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Mrs Mayes , Mrs Pratley and Mrs Murray will be working in year 1

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1 Mrs Mayes , Mrs Pratley and Mrs Murray will be working in year 1
Welcome to year 1 Mrs Mayes , Mrs Pratley and Mrs Murray will be working in year 1

2 Punctualtity Attendance School starts at 8.50
If your child arrives after this they will miss out on early morning work Arriving late disrupts the class Please don’t be late! Attendance If your child is well enough to come to school please bring them in. Poor attendance affects achievement.

3 Taking holiday in term time.
If your child is not in school we can not teach them! If children have a lot of absences or take a holiday in term time there will be gaps in their learning and this will effect their chances at achieving. Please do not take holiday in term time.

4 Reading at home Every Child needs to read every night. Reading at School Individual reading We will be doing regular individual reading Guided Reading Your child will read during Guided reading sessions in class.

5 Phonics Daily 20—30 minutes daily sessions.
Children are working in phases All should be on phase 5 by the end of the year ready for a national phonics test In June

6 National phonics screening check June 2018
This is a national test to establish how many children in the country have the reading skills expected of a year 1 child at that point in time . This year in year 1 we achieved an 82% pass rate. Those who did not pass were children who were not reading each night or had high level of absence so we ask for your support.

7 Reaching orange level books
If your child reaches orange books in our reading programme they are more likely to have developed the reading skills that they will need for yr2 and to pass the phonics check.

8 Expectations in yr1 By the end of yr1 the children should be able to write with an increasing amount of independence. They should be able to spell specific “tricky words” that will have been taught throughout year1. They should be able to apply their phonics skills to enable them to read with increasing fluency. (At approximately orange level or above.) They should have a good understanding of number order and number size. They should be developing an understanding of addition subtraction multiplication and division.

9 Learning in Year 1 Year 1 topics Autumn Toys/materials
Spring : Plants /seasons / our world Summer :animals /Neil Armstrong

10 Helping at Home Homework – sent home on every other Thursday .The children have 11 days to complete their homework. We do ask children to bring in their homework to share after a week even if it is not complete and then it is taken home again Spellings – Sent home on Thursday for test following Monday. Please look over spelling books at home for daily learning./ go through words spelt wrong on test with your child.

11 School trips Ventura Zoological Gardens at Van Hagues 9.30- 1.15
1st/ 2nd week of July

12 Lunches, Snacks and Water
Healthy lunch boxes are A MUST! Please provide your child with a labelled water bottle Children are given snack everyday and they help themselves to water when they need it all day. If you would like your child to have milk please sort this out at the office.

13 General Reminders Indoor PE – No earrings/ long hair tied back/ plain white T shirt and Purple shorts/ plimsolls that fit/ Outdoor P.E No earrings/ long hair tied back/ Trainers , Jogging bottoms and a long sleeved top Clothing– Please NAME ALL CLOTHES that are worn at school

14 Any questions?

15 Useful Websites
2017 phonics screening check; pupils materials.

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