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Non-formal & informal learning in Flanders

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1 Non-formal & informal learning in Flanders
Martje Eyckmans Knowledge and information centre ‘Sport and employment’ of Vlabus

2 Flemish office for Employment in Sport
Martje Eyckmans Knowledge and information centre ‘Sport and employment’ of Vlabus

3 Sportsector in Flanders
Public sector Bloso : sport agency of Flemish governement (part of the policy domain Culture, Youth, media & sports) VTS : Flemish school for trainers

4 Sportsector in Flanders
Private structures VSF : General support for sport federations Dynamo : Management of sport clubs - sport federations ICES : International center for ethics in sports ISB : Local and regional policy in sport and recreation Vlabus : Employment in sport

5 Formal learning VTS ‘Flemish school for trainers’
Responsible for sporttechnical education in sport in Flanders Assimilation of Qualifications/diploma’s acquired in other organisations/countries

6 Non-formal & informal learning?
VTS ‘Flemish school for trainers’ Procedure for: “Recognition of acquired competences” (RAC)

7 Non-formal & informal learning
How? VTS VSF Higher education / universities BLOSO

8 Non-formal & informal learning
Instrument ‘validation guide’ = describes the procedure applicants have to go through for RAC

9 Non-formal & informal learning
What? exemption for a course full exemption : proof of competences equal to a VTS qualificaton is awarded.

10 RAC - procedure Conditions for RAC-procedure min. Age 25
5 years active as a trainer in the sport and with the target group for the qualification you want to receive 60€ - startup cost

11 RAC - procedure Acquired competences? 1. Pedagogic competences - experience in sport club, as a trainer, clinic, internship with a qualified trainer,… 2. Sporttechnical competences - results as an athlete,..

12 Non-formal & informal learning
Quality assurance? No external quality assurance Ensured by the broad range of partners in the partnership and composition of the RAC-commission

13 RAC - procedure But.. - Long and complex procedure (can take up to 12 months)

14 Decree 8/11/2013 Decree to stimulate, coördination and financially support the employment in the sports sector Professionalise the employment in the sports sector

15 Decree 8/11/2013 Decree to stimulate, coördination and financially support the employment in the sports sector Not only trainers Also employment to support the sport organisations :cleaning lady, general maintanance, accountant,..

16 Qualified employees Decree 8/11/2013
Decree to stimulate, coördination and financially support the employment in the sports sector Main condition Qualified employees

17 Activities of Vlabus Vlabus: only organisation recognised in the decree “To provide a qualified trainer for activities of the client” - Clients : Governement, schools, sport clubs, sport federations and socio-cultural associations - # hours of guided sport 2014 : h 2015 : h (expectation) 2016 : h (goal)

18 Decree 8/11/2015 Qualified? = diploma from the list of decree (exhaustive)

19 Problem - open question
Ex. Hockeycoach with 10 years experiences as a trainer and a carrier as an olympic hockeyplayer. Technical skills (olympic hockeyplayer?) Pedagogical skills (experience?) Long and complex procedure? Quality assurance

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