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Estimation of Body composition Using Ultrasonography

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1 Estimation of Body composition Using Ultrasonography
Hussien Abdelrhman Hussien Abdelrhman Ali Dinar1 , Islam Mirghani Ahmad Muhammad 2 1 Radiography and medical imaging technology-diagnostic department, National university - sudan, 2 clinical Dietitian, Ajmal Medical spa, Sudan Introduction Materials & Methods Result Conclusion Early interest in measuring human body fat distribution can be dated back to 1921 when Matiegka developed body fat predictive equations from subcutaneous fat Skinfold thickness, body length, Width and circumferences. Body fat analysis has been useful in assessing obesity to prevent health Risk, monitoring athletes’ health status for giving appropriate nutritional counseling’s and monitoring Body shapes and weight for sports competition such as gymnastics and wrestling. . Assessment of body composition, including fat distribution, can be accomplished by different methods. The most commonly used are skinfold, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Ultrasonography. DEXA and CT (figure.2) are sensitive and specific methods that assessment, but subject the patient to ionizing radiation. . This study will describe how to measure the subcutaneous fat, and abdominal fat (figure.1) using sonography and the coloration between subcutaneous fat and fat percentage, and coloration between subcutaneous fat and BMI. At the morning 61 fasting volunteer men with different age were measured using weight scale and meter to measure (height, weight, body mass index, fat percentage, waist and neck circumference) (image .1,2,3) ultrasound was done to volunteer to measure abdominal subcutaneous fat and intra abdominal fat (image .4) using convex 3.5 Mhz transducer . from result of 61 cases with mean age 21.5 ± 2 year .the BMI was found to be 24 ±10 (table .1), SPSS correlation test was found there significant correlation between BMI with subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat with P-value < .005 BMI & Body fat percentage linear regression using plot scatter chart to predict equation all plot show positive correlation higher in subcutaneous measure (R2=.76) with fat and BMI (R2=0.57). The equations obtained ( chart .1,2)are: y = x x= subcutaneous y = BMI y = x x = subcutaneous y = Body fat percentage using mean of subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat for fat % and BMI according to standardization was categorize on table class .(Table.2,3) researchers found that ultrasound is reliable to assess and estimate body composition , and less time consume . From the result researchers found there strong correlation between ultrasound measurement and anthropometric measurement Body composition classification can be use with ultrasound measurement Researchers predicted equation with acceptable correlation when use subcutaneous fat measurement to predict body composition (BMI , Fat percentage ) Table .1 show result of statistical measurement Age/Year length/cm weight/kg BMI waist/cm neck/cm fat/% Valid 61 Mean Median Mode 21.00 171.00 76.10a 18.30a 71.00 34.00 6.80a Std. Deviation Minimum 17.00 158.00 48.80 15.90 66.00 32.00 2.10 Maximum 27.00 186.00 152.80 83.73 146.00 43.00 48.40 Purpose Image .1 show tool of collection measurement From National university –ultrasound department Source : Referances This study is Aimed to assessment and Estimate reference ultrasound measurement of (subcutaneous fat at abdomen and abdominal fat) to body composition (BMI & Fat percentage )by using anthropometric measurement and generate equation correlate between ultrasound measurement and anthropometric measurement and fat percentage measurement ♣ Kenneth J. Ellis. Human body composition: In vivo methods. Physiological Reviews, 80(2):649–680, 2000. Scott B. Going. Densitometry. In T.G. Lohman A.F. Roche, S.T. Heymsfield, editor, Human Body Composition. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, 1st edition, 1996. M.A. McCrory, T.D. Gomex, and E.M. Bernauer. Evaluation of a new air displacement plethysmograph for measuring human body composition. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 27:1686–1691, 1995. impedance analysis in morbidly obese patients. Current opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic care, 8(3):329–332, 2005 Image.2 show Anthropometric measurement source ( ) Chart .1 show scatter plot chart linear regression and equation between Subcutaneous fat and Body fat percentage Acknowledgement /conatct Thanks to our Dearest student for their participating in this work and special thanks to : Abdullatif Mohammed Osman Abdurrahman Abdulmonim Naser Aldeen Gefon Mohammed Abbas Hassan Mohammed Fath Alrahman Mergany Almamon Ahmed Alhassan Dafaallah homeda Abdalrahman Ali Abdalrahman Ibrahim And to Prof.Mohammed Elfadil for his an endless support and contribution . Contact  Hussien Abdelrhman Hussien Abdelrhman Ali Dinar Lecturer ,Reporting Sonographer ,Radiological Technologist Diagnostic Department -COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGICAL SCIENCE AND MEDICAL IMAGING  National University – SUDAN Khartoum, SUDAN. P.O Box: 3783 Khartoum 11111,Sudan Figure .1 show area of subcutaneous fat and intra-abdominal fat Source from ( Image .3 show weight and ultrasound measurement technique Chart .2 show scatter plot chart linear regression and equation between Subcutaneous fat and BMI Table.2 show BMI classification Vs Ultrasound measurements BMI classification subcutaneous/mm ABD/cm Underweight Mean .5140 2.2160 Std. Deviation .08764 .58441 Normal .7502 2.7017 .39106 .91940 Overweight 1.2938 3.1900 .64343 Obese 2.8950 3.9283 .51872 Total 1.0131 2.8466 .78072 Table.3 show BMI classification Vs Ultrasound measurements Fat classification subcutaneous/mm ABD/cm Essintial Fat Mean .5640 2.1580 Std. Deviation .22423 .58182 very low .5837 2.6543 .22095 .91351 Normal 1.1408 2.9254 .41666 .95404 Avarge 1.3243 3.0886 .68869 obese 2.8950 3.9283 .51872 Total 1.0131 2.8466 .78072 subcutaneous fat intra abdominal fat Image .4 show ultrasound measurement of subcutaneous fat and intra-abdominal fat Figure .2 show CT image of subcutaneous fat and intra-abdominal fat

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