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Meet the Teacher 30th September 2016

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1 Meet the Teacher 30th September 2016
Reception 2016 Mrs Evans Mrs Wilson Mrs Dover (Mon,Tues & Wednesday) Mrs Shafeer

2 Areas of Learning 3 Prime Areas of Learning:
Communication and Language Physical Development Personal, Social and Emotional development 4 Specific Areas: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design

3 How to help your child in school
Label ALL clothing! Teach them to put on and do up their coats. Encourage them to do as much as they can for themselves at home, eg Dress themselves! (buttons are the worst…) Talk to them about trying hard, doing their best, being kind, asking for help when they are struggling.

4 Lunch You can choose between packed lunch or school dinners. Please talk with us if you are unsure what will be best. Encourage your child to try new food. Practise using a knife and fork. They have 3 choices each day!!

5 Further Information… PE Kits: Sweatshirts and Jogging bottoms can be ordered now. MILK: order at : Walk on Wednesday Reading books

6 Outside of school Class Rep’s
Homework sent home Friday to be handed in following Wednesday Support your child in finding pictures for their sound book on a weekly basis Practising their cursive letter shapes Share reading books each evening Play number games together

7 TRIPS Father Philip will be coming to school to help us learn more about Baptism – November 2016 Church Visit -January 2017 Summer Trip -May 2017

8 Phonics We follow a scheme from the DfEE “Letters and Sounds”
We will be learning sounds in a particular order starting next week. We focus on letter sounds (phonemes) rather then letter names at this stage so that children can apply their knowledge to be able to sound out (segment and blend) words when reading or spelling.

9 Phase 2 This is where we teach children the first set of letters / tricky words We teach their sound (phoneme) and practise forming the letter using cursive formation. The letter shape is known as a grapheme. Even after just 1 week, we can practise sounding out words using the letters learnt. (s,a,t,p = pat, sat,tap)

10 Phase 3 This phase introduces the remaining single letter phonemes to the children as well as some digraphs (phonemes with 2 letters) and trigraphs (phonemes comprising of 3 trigraphs). An even greater emphasis is placed on segmenting and blending words. sh-i-p r-ai-n l-ou-d h-igh s-ee-d h-ear Many more tricky words and high frequency words are introduced.

11 Phase 4 Children can consolidate their recognition of all phonemes / graphemes taught so far. Children learn how to segment and blend words with adjacent consonants. Eg t-r-ai-n, b-l-ue, d-r-ea-m, m-i-s-t New tricky / high frequency words.

12 Phase 5 The final set of phonemes are taught including split digraphs (a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e) Children will be reading new and longer words using their phonic knowledge Children will be using digraphs and some trigraphs in their spelling. (Don’t worry if it isn’t the correct one yet! (– eg d-r-ee-m / d-r-ea-m) More complex sight vocabulary is taught.

13 Tips If you are unsure of how to pronounce each phoneme (sound) please ask or go online to If your child is unsure how to read a new word, help them segment it and blend it. You can frame the graphemes in the word to help) Practise reading tricky words on sight. Discourage your child from using capital letters unless starting a name or sentence and persevere at learning cursive formation – it will be worth it!!


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