations Informal vs. Formal

26 Key elements in developing student ability at connecting sentences in continuous discourse:

27 Example 1

28 Example 2

29 Example 3

30 Example 3



33 Key elements in developing student ability at connecting sentences in continuous discourse:
Pronouns Omitting repetitive elements Time words Location expressions Adverbs

34 Different focuses at different levels
人称代词、指定代词 vs. 专名 语境限制: 除了……以外,…… 因果关系 vs. 句子顺序: 因为……,所以…… 韵律排比

35 Different focuses at different levels
已知信息 vs. 新信息 焦点: 世界各国为了解决能源供应问题而开发新能源 vs. 世界各国开发新能源来解决能源供应问题

36 Presentation Takeaways
Self-Check List: Standards for Chinese Language Learning Learning Objectives for Lessons Desirable Student Learning Outcomes Acceptable and Measureable Learning Evidence of Competence Lesson Planning and Delivery Articulation between Levels

37 World Language Online Modules
Module #4 by Nyan-Ping Bi Interpersonal Communication: Enhancing Students’ Interpersonal Writing Abilities

38 Nyan-Ping Bi 畢念平

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