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Tennessee Community Assistance Corporation

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1 Tennessee Community Assistance Corporation
Determined to Succeed: Strengthening Families and Improving Public Housing Communities Samuel B. Little, PhD President of NAR-SAAH Annual Conference Tennessee Community Assistance Corporation May 24, 2016 Chattanooga, TN

2 Legislative Update: Putting Together An Action Plan for Your Resident Council
HUD Budget FY $48.9B Housing Choice Voucher Program($38 RAD - $38B Family Self-Sufficiency Program - $75M Choice Neighborhoods - $200M Public Housing Capital Fund Jobs Plus - $35M

3 Continued Narrowing the Digital Divide for Students and Families in HUD Assisted Housing - $5M Ending Family and Chronic Homelessness - $13.8B Lead Hazard Control & Healthy Homes - $110M Public Housing Plan Proposed by Presidential Candidates?

4 Questionable HUD Policies
Mandatory Eviction Policy Smoke Free Housing Time Limits in Public Housing

5 What is Community Engagement?
Community Engagement: Organizing for Social Action and Non-Violent Protest What is Community Engagement? Engagement' can cover consultation, extension, communication, education, public participation, participative democracy or working in partnership. For our purposes, 'engagement' is used as a generic, inclusive term to describe the broad range of interactions between people. It can include a variety of approaches, such as one-way communication or information delivery, consultation, involvement and collaboration in decision-making, and empowered action in informal groups or formal partnerships.

6 Whenever a group of practitioners gather to discuss 'what is engagement,' a discussion about diversity of language usually emerges. Depending on the situation in which you are working, 'engagement' can cover consultation, extension, communication, education, public participation, participative democracy or working in partnership. For our purposes, 'engagement' is used as a generic, inclusive term to describe the broad range of interactions between people. It can include a variety of approaches, such as one-way communication or information delivery, consultation, involvement and collaboration in decision-making, and empowered action in informal groups or formal partnerships.                                                                                                 




10 Reading List for Resident Councils
The Future of Public Housing, Mark Stephens, 2015 Private Discomfort in Public Housing, The Abell Report, Vol 19, No3, 2006

11 Stay Focus to the End! Encouraged Yourself and Others Daily
Self-Awareness (Know Who You Are) Build A successful Resident Council Team Promote Self-Development (Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life, Charles Duhigg) Be A “Uber-Smart” Leader Go Where There Is Light Create Breaking Space for Your Engagement Be a Butterfly for your community

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