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Pediatric Transplant Assessment Tool

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1 Pediatric Transplant Assessment Tool
Molly Dugan, LCSW, CCTSW Cindy deSa, MPH, MSW, LCSW Heart Transplant Social Worker Liver Transplant Social Worker 1405 Clifton Road, NE Clifton Road, NE Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA 30322

2 Why we are here… At the STSW Conference in Boston, MA, in September of 2014, the Board set a goal to develop a standardized psychosocial transplant evaluation tool for pediatric social workers.  A committee of pediatric social workers from several institutions representing all transplant disciplines collaborated weekly, producing a comprehensive pediatric transplant psychosocial assessment. This assessment examines all areas unique to the pediatric transplant population, including those psychosocial factors that could impact post-transplant outcomes. The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the assessment tool to staff at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to increase understanding of the purpose of the pediatric transplant psychosocial evaluation.

3 Objectives Understand the process by which the committee members developed the Pediatric Transplant Assessment Tool. Correlate the sections of the Tool to unique pediatric psychosocial factors. Identify ways in which the Tool will be useful for ongoing post-transplant relationships with pediatric patients and families.

4 List of Pediatric SW Participants
deSa, Cindy (Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta – Liver Tx) Dodd, Dodd (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center – Heart Tx) Dugan, Molly (Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta – Heart Tx) Hoffman, Roberta (Boston Children’s Hospital – Kidney Tx) Holman, Emily (Boston Children’s Hospital – Liver & Multi-visceral Tx) Kwan, SoYun (Boston Children’s Hospital – Liver Tx) Koe-Krompecher, Erica (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center – Heart Tx) Luby, Barb (Massachusetts General Hospital – Liver, Kidney Tx) Nowacki, Amy (Medical University of SC – All pediatric organ groups & adult Kidney Tx) Puma, Lynn (Levine Children’s Hospital – All solid organ Tx) Schmidt, Lauren (Children’s Hospital Los Angeles – Kidney Tx)

5 Map of Pediatric SW Participants
Atlanta, GA (2) Boston, MA (4) Charleston, SC (1) Charlotte, NC (1) Cincinnatti, OH (2) Los Angeles, CA (1)

6 Historical Timeline Conference Call Dates: 2/17/15 3/3/15 3/9/15
11/19/2014 – meeting with Annette Humberson/Cleveland Clinic, the person who headed up the adult Transplant Psychosocial Assessment Tool sent out to the list of STSW members who signed up to participate in this process during the STSW Conference in Boston, MA. Conference Call Dates: 2/17/15 3/3/15 3/9/15 3/17/15 Draft #1 3/24/15 3/30/15 4/8/15 4/14/15 Draft #2 4/29/15 Draft #3 5/13/15 Draft #4 5/27/15 Draft #5 6/10/15 Draft #6 7/1/15 Draft #7 TA Draft #1 7/13/15 Draft #8 TA Draft #2 8/3/15 Final Draft, #9 TA Draft #3

7 Sections of the Pediatric Tool
Identifying Information Section 2 Housing/ Transportation Section 3 Family Background/ Supportive Relationships Patient and parents/guardian information Includes education level, employment, primary language and marital status Custody questions (if applicable) Household Composition Patient’s education and hobbies and interests Type of housing Assessment of transportation resources Identification of potential transportation barriers if applicable Citizenship information Sources of support Parent/caregiver plans Health status of parent/caregivers Assessment of other stressors present in the family system

8 Sections of the Pediatric Tool
Finances Section 5 Understanding of Medical Situation Section 6 Adherence Assessment of the financial status of family Family’s plan for impact of lost wages at the time of transplant Current financial support (government resources, etc.) Fundraising Disability (if applicable) Insurance status Assessment of the family’s understanding of patient’s disease process Assessment of family’s willingness to seek support Family’s exposure to transplant/any past experience with someone who has had a transplant Assessment of medication adherence Assessment of appointment adherence

9 Sections of the Pediatric Tool
Risk Assessment Section 8 Health Literacy Section 9 Coping Skills Section 10 Attitudes toward transplant Assessment of mental health/substance abuse in the family system Including mental health diagnosis and course of treatment Including substance abuse treatment Assessment of involvement with law enforcement Assessment of domestic violence Assessment of child protection issues Assessment of parents comfort level with medical information Assessment of parents learning styles Identification of potential barriers to education in the future Assessment of how patient and parents/caregivers are coping Identification of coping skills that are currently helpful Identification of the patient and parent/caregivers concerns and hopes Assessment of their readiness for proceeding with transplant listing

10 Clearer picture of the family system
Teen Addendum Parent Assessment Teen Clearer picture of the family system Intended to be used with patients years If possible, meet with the patient alone without parents This is based on developmental level and parents willingness to allow an interview with patient separately Assesses level of understanding of medical situation, independence Assesses coping skills and attitude toward transplant Assesses risk behaviors, health literacy, insurance status, and future planning

11 Important points to remember
Why do we complete a Psychosocial Assessment as part of the transplant evaluation process? Explain that there are questions that are personal in nature and required as part of the assessment Explain the reason for completing the Teen Assessment if applicable Why do we start out with identifying information…end with coping skills? What are the expectations of patients who are listed and awaiting transplant at home? How will the family cope with an extended hospitalization while listed/after transplant? This tool is meant to be a template and can be modified to suit the needs of a specific program/organ group.


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