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Year 1 Welcome Meeting 5th September 2016.

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1 Year 1 Welcome Meeting 5th September 2016

2 Welcome to Year 1 Year 1 will be exciting, stimulating and enjoyable.
Your child’s learning becomes more structured however children will have a smooth transition period to cope with the change. We are continuing to encourage the children to be independent and reflective of their own learning.

3 Meet the Team Mrs Hirani – Year Group Lead, Azul Class
Miss Esat – Neela Class Mrs Shrestha - Blue Class Mrs Ali– Niebieski Class

4 The School Day Registration Deep Level thinking (THUNKS) Collective worship English/Maths Phonics Break English/Maths Lunch Time Meditation International Primary Curriculum (IPC) Circle Time and Story Time

5 Curriculum for Year 1 and beyond
International Primary Curriculum National Curriculum Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE) Mindful Meditation Yoga English, Maths, Science, Humanities, Music, Arts, ICT, Phonics, Design, PE,

6 How can you help your child at home?

7 Reading Children should be reading for at least 15 minutes each day (encourage them to sound out unfamiliar words). Please ensure you write in your child’s home reading book once you have heard them read. Children should be reading for at least 15 minutes each day (encourage them to sound out unfamiliar words). It is also important for you to read to your child daily. Please ensure you write in your child’s home reading book once you have heard them read. Key words are found in the home learning record. Children that already know their key words will continue with the reading and spelling which contain the Year 1 key words.

8 High Frequency Words Am All Is Come Went Up I No Go Was Look Are You
Away Day We This Dog Me Cat Of Going Big She And Can Like My See On The Get They It At Play He To Mum For A Dad in Said Yes

9 Spelling and Home Learning projects

10 Regular writing Encourage your children to: Keep a diary
Write letters/postcards/notes to family or friends Writes shopping lists Write stories Label pictures Think about their letter formation and handwriting. It would be greatly beneficial if you could encourage your child to keep a diary, write letters/post cards/shopping lists/write a memo or note to someone. They could also write stories, label their pictures or write a sentence about it. Remember - children enjoy writing when they can see there is a purpose to it. Encourage the children to think about letter formation and handwriting. They also need encouraging to use their phonics to attempt spelling common words.

11 Maths Daily counting will help children to apply mathematical knowledge later on. Children should be able to count in 2s,5s and 10s on a daily basis. Practical activities can also help children to develop their mathematical skills Daily counting will help children to apply mathematical knowledge later on. Children should be able to count in 2s,5s and 10s on a daily basis. Practical activities can also help children to develop their mathematical skills e.g. counting number of peas on the plate, looking out for 3d shapes whilst shopping, weighing objects at home during baking etc. Use calculation strategies from the booklet.

12 Book bags Children should have their book bags in school every day. This should contain their reading books, home reading record books and spelling words. Children should have their book bags in school every day. This should contain their reading books, home reading record books and spelling words. Please ensure that you empty letters and pictures from their bags daily. There are often lots of important messages in there.

13 Literacy Literacy is a huge area and is of importance in your child’s development. Speaking & listening Group discussion Drama Word recognition Understanding and interpreting texts Sentence structure and punctuation Spelling Presentation

14 Topics Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Value
Empathy Self Discipline Respect Integrity Courage Gratitude Topic Theme All dressed up Let’s Celebrate The Magic Toymaker From A to B Water Hooray! Let’s go on holiday! Science Theme Our Changing World: Sensing seasons Using our senses Everyday Materials Plant Detectives and Our changing world : Plants Looking at animals and Animal Antics Educational Visits Gurudwara Visit, Church Visit Bethnal Green – Museum of Childhood Bhaktivenda- nta Manor Trip Transport for London Museum Maritime Museum London Aqaurium

15 Phonics Screening
Will take place in the Summer term Phonics Phase 5 Help your child by practicing reading real and alien words. Phonics screening Summer term read real and alien words. Phase 5 practice reading real, alien words and high frequency words.

16 Any Questions?

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