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Manor Way 24/1/17.

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Presentation on theme: "Manor Way 24/1/17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manor Way 24/1/17

2 Aims of the Session To understand how we teach phonics
To be clear about what is taught in different year groups Support and ideas to practice phonics in reading and writing at home

3 How will we work together ?
Chance to ask questions as well as listen to us

4 The Importance of Phonics
Evidence shows that children who develop strong reading skills early on are more likely to succeed at school, achieve good qualifications and go on to succeed in their adult lives and the world of work. National Literacy Trust found that children who read daily outside class are 5 times more likely to read above the expected level for their age compared with those who never do. ‘from learning to read to reading to learn’ Phonics is the journey to becoming a fluent reader

5 Simple view of reading Two dimensions Word recognition (word reading)
Language comprehension Children start learning phonic knowledge and skills by 5yrs, with the expectation that they will be fluent readers having secured word recognition skills by the end of key stage one

6 Implications for teachers and parents
Word recognition skills are developed through: Phoneme awareness and phonics teaching Repetition and teaching of ‘tricky/exception’ words Language comprehension is developed through: Talking with children Reading with children

7 What is Phonics? Phonics consists of the knowledge of the skills of segmenting and blending, knowledge of the alphabet and how this is used in reading and writing.

8 Technical Vocabulary A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word. A phoneme may be represented by 1, 2, 3 or 4 letters. E.g t ai igh A grapheme is the letter(s) representing a phoneme. The phoneme ‘s’ can be represented by the grapheme s (sun), se (mouse), c (city), sc or ce (science) A digraph is two letters, which make one sound. A consonant digraph contains two consonants sh th ck ll A vowel digraph contains at least one vowel ai ee ar oy

9 Technical Vocabulary A split digraph has a letter that splits i.e. comes between, the 2 letters in the digraph, as in make and take. There are 6 split digraphs in English spelling: a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, y-e, as in make, scene, like, bone, cube and type. A trigraph is three letters, which make one sound e.g. igh dge CVC and CCVC are the respective abbreviations for consonant–vowel-consonant and consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant and are used to describe the order of the graphemes in words eg. am (VC), Sam (CVC), slam (CCVC), or each (VC), beach (CVC), bleach (CCVC).

10 Technical Vocabulary Oral Blending – hearing a series of spoken sounds and merging them together to make a spoken word (no text is used) for example, when a teacher calls out ‘b-u-s’, the children say bus. Blending – recognising the letter sounds in a written word, for example c-u-p, and merging or synthesising them in the order in which they are written to pronounce the word ‘cup’. Segmenting – identifying the individual sounds in a spoken word (e.g. h-i-m) and writing down or manipulating letters for each sound to form the word ‘him’.

11 What happens in a phonics lesson?
Daily and discrete teaching Interactive, fun, multi-sensory phonic session pitched at the correct level High quality systematic, phonic work is the prime approach to teaching reading. Immediate opportunities for application in reading (by blending phonemes) and writing (by segmenting phonemes) Phonics is set within a broad and rich language curriculum Pace and progression is key Teaching assistants support the phonic sessions Evidence of differentiation within the phonics session Challenge Correct articulation is vital

12 New knowledge and skills while reading/writing.
Teaching Sequence Revisit and Review Recently and previously learned phoneme-grapheme correspondences, and blending and segmenting skills. Teach New phoneme-grapheme correspondences; skills of blending and segmenting. Practise New phoneme-grapheme correspondences; skills of blending and segmenting. Apply New knowledge and skills while reading/writing.

13 Phase 1 - ongoing To develop language and increase vocabulary through speaking and listening activities To distinguish between sounds To speak clearly and audibly with confidence and control To become familiar with rhyme, rhythm and alliteration Use sound talk to segment words into phonemes. Start with last word in sentence or phrase Importance of clear enunciation Blending and segmenting – reversible processes

14 Phase 2 – Reception Children know that words are constructed from phonemes and that phonemes are represented by graphemes. They blend them together in reading simple CVC words and segment them to support spelling. – use of magnetic letters Letter Progression (one set a week) Set 1: s a t p Set 2: i n m d Set 3: g o c k Set 4: ck e u r Set 5: h b f, ff l,l l ss Have magnetic letters on a board first 8 All parents have a whiteboard and pen

15 s a t p i n m d Quick quiz How many words can you make?
Using the letters s a t p i n m d How many words can you make? Parents have a go at making words

16 Phase 3 – Reception Set 6: j v w x Set 7: y z zz qu
To teach children one grapheme for each of the 44 phonemes in order to read and spell simple regular words. Naming and sounding letters of the alphabet Recognise letter shapes and say a sound for each Hear and say sounds in the order in which they occur, and read simple words by sounding out and blending Recognise common digraphs and read some high frequency words Set 6: j v w x Set 7: y z zz qu Consonant digraphs: ch sh th ng Vowel digraphs: ai ee igh oa oo ar or ur ow oi ear air ure er

17 Correct Articulation of phonemes is essential!
Articulation of Sounds

18 Show graphemes and ask parents to have a go

19 Articulation Long oo spoon moon balloon smoothie Soft Sound think thin
thick thumb Short oo cook book look hook Spoken Sound the that there this

20 light rooftop farmyard seaside
Sound buttons at tip pack fusspot chop see check song light rooftop farmyard seaside Practitioners need to be confident in segmenting and blending phonemes clearly for children. Play a game such as Sound buttons to practise segmenting a word into its constituent phonemes. Note that practitioners must articulate the sounds clearly and correctly without adding an extra sound (schwa) at the end. Use the articulation examples on the Letters and Sounds DVD to exemplify and allow time for practitioners to practise correct articulation.

21 Phoneme frame shelf dress think string sprint tree WORD PHONEMES
Parents to have a sheet and have a go

22 Phase 4 – (4-6 weeks) Teaching should focus on the skills of blending and segmenting words containing adjacent consonants. Children now have the ability to blend and segment therefore they are moving beyond simple cvc words to cvcc, ccvc, ccvcc and cccvc. b l a ck s t r o ng c c v c c c c v c f e l t b l a n k c v c c c c v c c

23 Phase 5 To teach children to recognise and use alternative ways of pronouncing the graphemes and spelling the phonemes already taught. Teaching the long vowel phonemes Read and spell phonetically decodable 2/3 syllable words e.g. bleating, frogspawn, shopkeeper. Choose the appropriate graphemes to represent phonemes when spelling words. Recognise an increasing number of high frequency words automatically. Spelling complex words using phonetically plausible attempts ai a-e ay Seeing themselves as writers!

24 Tricky words and Common Exceptions words
Reception Year 1


26 Phonic Screening Check June Year 1
Put up phonics play buried treasure and have a go


28 Read lots of stories to your child and read daily…
The difference in reading ability between those pupils who never read for enjoyment, and those who read for even half an hour a day, is equivalent to a whole year of schooling at age 15

29 Talk to your child…

30 More ideas… Phonic reading books Spot phonemes in words Eye spy
Letters and sounds website BBC phonics



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