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Welcome to Year 1 Meet the teacher evening
Mrs Miles/Miss Cox (Fireflies) Miss Shurey/Mrs Campbell (Butterflies) Miss Butcher/Mrs Standhaft (Dragonflies) Miss Coupland/Mrs Ritchie (Grasshoppers)
(Information sheet with important information to follow)
Overview of evening Curriculum Homework Visits and Visitors Assessment Contact Questions (Information sheet with important information to follow)
Creativity and the Curriculum
The key skills that we make explicit to the children through our teaching and their learning are: 1. Teamwork 2. Independence 3. Communication 4. Creativity 5. Thinking
Creativity and the Curriculum
Topic based learning; Superhero Senses Fairytale Pants! Toy Story Giants A Bug’s Life Incredible India Real life outcome enthuses children Visitors and speakers
New curriculum Introduced September 2014
Maths Count to & across 100, forwards & backwards from any number.
Read & write numbers to 20 in digits & words. Read & write numbers to 100 in digits. Say 1 more/1 less to 100. Count in multiples of 1, 2, 5 & 10. Know bonds to 10 by heart. Use bonds & subtraction facts to 20. Add & subtract: 1 digit & 2 digit numbers to 20, including zero. Add any three 1-digit numbers with a total up to 20. Solve simple multiplication & division with apparatus & arrays. Recognise half and quarter of object, shape or quantity. Sequence events in order. Use language of day, week, month and year. Tell time to hour & half past.
Creativity and the Curriculum - Maths
Daily Warm-ups Input Main activities Pit Stop Plenaries Computing Teacher/TA support groups Practical independent work Fundamentals eg. number facts Number formation
Writing Write clearly demarcated sentences. Use ‘and’ to join ideas.
Use conjunctions to join sentences (e.g. so, but). Use standard forms of verbs, e.g. go/went. Show evidence of: Capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks. Use capital letters for names & pronoun ‘I’. Write clearly sequenced sentences. Use correct formation of lower case – starting and finishing in the right place. Use correct formation of capital letters. Use correct formation of digits.
Creativity and the Curriculum - English
Daily Warm-ups Input Main activities Pit Stop Plenary Spelling and grammar Phonics Speaking and Listening Drama Reading Handwriting Writing styles Poetry Story writing Instructional writing Report writing Non-fiction writing
Reading Identify which words appear again and again.
Relate reading to own experiences. Re-read if reading does not make sense. Re-tell with considerable accuracy. Discuss significance of title & events. Make predictions on basis of what has been read. Make inferences on basis of what is being said & done. Read with pace & expression, i.e. pause at full stop; raise voice for question Know difference between fiction and non-fiction texts.
Creativity and the New Curriculum - Reading
Group guided reading Individual reading Working towards targets Comprehension Questions Apply phonics We encourage the children to read a wide range of books at home and at school. Sometimes children benefit from re-reading books.
Phonics Phase 4 Consolidates Phase 2 and 3 sounds.
Teaches children to read and spell words with adjacent consonants (CCVC) e.g. ‘stop’ (CVCC) e.g. ‘tent’ They then begin to apply this to their own reading and writing Phase 5 Teaches children that the same sound can be spelt in different ways i.e. ‘rain’ and ‘day’ and that the same spelling can represent different sounds i.e. ‘meat’ and ‘bread’ or ‘cow’ and ‘low’ Children separate words into syllables and can read and spell decodable two/3 syllable words. They recognise an increasing number of high frequency words automatically
sh o p
th i p
Home school link books To keep you informed To send us messages
In Year 1 the books are changed on a daily basis (except for Wednesdays) or when the children have completed their book with confidence and understanding. The children are responsible for putting folders in the ‘Books to be changed’ box in the morning. It is important that parents have signed to say that the book has been completed.
Outdoor environment Year 1 outdoor area
Thinking path, nature trail, woods, willow dome, field and bog garden Weather and seasons Outdoor instruments Climbing equipment
Homework (After half term)
Reading as often as possible Please check your child’s book bag every night Homework tasks Wednesday to Monday Spellings Weds to Monday Maths games Weds to Monday (Optional) How can you feedback about homework? Guidance is available to download from our school website
Helping your child at home
Useful ideas in booklets These documents are available to download from the school website under curriculum Regular reading and sharing books Fun activities linked to topic High frequency words Sounds of the week Encourage every and any form of writing from the children. Cursive handwriting
Assessment and marking
AFL Highlighting (Pink and green) Self assessment
Marking symbols and your child’s targets
News Days Note up in windows
News to be linked with topic or homework activity No toys please!
Class Mascot Good incentive for the children
Sent home on a Friday with a diary to be returned on Monday.
Newsletters Outside office and on website Notice boards and windows
Year group topic newsletters
Notes Forms by office On-line payment system is our preferred method of payment. If sending in money - sealed envelopes, clearly marked with your child’s name If you have an important message please let your child’s class teacher know at the door (verbal or note) as we are not able to check every link book every day.
Drop in! You are always welcome to drop in and chat after school!
Positive feedback especially welcome! Parent helpers are always welcome especially if you already have DBS clearance. Any amount of help is greatly appreciated.
Parent consultations October February May
Thank you for your time!
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