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SEMINAR under project 2016-1-BG01-KA219-023713–ERASMUS+
“Discrimination and bullying. The role of the teacher to promote nonviolence in school. The role of NGOs and government agencies to help the school to prevent discrimination” –Vidin, Bulgaria
The role of the teacher to promote nonviolence st school
Associate professor Rayna Zaharieva, PhD, from Sofia University “St.Kliment Ohridski” – Department of Information and teachers training
Introduction Bullying at school and among peers is a complex phenomenon that needs both interpretation, correct response and systematic preventive work because sociologists define it as aggressive and competitive. The objective of this seminar is to answer the following questions: What are the approaches to overcoming bullying? What can be done at school and the teacher with his class? How to cause stable change in the behavior of the abuser?
Plan of the seminar 1. Definition of violence, harassment and violence. 2. Prevention - or approaches to deal with bullying. 3. Preventsion of violence by non-violent means and methods
First topic. Defining concepts
VIOLENCE - derives from the phrase "doing something by force." Any act by which a person can harm another human being is violence. Usually one that hurts is stronger, smarter or older and has used this capacity to hurt the other.
BULLYING IS Kind of aggressive behavior directed to one and the same person (or group of students), which happens often and relatively for a long time, as the aggressor has physical or psychological advantage over his "victim" for the sole purpose - to hurt.
NONVIOLENCE IS Absence of violence; state or condition to avoid violence; refrain from using violence when they react against injustice, discrimination and others. Based on moral and spiritual attitudes and beliefs to refrain from violence
Historical examples of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King
“Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. In fact, it is a unique weapon in history, which cuts without hurting and ennobles the man who speaks it. "- ML King
Building a violent relationship - leave "the game of guilt“ aside
Дисциплипа чрез сътр. вместо прехвърляне на отговорности
2. Prevention - or approaches to deal with bullying
Moralizing - believes that the forced imposition and systematic repetition of values and moral positions related to violence will stop the violence. Based on patriarchal values of parents and teachers who believe that justice is in the hands of the parent than the child, the higher than subordinates. The effectiveness of the approach depends on the moral authority of teachers and school and how students accept it.
The disadvantages of moralizing approach
Disrespectful attitude, morality judgments, public condemnation and shaming the aggressor, blocking his sympathy and empathy Do not attempt to understand his motives and values. Disrespectful and rejecting attitude towards the aggressor leads to silence and cynical acceptance of reproaches, but already motivated desire for continuing violence. ("I'm bad, but you're bad, too. ").
Legal (disciplinary approach)
According to it, to deal with bullying there should be a system of rules known by all in school and being applied like law. Imposing penalties ensure compliance with the rules. They are different, can be called and natural "logical consequences" of the behavior of the student. (“What you sow –this you will reap").
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantage – it offers a quick way to administer and and gives a clear message to students for unacceptable behavior. Disadvantage - we need objective facts to prove guilt; This approach is suitable for the majority of students, but not for the aggressors, because it has no lasting effect on their behavior. The efficiency will be increased by a good system for monitoring the school environment.
Humanistic approach According to it, it is necessary to separate the unacceptable behavior from the personality of the student. To hear the reasons for particular behavior ( "I'm important and you're important") To show respect for the personality of the student, as a human being. To give support, which leads to a lasting change in thoughts, feelings and actions.
Disadvantage Some parents and teachers believe that the approach seems too soft and they do not approve it. According to common belief moralizing to children is good. A change in the attitudes and beliefs of parents and teachers is needed that every person has a positive, constructive potential for goodness. There are no bad children, there are conditions, which force them to react in this way. Janusz Korchag
Prevention of violence by non-violent means and methods
In the Bulgarian school there are supporters who apply the three approaches. The choice depends on: the traditions of the school, the cooperation between the school and the parent community, the community in which the school is located Today, parents also need support in raising and educating their children in changing their parental models
3.Превенция на насилието чрез ненасилствени методи и средства
Необходимо е преодоляване на стереотипите на мислене, спрямо агресорите, като: „ние ще се справим с теб някак, пък после да му мислят майка ти и баща ти”. Всеки ученик е гражданин на обществото ни, за да бъде един ден по- хуманно, трябва ние възрастните да го показваме и възпитаваме във всички ученици. Децата/учениците не са само на деца на родителите си.
.Prevention of violence by non-violent means and methods
Effective preventive work for non-violence in schools involves using a model that includes all persons (institutions) in the process on three levels: LEVEL SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY Classroom level INDIVIDUAL LEVEL
Level of school and community
The prestigious management school Adults in school - are role models for the students. They should set an example of positive, effective relationships, empathy and mutual respect, decent behavior. Adults in the school must take responsibility for violent behavior among students and provide a safe learning environment.
School level Everyone in school and beyond, should receive a clear message that this is a school of nonviolence and harassment will not be tolerated. Need for monitoring and documenting the behavior of students and adults, until nonviolence prevails over violence.
Classroom level Classroom management - time of sharing positive relationships, cooperation between students; placement of common creative goals; building in students a sense of unity and identity (instead of competition and rivalry) establishment of rules and clear consequences to students. Conversations in class for recognition of violence and historical examples of non-violence of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, etc. .
Classroom level Encouraging students to self-expression of their potential realized in various activities: creating their porfolio on various topics, participation in school and extracurricular activities,events and projects, magazines, newspaper, organizing exhibitions, performances, sports activities, support groups, eco -group, etc., that relate to life, beauty and goodness in it.
Teacher skills Establishing a positive atmosphere in class
Use of rules respecting the personality of each student Implementation of strategies of education in the spirit of cooperation. Use appropriate methods and materials in the training program.
Individual level - the role of the teacher and the psychologist
Individual conversations with the student; with the student and his parents, friends. Extremely useful is the role of the psychologist in school. For lasting change in the behavior of students it is needed the following two conditions to be followed: 1) Understanding and support from family 2) self-knowledge of the student as a human being. Formation of empathy, positive self based on his abilities and achievements.
To connect – to establish contacts
The ultimate goal of the child's behavior is to satisfy his needs of LOVE, BELONGING and GRATITUDE. THEORY OF THREE "C": To connect – to establish contacts To feel capable - to feel that he can To contribute - to contribute to the group -The three "C" define: the quality of the relationship "teacher-child" -The strength of the desire for success in group - Teacher’s skills
Search for attention. Power. Revenge. Avoiding failure.
Concepts for behavior Children behave “badly” to achieve one of the aims: Search for attention. Power. Revenge. Avoiding failure. Упражнение: Лошият клас – разпределям не роли а цели. Обсъждане – как се чевствахте, какво искахте да постигнете.
Algorithm of work - five steps
Describe precisely the behavior of the child. Identify the specific purpose of misbehavior. Select appropriate behavior. Select the appropriate incentive Attract parents = сolaboration
Searching for attention - features
Adults often pay attention to the unacceptable behavior. Children do not know how an appropriate way to seek attention in an appropriate way. Children do not get enough attention at home. Втори ден
Gaining influence - features
Actively gaining influence Attacks of bad mood, crying ... Verbal attacks (syndrome of the lawyer) Passively gaining influence Quiet dis obeyance Lack of communication Упражнение: Разкажете случаи от проктиката – прилож 6. 1.
When the goal is revenge - features
ORIGIN: Violence in the family School violence - school bullying. Violence in Society TYPES: Physical - directly or indirectly Mental - verbal or behavioral. Passive (gloomy, uncommunicative) Въпрос: Винаги ли учителя предизвиква отмъщението
Поведение имащо за цел отмъщение - интервенции
ПРИНЦИПИ ЗА ПРЕВЕНЦИЯ Изградете отношение на заинтересованост. Приемете чувствата им. Научете ги как да дават израз на чувствата си без да нараняват. Попълване на становищата от П8
Behavior aimed at revenge - interventions
How to teach students to cope with TREIR EMOTIONS To talk about them. To react verbally. To react physically. Попълване на становищата от П8
Avoiding failure - features
Actively avoiding Condition of frustration Affective reaction passive avoidance delay Unfinished tasks incapacity Imitation of inability Теория – мотивация за постигане на успех и избягване. Правене на теста.
Avoiding failure - features
REASONS: The effect of "red pencil" High expectations in the family; Perfectionism; Behavior of the “star”; Excessive competition. Упражненията с П11-1
How to help children feel capable
STRATEGY 1: Turn mistakes into something that is okay Talk about mistakes; Align errors to the efforts; Reduce effect of the error to a minimum STRATEGY 2: Build confidence Concentrate on development; Mark contribution; Cultivate strengths; Admit difficulties Limit your tasks in time
How to help children feel capable
Strategy 3: Focus on success in the past Analyze successes in the past; Repeat past successes; TRATEGY 4: Materialize success Canned "I-Can"; Album of achievements; Lists of skills; Map of objectives; Conversations "yesterday, today, tomorrow"
How to help children feel capable
TRATEGY 5: Admit achievements Cheers and applauses; Stars and patches; Awards and meetings; Exhibitions; Positive break; Developing self-esteem Самопреценката П14
Turning parents into partners
Informing parents. 2. To seek support from parents: Let's talk about bad behavior objectively; To limit complaints and expectations of failure; To stop feeling powerless, scared, confused; Not to want the impossible; Самопреценката П14
True models for children - Parable of Indians - Cherokee
A grandfather of Cherokee told his grandson about the struggle being waged in every person. He told the boy that into our souls two wolves were fighting. One evil, he was anger, envy, , denial, greed, arrogance, self-pity, feeling of inferiority or superiority, lies, false pride and self-centeredness. The other is good – he was joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, reciprocity, generosity, sincerity, compassion and faith. The grandson thought for a moment and then asked his grandfather: - And which wolf wins? - The one you feed. - Old Cherokee replied.
We adults are the ones who show and give food to children.
The school is only a short excerpt of life and youth and the teacher should: take the child to another, higher level of empathy, humanity and achievements Make him feel confident To help him in this life change
My beliefs about the true teacher and the realization of the mission
Associate professor Rayna Zaharieva, PhD For contacts:
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