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2 Aims and Objectives: Aims: To empower our under privileged women to take their own control on reproductive health right by creating awareness. Guiding them towards proper and timely utilization of health facilities. Strengthening community participation and voluntary activities for creating health awareness. To achieve these goal I am ready to work with like minded, reputed organizations to ensure accessible, affordable and comprehensive health care services to all. Objective: Our objective is to achieve a nation of healthy citizen.

3 Adolescent Health Changes and
Menstrual Hygiene

4 30% of the total population is of 10-24 years of age
30% of the total population is of years of age. Most of them does not know the normal physiology of this time, how to cope with the body changes. There are some taboos and misconceptions, which misinterpret this situation. They donot have adequate knowledge to maintain proper hygiene during menstruation. This lead to lack of confidence, poor attendence and performance in school, urinary and reproductive tract infection. School toilet conditions are not satisfactory. only 11% has separate girl’s toilet, 3% has facilities of menstrual management. [national hygiene baseline survey]

5 What we are doing? Adolescent health changes, problems, menstrual hygiene advocacy program among 6-8 grade school girls.

6 Cervical Cancer

7 54.3% of women of total population are in 15-49yrs age group.
Age standard incidence of cervical cancer is 29.4/lac, mortality 17.9/lac. It is the 2nd most common cause of cancer death among women. This rate can be reduced by regular screening and vaccination. Govt is giving free screening services but due to lack of awareness women are not utilizing it and the services centers are limited. Screening rate is less than 1%

8 What we do? Go to the door step of the women, aware and motivate them for regular screening and vaccination against HPV. Provide free screening test to them.

9 Contraceptive

10 61% of the total populations are using contraceptives.
1% maternal death is due to unsafe abortion. There is 13.5% insufficiency of contraceptives.

11 What we do? Counsel the young on different methods and proper use of contraceptives. Thus decrease adolescent pregnancy, maternal death.

12 Pre pregnancy care, Pregnancy care

13 Prepregnancy care can reduce the rate of abnormal child, abortion.
There are taboos and misconceptions on normal physiology, do’s and dont’s during pregnancy. 71% deliveries are still home delivery.

14 What we do? Determination of high risk case. Advice them accordingly.
Advice the pregnant. Motivate and guide them towards institutional delivery. Encourage and motivate the young couple for pre pregnancy care.

15 Nutrition, Healthy life style, Obesity

16 What we want to do… 13% of the total population are over weight, 4% are obese. Most of our women are suffering from anaemia. We need to reduce it by 5.2% but our achievement is 0.6%. To increase the health status of our people one should stop smoking, increase physical activity, take healthy diet with fruits and vegetable, stop carbonated beverage and junk food, cut sodium from diet, maintain proper BMI, practice proper hand washing, regular health check up [diabetes, hypertension, anaemia, cholesterol, weight], vaccination.

17 Cancer screening

18 What we want to do… Early detection and control of cancer can be possible by regular screening test for breast, cervical, oral cavity, colon, prostate, lung, ovarian cancer. We inform, motivate people to go through the screening.

19 Mental Health

20 What we want to do… Causes: According to WHO suicide rate is 10000/yr.
Mostly among the students and women. women comits suicide twice than male. 65% is of 13-25yrs of age. Causes: Students are rebuked by parents, love affair disapproved by family, parents didnot fulfil the demand, divorce/remarriage of the parents. This group of population need support to fight stress, depression.

21 Basic Life support, First Aid Training

22 What we do… 1. Fire safety, Evacuation and Emergency Rescue Methods
Developing countries of the world create voluntary groups along with their regular forces to face disasters. Accordingly, to make ourselves and people around us more conscious, we want to publish a book and train voluntary groups on following issues: 1. Fire safety, Evacuation and Emergency Rescue Methods 2. Earthquake Management 3. Disaster Medical Operations

23 Our Resources

24 Electronic media: BTV Print media: The Bangladesh Protidin, The Daily Star Volunteers of different age group

25 To Know more

26 I hope everyone would try and contribute however they can to make our society a better place to live in. Leadership is a huge responsibility. It suits those who start and finish the work with the same passion.


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