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Orit Ezra, Anat Cohen, Rafi Nachmias
Mobile-assisted language learning among free adult learners of Chinese in Israel 你好 בספרות יש דיון על המעבר מ-CALL ל-MALL ואני בודקת את זה – את המעבר הזה – כלומר האם הלומדים שלי באמת עושים CALL ל-MALL לפרט על לומדים חופשיים: מה זה? למה עבורם למידה ניידת מאד חשובה (גשר מהלימוד הפרומלי ללא פורמלי) Rational - affordances on the one hand and limitations on the other, worth checking. How to check: by checking Pegrum mobility degrees as they may reflect the level of affordances used. מטרת המחקר The present research thus seeks to explore the degree of CALL to MALL transition in Chinese learning activities performed by free adult learners Orit Ezra, Anat Cohen, Rafi Nachmias
Literature Pegrum (2014): Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) ---> Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) transition Mobile devices educational affordances Local places & global networks Episodic chunks & extended learning plan Personal & social learning The higher the level of mobility, the more fully the affordances are likely to be exploited 1. Device mobility – places diversity 2. Learner mobility – learning in downtime 3. Learning mobility – contextualized learning Mobility degrees Affordances – afford the diverge from CALL Personal – produce not just consume Device mobility – as Pegrum explains I’s more device portability accoding to Puendetura from point A to B it’s closed. (connected classroom or e-learning classroom – house or class) Learner mobility – here he starts talking more about the leaner mobility and not the device portability (connected classroom where students move around in class) In general his model talks about: device are mobile; device and learners are mobile; device, learners and learning is mobile – and I split the terms and in the end calculated their summed mobility so It might be a bit different than what he meant initially Examination of mobility degrees - may point at the extent of CALL-to-MALL transition
Research purpose: examine this transition
Research questions How much mobile beginner and intermediate Chinese free learners’ activities are pulled away from CALL towards MALL? Sub-questions: To what degree do learners’ mobile activities exhibit device mobility (places diversity)? To what degree do learners’ mobile activities exhibit learner’s mobility (downtime learning)? To what degree do learners’ mobile activities exhibit learning mobility (contextualized learning)? Research purpose: examine this transition CALL MALL put in the words of one of the interviewees - “people who are actually still in the phase of learning the language”.
2. Learner mobility (down time learning)
Research variables Sum of device mobility, learner mobility and learning mobility (Reinders & Pegrum, 2016) 1. Device mobility Real world places diversity Frequency 2. Learner mobility (down time learning) 3. Learning mobility Real world context level Real life context level (Klopfer, 2011; Pegrum, 2014) 4. Total mobility put in the words of one of the interviewees - “people who are actually still in the phase of learning the language”. Real world places diversity: the number of types of places where the activity is taking place. Frequency: the frequency the activity is taking place Device mobility is calculated by adding the 2 scores Real world context level: the degree of the activity in relation to the physical place Real life context level: the degree of the activity in relation to the learners’ real life (Klopfer, 2011; Pegrum, 2014) Leaning mobility is calculated by adding the 2 scores and multiplying by 2 (representing the importance of this variable as
Methodology Structured interviews of 9 free learners of Chinese in Israel: Preliminary research, further examination of larger volumes is necessary 46 types of learning activities (during the past half a year) The range of number of activity types per respondent was 3 – 8 Mixed analysis הסבר לגבי הפעילויות: כותבי המודל התיחסו לפעילויות שבעיקר בעולם הפורמלי מורים יכולים להלביש על אפליקציות וכו. מטרתם היתה לגרום למורים לתכנן פעיליות בצורה ניידת יותר. היות ובמחקר הנוכחי שנבדקים הינם לומדים חופשיים הם או אשר מחליטים ויוזמים את הפעיליות. השימוש באתרים ובאפליקציות יכול להיות שונה מאד מבחינה איכותית בין לומדים חופשיים שונים בהתאם לשימוש שהם עושים באתרים אלו – דהיינו הפעילויות שהם עושים תוך כדי השימוש באתרים ובאפליציות (לתת דוגמא – למשל יכול להיות לומד שישתמש באתרים בביתו ועל כן בכלל לא יבצע ךמידה ניידת, לעומת לומד אשר באמת מנצל את האתרים ללמידה ניידת – ואכן מטרת המחקר היא להעריך עד כמה הם עושים פעילויות אשר משקפות למידה ניידת בצורה אפקטיבית)
Results – device and learner mobility
Variable 1 - device mobility Variable 2 - learner mobility: 80% of the activities were carried at list once a month in downtime מה התוצאות וההסברים Device mobility came out medium 43 % medium, 33 % high – mostly higher or equal to medium Remember it is combined of places and frequency according to following composition: places - 2 modes on 1 place and 5 places and 5 places was mostly social media – still handful of places; frequency - mode - few times a week – not too frequent
Discussion – device and learner mobility
Discussion - Possible hinders Potential impeding operational factors Lacking mobile affordances (Pegrum, 2014) Learners quotes Busy working learners who find it difficult to access learning at times and locations that suit them (Kukulska‐Hulme, 2012) Lack of episodic and extended An activity which dealt with presenting Chinese numerals and asking the learner to write the compatible numerals. In this case, workplace restrooms were described as the place where the learning took place and as a good fit given these were “very short activities”. 2. מהם הגורמים האפשריים? Suggested impeding operational factors represent a lack of Pegrum’s (2014) mobile affordances (local, episodic and extended, and personal and social) Further factors which may impede scoring higher on device and learner mobility physical and psychological constraints such as battery life, screen size, or keeping the phone for personal purposes and not learning (Stockwell & Hubbard, 2013).
Results – learning and total mobility
Variable 3 - learning mobility Variable 4 – total mobility מה התוצאות וההסברים Learning mobility - 74% of the activities were on low learning mobility Total mobility - Most activities were still in low (48%) but the number of activities in medium (39%) seems to point at a positive trend towards higher values of mobility
Conclusions – total mobility
MALL activities fall short of mobility, particularly learning mobility Lagging in the transition to MALL מה המסקנה המרכזית Given the device mobility and learner mobility relatively higher scores, it seems it is the learning mobility and to a certain degree device mobility leading to low-medium total mobility which suggests that activities are still lagging in the transition to MALL Main findings suggest that these MALL activities still fall short of mobility, particularly learning mobility and to a certain degree device mobility, and therefore are lagging in the transition to MALL
Discussion – total mobility
Potential impeding operational factors Lacking mobile affordances (Pegrum, 2014) Learners quotes Learning in Israel (non- target country) Lack of local affordance Google Translate activity: “Sometimes it’s just interest and sometimes it’s because I really need it like when the Chinese business people were here” Lack of level adaptation Lack of personal affordance Chinese reading app activity: “at the moment it’s too hard so I don’t do it too often…I understand maybe thirty percent” Lack of community ties Lack of social affordance Facebook Chinese activity: “I don’t report from the field“ Lack of personal habits adaptation (Pachler, Cook, & Bachmair, 2010) Lack of personal affordance 1. מהם הגורמים האפשריים? Suggested impeding operational factors represent a lack of Pegrum’s (2014) mobile affordances (local, episodic and extended, and personal and social)
Results – mobile material type
Pedagogically dedicated materials seem to also hinder device mobility and learning mobility מה התוצאות There were 18 generic activities and 27 dedicated. More than half of the generic materials were social media and there were a few electronic dictionaries. Dedicated materials consisted of various kinds of educational pedagogically designed materials including flashcards, podcasts, and videos
Discussion – device and learning mobility
Potential impeding operational factors Lacking mobile affordances (Pegrum, 2014) Learners quotes Pedagogically dedicated materials (unlike generic) - lacking in ability to produce and share Lack of personal and social affordance Facebook activity (generic): “很好吃, 我喜欢” (“It’s tasty, I love it”). Electronic dictionary activity (dedicated): “There is a lesson about post and we are at the coffee place so no connection…it’s all textbook material” 2. מהם הגורמים האפשריים? Suggested impeding operational factors represent a lack of Pegrum’s (2014) mobile affordances (local, episodic and extended, and personal and social)
Conclusions - future research
Interesting factors to examine The higher the level of mobility, the more fully the affordances are likely to be exploited(Pegrum,2014) Local learning Global learning Episodic Learning Extended Learning Personal learning Social learning Mobility Learners type (free or students) Target country Level Communities Personal habits Mobile material types 3. התוצאות קונסיסטנטיות עם המודל (שימוש בתוצאות כדי ל"חזק" את המודל) חלק מההסברים מתאימים לחלק מהקטגוריות של המודל מה שעשוי להצביע על איכות המודל (כלומר המחקר שלי בא ל"חזק" את המודל של פגרום אבל כמובן זה לא מספיק כי אולי היו עוד הסברים שמלמדים על קטגוריה אחרת או קטגוריות שלא נמצאו לה הסברים) אני מראה איך אכן ניתן לשייך את המחסור בגורמים האופרציונליים לאחד או יותר מ-6 הקטגוריות הנומינליות של פגרום (ויש עוד כפי שתוכלו לראות בפוסטר) ואני גם מראה שהניידות אכן יחסית עוד נמוכה כלומר רוצה להראות שהמודל עשוי להיות אפקטיבי ולכן כדאי בהקשר של המעבר ממאל לקאל להמשיך לחקרו או לחקור את הגורמים האופרציונליים (כמו שאני עושה בתיזה שבחרתי שני גרמים והתמקדתי למידה בקונטקסט) First, Drawing on the above suggested impeding factors, the present research may infer at some potential MALL research and thus calls for more research and exploration on the possible relations and influences of variables such as learners type (free or students), target country, level, communities, personal habits, and mobile material types on mobility and particularly on learning and device mobility
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