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”Extending eID authentication across Europe”

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1 ”Extending eID authentication across Europe”
Name of event Date of event Name of Speaker Stork 2.0 is an EU co-funded project INFSO-ICT-PSP 1

2 Table of contents Introduction : in a context of globalisation
Political Framework STORK & STORK 2.0 STORK STORK 2.0

3 In a context of globalisation…
Towards a mobile society: Increasing number of companies looking for opportunities abroad Increasing number of foreign born citizens Towards a digital society Most processes are carried out electronically Communication turned digital Mobile society: In 2010: 12,3 million of EU citizens had moved to another MS Digital society: EU ranks 3rd in the World Internet Penetration ranking with 63,2% Stork 2.0 is an EU co-funded project INFSO-ICT-PSP

4 In a context of globalisation…
Cross-border relations are not facilitated All MS have their own eID infrastructure for electronic transactions Security issues about electronic transactions Stork 2.0 is an EU co-funded project INFSO-ICT-PSP

5 In a context of globalisation…
Public authorities and companies must evolve: Facilitate citizen mobility Improve the performance of companies Ensure the highest security standards for the electronic communications Stork 2.0 is an EU co-funded project INFSO-ICT-PSP

6 EU political Framework
Regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market eGovernment Action Plan ISA Work Programme -address the importance of pan–European interoperability & of eIDs as key enablers for eGovernment Services and for strengthening the Digital Single Market -stress the development and use of a pan-European infrastructure for eID for citizens and businesses Stork 2.0 is an EU co-funded project INFSO-ICT-PSP

7 Stork 2.0 is an EU co-funded project INFSO-ICT-PSP-297263
STORK & STORK 2.0 Duration : 2008 – 2011 Involving: 13 Member States Duration : 2012 – 2015 Involving: 19 Member States Accelerate the deployment of eID for public services Test in real life environments eID in cross-border pilots Allow citizens to make eTransactions across borders by just presenting their national eID Stork 2.0 is an EU co-funded project INFSO-ICT-PSP

8 STORK: Main achievements
From a legal point of view Common specifications Common code Quality Authentication Assurance From a usability point of view Easier mobility for EU citizens Simplification of cross-border procedures Strengthening of security standards in online authentication processes 8

9 STORK: Main achievements
Six pilot applications on cross-border services Cross-border Authentication for electronic services SaferChat Student Mobility eDelivery Change of Address ECAS Integration

10 STORK 2.0: project presentation
Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed 2.0 3 year duration: from 2012 to 2015 19 participating countries 58 partners NOTES: Full name: Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed 2.0 Programme: ICT Policy Support Programme under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) Objective: 4.2 Towards a single European electronic identification and authentication area Project Coordinator: Atos Consortium: 58 partners Participating countries: AT, BE, CH, CZ, EE, ES, FR, GR, IS, IT, LT, LU, NL, PT, SE, SI, SK, TR, UK Duration: 3 years Project website:

11 Why STORK 2.0? By further improving and advancing, through legal entities and mandates, the cross border infrastructure for electronic identification, STORK 2.0 project: Enables the Digital Single Market focusing on legal entities & attributes, important for boosting SMEs & private sector Facilitates cross border eGovernment applications Reduces administrative burdens for companies & individuals wishing to perform services across borders 11

12 What challenges shall address STORK 2.0?
Exploit experiences from STORK four cross-border pilots & foster the development of six new pilots Fulfil the Digital Agenda objectives & support innovation in Europe through ICT R&D Enable the Digital Single Market for public and commercial services & facilitate mobility across EU Empower businesses and citizens through cross-border, seamless and effective eGovernment applications Ensure the development of a pan-European infrastructure for eID for citizens and businesses address the importance of electronic identities (eIDs) as a key enabler for eGovernment Services and strengthening of the Digital Single market

13 STORK 2.0: The Vision STORK 2.0 will contribute to the realization of a single European electronic identification and authentication area by: building on the results of STORK establishing interoperability of different approaches at national and EU level, eID for persons, eID for legal entities and the facility to mandate NOTES: STORK 2.0 moves to a completely new dimension (thus the “2.0” in its name): STORK 2.0 takes a significant and pioneer leap from identifying and authenticating citizens, to the ability to authenticate legal entities and citizens and link the citizen to their role in the business world. STORK 2.0 will be linking the citizen and legal entities to attributes, delegations and mandates. By enabling cross border and sector interoperability for legal entity eIDs a wealth of new pan European applications and services can be facilitated. 13 13

14 Stork 2.0: Objectives Test in real life environments secure and easy-to-use eID and attribute solutions in 4 relevant cross- border pilots Accelerate the deployment of eID for public services Maximize the take-up of its scalable solutions throughout the EU Seek & showcase uses of eID for the authentication of both legal and natural persons throughout the EU NOTES: The objectives of STORK 2.0 are to: Accelerate the deployment of eID for public services, while ensuring co-ordination between national and EC initiatives in the field, and support a federated eID management architecture across Europe, by building on existing eID. Maximize the take-up of its scalable solutions throughout the EU, with a strong commitment to open specifications and longer-term sustainability around a strong vision of eID as a Service Offering (backed by participating European countries and industry) which contributes to Europe‟s role of leadership of the eID market. Seek and showcase the convergence of private and public sectors in a fully operational framework and infrastructure which encompasses eID for secure and coherent electronic authentication of both legal and natural persons (including facility to mandate in different forms) widely useable across the EU, based on high level of data protection and secure ways to transfer attributes, all under user control. Test, in real life environments, secure and easy-to-use eID and attribute solutions in four relevant cross- border and cross sector pilots.

15 STORK 2.0: Pilots Address in real-life settings challenging governance issues Validate its common specifications, standards & building blocks Facilitate mobility & borderless digital living in EU for both public and commercial services. 15

16 eLearning & Academic Qualifications
STORK 2.0 Pilots eLearning & Academic Qualifications Academic Attribute Verification for Job Selection Job qualification Service: to facilitate verification of academic qualification for a job. Job selection Service: to facilitate selection of workers to companies hiring foreign citizens with specific academic qualifications. Cross-border e-Learning environments eLearning : Shared e-learning environment for joint degrees. eSurvey Service: for designing and performing opinion surveys that target specific groups of individuals (students, professors, experts,…). NOTES: Build cross-border academic services based on the exchange of extended identity attributes provided by Universities Facilitate the use of academic information (diplomas, degrees, records, qualifications…) by government and private organizations More detailed objectives: Explore the possibility of developing, configuring and organizing higher education e-learning systems able to transcend national boundaries and converge (as promoted by the EHEA). Facilitate the adoption and wider take-up of eID by the academic community, a key set of actors that can highly contribute to the dissemination and future use of electronic credentials. Involve private sector in the use of academic information by providing the means of using it for their own purposes (such as job qualification / selection). Enable the proof of required qualifications and specifications to be carried out online (following prescriptions of the Services Directive). Complete the achievements of STORK allowing new services offered on top of the existent cross-border services scenario and contribute to achieve a critical mass of users for STORK v2.0. 16 16

17 STORK 2.0 Pilots eBanking Opening a bank account
online request using eID across borders more reliable information stored more confidence in checks performed immediate confirmation Logging into e-banking national eID accepted for cross-border login single PIN code E-invoicing authorisation of payment of electronic bills via eID standard solutions should increase user acceptance 17

18 Public Services for Business
STORK 2.0 Pilots Public Services for Business Enable legal entities using online public services in other Member States Focus on two wide Use Cases: Enrolment to public registers One-stop-shop Business Service Portals 18

19 STORK 2.0 Pilots eHealth - Objectives
Enable patients to access their health data in a foreign country using their local eID mechanisms. Allow access by health care professionals from foreign emergency services to a patient summary from his home country in a "break the glass"procedure. Provide a secure eID and authentication means to access the epSOS eHealth infrastructure. 19

20 Stork 2.0: Collaboration with LSPs
Interaction with the other LSPs building on gained experience and lessons learned Close liaisons foreseen with: eCODEX for legal aspects around eID for legal persons epSOS for integrating STORK 2.0 solutions for eID-based authentication with its eHealth infrastructure PEPPOL for eDocuments & eProcurement SPOCS for common aspects on the Services Directive implementation NOTES: While this large scale pilot will focus on building an interoperable system for recognition of eID and authentication, a number of other large scale pilots co-exist, where eID concepts and solutions are also discussed. Close interaction with those other LSPs is necessary, to build on gained experience and lessons learned and to prevent reinventing the wheel. In particular, close liaisons are foreseen with e-Codex LSP for legal aspects around eID for legal persons, with epSOS for integrating STORK 2.0 solutions for eID-based authentication with its eHealth cross-border infrastructure (one of STORK 2.0 pilot applications aims at this), with SSEDIC Thematic Network to analyze together future roadmap of eID in Europe, with PEPPOL for eDocuments and eProcurement and with SPOCS for common aspects on the Services Directive implementation where there is a need clearly identified by that project for cross-border exchange of legal entity attributes based on STORK 2.0 results. Cooperation with upcoming cloud pilots will be sought to allow them to benefit from our solutions and avoid proprietary eID approaches in the world of clouds. 20 20

21 STORK 2.0: Communities of Interest
The project intends to build up communities of interest involving various key industrial & political stakeholders to ensure the widest possible influence of Europe’s future Single e-Identification Area. STORK 2.0 Groups: Member States Reference Group MS Special Advisory Group Industry Monitoring Group Industry Special Advisory Group 21

22 STORK 2.0: Expected impact
Enable interoperability of the identification of natural and legal persons and other sector identification. Explore possible ways to address a federated & trustworthy framework for cross-border eID services at European level. Build the basis for a future widespread use of eID solutions across borders, contributing to Europe’s leadership role of the eID market. Facilitate digital living & mobility in the EU, envisioning eID as a Service Offering, with a strong commitment to open specifications and long-term sustainability. NOTES: STORK 2.0 will build the basis for a future widespread use of eID solutions (with exchange of attributes) for legal and natural persons’ identification across borders, contributing to Europe’s leadership role of the eID market. STORK 2.0 building blocks and common elements will be key to enable interoperability of the identification of natural and legal persons and other sectoral identification. STORK 2.0 will explore possible ways to address a federated & trustworthy framework for cross-border eID services at European level. Thus, it will facilitate digital living & mobility in the EU, enhancing the Digital Single Market for public and commercial services with a vision of eID as a Service Offering, seeking to maximize take-up of its scalable solutions by European public and private sectors, with a strong commitment to open specifications and long-term sustainability. 22 22

23 STORK 2.0 Future plans A number of future plans actions will take place in the upcoming period within the project: Raise awareness & visibility about the project Improve & advance common specifications and building blocks for interoperable legal identities and mandates Engage stakeholders to the online STORK 2.0 Groups Collaborate with the other LSPs to achieve the Digital Agenda objectives Update the QAA model & address eID governance issues Develop the four pilot applications (eLearning&Academic Qualifications, eBanking, Public Services, eHealth) Investigate legal barriers, standardisation and market take-up of STORK 2.0 solution (Member States Reference Groups, Industry Group, Community of Interest)

24 HOW TO GET INVOLVED… Visit STORK 2.0 website !
Subscribe to STORK 2.0 Newsletter! Participate & “like” Stork eID Facebook page! “Follow” us on ! Connect to Stork 2.0 EID LinkedIn page! Register in STORK 2.0 online groups! Contact us at ! HOW TO GET INVOLVED… NOTES StorkEid Twitter ( ) Stork eID Facebook ( Stork EID LinkedIn ( )

25 Thank you for your attention!

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