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Presentation on theme: "DATA MODELING AND DATABASE DESIGN"— Presentation transcript:

Part 1

2 Objectives Learn the stages of system development.
Define basic types of data relationships. Recognize the optionality and degree of a relationship Read an entity relationship diagram. Translate an entity relationship diagram into set of table instance charts. Complete translation from logical to physical database design.

3 Development Stages Creating CONCEPTUAL database model
Making LOGICAL database design Performing PHYSICAL database design

4 Existing documentation
Interview notes Existing documentation Current System Specs Business Narrative Course # Code * Name o Start Date o Duration Instructor # id * last name o first name * phone taught by leads a

5 Benefits of Entity Relationship Diagrams
Quickly present concepts in people's minds Provide an easily understood graphical map of the system May be easily refined and upgraded Separate the information required by a business from the activities performed by the business

6 Entity Relationship Modeling Terms
A thing of significance about which information needs to be known Examples: department, employee, order Attribute Something that describes or qualifies an entity Examples: dept_id, address, customer_id Relationship An association between two entities Examples: region and department, customer and order

7 Entity Relationship Model
Create an entity relationship diagram from business specifications or narratives. Scenario (from Department’s side) ". . . Assign one or more employees to a certain department . . ." ". . . Some departments do not yet have assigned employees . . ." EMPLOYEE #* id * last name o username DEPARTMENT #* id * name o region_id Belongs to Contains

8 Entity Relationship Modeling Conventions
Soft box Singular, unique name Uppercase attribute Singular name Lowercase Mandatory marked with "*" Optional marked with "o" CUSTOMER #* id * name o phone EMPLOYEE #* id * last name o first name (#)* username assigned to the sales rep to Unique Identifier (UID) Primary marked with "#" Secondary marked with "(#)"

9 Entity Relationship Syntax
Each source entity {may be | must be} relationship name {one and only | one or more} destination entity. Example Each ORDER must be for one and only one CUSTOMER. Each CUSTOMER may be the client for one or more ORDERs. Mandatory - Must be Optionality - May be ORDER #* id * ord_date o ship_date CUSTOMER #* id * name o phone for the client for Degree - One or more Degree - One and only one

Solid line represents a mandatory relationship often called a MUST BE relation. Dashed Line represents an optional relationship often called a MAY BE relation. DEGREE One and only One --- ONE-TO-ONE One or More (Many) --- ONE-TO-MANY

11 Degree Types One-to-one One-to-many Many-to-many
Have a degree of one and only one in both directions. Are rare. Example: Computer and Motherboard One-to-many Have a degree of one or more in one direction and a degree of one and only one in the other direction. Are very common. Example: Customer and Order. Many-to-many Have a degree of one or more in both directions. Are resolved with an intersection entity. Example: Reader and Magazine

12 UID Bar: Example in made up of taken by the sales rep for ITEM #* id
* price o quantity ORDER #* id * ord_date o ship_date in made up of taken by UID bar - relationship is part of the entity’s unique identifier. the sales rep for EMPLOYEE #* id * last name o first name

13 UID Bars A Unique Identifier bar indicates that the relationship participates in an entities UID. In other words the UID of one entity becomes part of the composite UID of the other entity as well as a foreign key.

14 UID Bars Rules: 1) The UID Bar is always at the many end of a one to many relationship. 2) The entity at the many end always receives the UID of the other entity.

15 Reading ERD’s COURSE INSTRUCTOR is taught by # code # id * duration
o fee INSTRUCTOR # id # last name # first name o hire date is taught by is the teacher of included in includes PROGRAM # code # start date


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