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Report on Research and Data Analysis on Academic Teaching Qualifications Will Joice 19 December 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Report on Research and Data Analysis on Academic Teaching Qualifications Will Joice 19 December 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report on Research and Data Analysis on Academic Teaching Qualifications
Will Joice 19 December 2016

2 Research aims Explore the current issues around academic teaching qualifications in the HESA Staff record Offer recommendations to improve data quality and coverage in future collections

3 Methodology Data analysis of the three years of data returns, with the main focus on 2014/15 data Comparison of the HESA staff record with the records held by the HEA Interviews carried out by the HEA with a sample of HE providers exploring issues from a data collection perspective

4 The emerging picture Percentage of staff with unknown and no teaching qualifications in England over time

5 Changes over time by HE provider
Percentage of staff with unknown teaching qualifications at HE providers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by HE provider 2012/ /15

6 Academic employment function
Percentage of staff at HE providers in England with unknown and no teaching qualifications by academic employment function 2014/15

7 Mode of employment Percentage of staff at HE providers in England with unknown and no teaching qualifications by mode of employment 2014/15

8 Terms of employment Percentage of staff at HE providers in England with unknown and no teaching qualifications by terms of employment 2014/15

9 Length of service Percentage of staff at HE providers in England with unknown and no teaching qualifications by length of service 2014/15

10 Other staff characteristics
Percentage of staff at HE providers in England with unknown teaching qualifications by nationality, ethnicity, highest qualification held and previous employment markers 2014/15

11 Recommendations Coding and guidance Credibility reporting
Clarification of the purpose of the collection Incentivising more complete returns Further consultation

12 Summary Overall data coverage is improving and we would expect further improvements in future returns Some HE providers have room to make significant improvements in their data coverage There is further work to do to tighten the definition around academic teaching qualifications

13 Any questions? Will Joice 19 December 2016

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