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Phonics, spelling patterns & handwriting

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Presentation on theme: "Phonics, spelling patterns & handwriting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonics, spelling patterns & handwriting

2 Phonics Phonics is the sounds that letters make.
In 2007 the DfE compiled a document called ‘Letters & Sounds’ this document organises aspects of communication, language and literacy into six phases. Phase 1 should begin in nursery, phase 2, 3 and 4 should be taught during Reception, phase 5 should be taught throughout year 1 and phase 6 should be taught throughout year 2. At Emley Phonics is taught in Reception and continues until the end of Year 2 (or until all children are confident with the phonemes/graphemes throughout the phases.)

3 What should a good phonics lesson look like?
Fast paced lesson lasting about 20 minutes. revisiting and reviewing known sounds teaching something new practising the new sound applying their new knowledge

4 What does all this jargon mean?
Phoneme – A spoken sound Grapheme – A written sound

5 Digraph – two letters, one sound
Split digraph – two letters, one sound, split apart with another letter in between Trigraph – three letters, one sound

6 Segmenting – saying the sounds to help spell words
Blending – putting the sounds together to be able to read a word

7 Say what?!


9 Lets watch a video

10 Spelling patterns In Reception and Year 1 we look at the 100 high frequency words – ideally most children will be able to read and write these words by the end of the year 1.

11 Year 2 to 5 All children must be able to spell the words on the reverse of their year group writing target.

12 At Emley we follow the Nelson scheme of handwriting.

13 Letter formation

14 Curly caterpillar letters

15 One – armed robot letters

16 Long ladder letters

17 Zigzag monster letters


19 Jargon buster t d h k l b q y p f g j Ascender – the bit that goes UP
Descender – the bit that goes DOWN q y p f g j

20 Get your pen ready!

21 Any questions?

22 Thank you!

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