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Broadcasting Alerts and Public Safety - Japan NHK

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1 Broadcasting Alerts and Public Safety - Japan NHK
Tsunami and the Media: Broadcasting Alerts and Public Safety Japan NHK This presentation provides an overview of what modeling is, how it is carried out, what inputs and outputs can be expected, and how these are used to obtain inundation maps, The ITIC recognizes Professor Fumihiko Imamura, Ms. Gaye Downes, Dr. William Powers, and Dr. Roy Walters for their contributions to the presentation. Masahiro Yamamoto Senior Tsunami Advisor Trinidad, June 2007 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

2 Measurement of Seismic Intensity
Strong Motion Earthquake Amplitude Duration Frequency Seismic Intensity Strength of ground motion The seismic intensity is a convenient scale in order to evaluate the degree of the ground shaking which implies the severity of disaster. Although seismic intensity is a post-seismic observation, it is important to grasp the place and intensity where the ground was strongly shaken as fast as possible, and to enable concentration of limited resources like staff, fire engine and ambulance car to such a place for the disaster mitigation. In Japan, like in other countries, seismic intensity had been observed by human physical feeling at the meteorological observatory, but, since 1997, seismic intensity has been measured by the instrument. Seismic intensity is calculated by the amplitude and frequency of the acceleration waveform data. By the instrumentation of the observation, objective observation and quick collection of the intensity observation were realized, and it became easy to densify the observation network. Index of damage

3 JMA Seismic Intensity Scale
5 lower 5 upper 6 lower 6 upper

4 Comparison of Seismic Intensity
JMA Scale 1 2 3 4 5L 5U 6L 6U 7 MM Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Here is a table of rough comparison of JMA and other seismic intensity. JMA scale is from 0 to 7 And MM or MKS scale is from 1 to 12. The way to decide seismic intensity is different each other. So it is very difficult to compare each other. But you can suppose that the 5 lower in JMA scale is nearly equal to 7 or 8 in MM or MSK scale. Modified Mercalli MSK Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik

5 Dissemination of Tsunami Warning and Earthquake Information
satellite Loud Speakers Sirens Local Governments Police, Fire offices Residents in coastal areas at risk Dedicated telephone line TV broadcasting This figure shows how tsunami warning/seismic intensity information is transmitted to the public. Tsunami warning will not be effective unless it is disseminated rapidly and surely to residents in the coastal area at risk. So, JMA disseminates tsunami warning to residents at risk through multi-channels, namely, local government, police, firehouse, mass media and others, using dedicated telephone lines and satellite telecommunication links. And Mayors of cities, towns or villages are responsible for giving directions to residents for evacuation from tsunami hazardous areas. For the notification to the public near the coast, loud speakers and sirens are usually used. Radio Stations Central Government On TV Screen JMA as National Center Etc.

6 Emergency Operation by Seismic Intensity Information
EQ. Prime Minister’s Official Residence Cabinet Office Defense Agency Japan Coast Guard Metropolitan Police Department Fire and Disaster Management Agency NHK, a broadcast organization 6 lower (5 upper for Tokyo) Seismic intensity information Emergency Assembly team Conference 2min Estimation of damages 4 3min Tsunami Warning Investigation of damages 5 lower Investigation of damages 5 lower 5min Earthquake information Seismic intensity information is transmitted to various disaster mitigation/management organizations and is used as a criteria for the conduct of emergency operation. For example, if the maximum intensity exceeds 6 lower, the Emergency Assembly Team Conference will be held to make a decision of emergency operation of the government at the Prime Minister’s Official Residence, which consists of directors of the related bureaus. This information is also promptly broadcast on TV and radio. Investigation of damages 4 Announcement with TV or Radio

7 TV Broadcasting in Japan When an Earthquake Occurs…..
These are actual examples of the broadcast on TV (by courtesy of NHK). When a seismic intensity information with a maximum intensity of 3 or over (in JMA scale) is disseminated, they are promptly superimposed on the TV screen (top figures). Then, the seismic intensity distribution (left in the middle figures), the tsunami warning/advisory to each coastal area (center in the middle figures) and the estimated tsunami heights and arrival times to each coastal area (right in the middle figures). Images of the coast where tsunami warning is disseminated (left in the bottom figures), images at the time of strong shaking (center in the bottom figures) and images of the disaster (right in the bottom figures) are also broadcast. Mass media is such a powerful channel to notify the necessity of evacuation for the public. On the other hand, it is recommended for the residents in the tsunami prone region to evacuate as soon as possible after a large earthquake is felt even if tsunami warning has not been broadcast.

8 showing Seismic Intensity by Miyagi-ken Earthquake on 26 July 2003
NHK TV Screen Image showing Seismic Intensity by Miyagi-ken Earthquake on 26 July 2003 within 5 minutes after Earthquake with/without Tsunami Warnings 15

9 NHK: How they respond Issue as Urgent Breaking News
Using all Media (8 Domestic Channels) 1) Computerized Screen 2) Automatic generated scripts 3) 450 Robot cameras nationwide 4) Helicopters

10 NHK’s Preparations Plan/Manual to respond efficiently Regular Drills
for all types of disasters Regular Drills (internal, partial and whole) Regular & close coordination JMA and other authorities hot line & other multiple communication line

11 Ratings surge (TV programs)
Jul.26/2003 7:13 am Magnitude 6.4 Seismic Intensity 6 plus

12 WHY BROADCASTING ? Useful tool to convey vital information
WIDE REACHABILITY Television/ Radio per household/ community SPEED Allow people to respond LIVE Update latest information Education Visual & Audio material Enhance awareness and preparedness

13 Minimizing damage GOAL: NOT to generate any Rumor / Panic
BROADCASTERS (TV & Radio)– Ready and effective tool to convey information to people at the last mile Broadcasters can contribute to minimizing impact of natural disasters THEY PROVIDE: Quick and accurate information GOAL: NOT to generate any Rumor / Panic

14 Thank you


16 NHK’s International Contributions
Distributing NHK’s productions on tsunami and other natural disasters ABU workshops sharing lessons NHK learned from the past experiences

17 Distribution of Programs
Documentaries on Tsunamis 30-second programs on the nature of earthquakes and tsunami Promoting co-productions for commemorative day of Tsunamis

18 Visuals on preventing Disasters
Earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, typhoons, volcanic eruptions and others Information on: 1) mechanism by CG 2) real image of damage 3) how we can mitigate the danger

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