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Presentation on theme: "ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN FOR THE 2017/18 FINANCIAL YEAR"— Presentation transcript:

Prof. Richard M Levin Principal: National School of Government 03 May 2017

2 Outline of Presentation
Key Message Strategic Overview Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Public Sector Organisational and Staff Development Financial Allocation Human Resources Corporate Governance Conclusion

3 Key Message As a country, we have the potential and capacity to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality (NDP). This requires a new approach from a State where, amongst others, people are active champions of their own development and government works effectively to develop human capabilities in order to lead the lives they desire The National School of Government is fulfilling its legal mandate of training public servants towards the professionalisation of the public service, as encapsulated in our National Development Plan We continue to increase our reach across institutions, not only within the three spheres of government, but organs of state as well as internationally The Annual Performance Plan (2017/18) financial year is being presented against the backdrop of improved organisational performance (2016/17) as compared to the prior year The NSG also welcomed the new executive of the portfolio of Public Service and Administration (MPSA). The Minister and Deputy Minister met with the executive of the NSG and our engagements provide us with strategic direction for this financial year and beyond


5 Strategic Overview The NSG contributes to outcome 12 (an efficient, effective and development-oriented pubic service) through three identified projects: Developing and rolling out an Executive Coaching Programme; Developing and implementing identified in-service development programmes; and Training of unemployed youth graduates The NSG will place greater emphasis on the rollout of the Compulsory Induction Programme across all salary levels in the public service. Work has already commenced with the induction for senior managers (CIP targeting for Directors and Chief Directors; and Executive Induction Programme targeting Deputy DGs and DGs) The implementation of the Rutanang Ma Afrika campaign towards the utilisation of former and current serving public servants as training facilitators The use of online learning to expand the reach across the public service and to encourage self-paced learning. We have already piloted and implemented open online courses, with much success We will also intensify our international strategic partnership and networks The NSG must also create thought leadership between the public and private sectors

6 Key Priorities A mid-term review report of the NSG, highlighting the contribution of the School towards the achievement of the goals of the NDP, as well as towards outcome 12 Build a value proposition for a directive on compulsory courses in the public service New initiatives focusing on courses and training for Government Communicators, and on Economic Development Deepening the turn-around strategy for the NSG Evaluation of NSG training: Change in behaviour of officials attending NSG’s courses and the return on investment must be demonstrable, and monitoring of performance


8 Programme 1: Administration
We are continually striving towards making the NSG a high performing centre of excellence. In terms of the organisational environment, Programme 1 comprises the sub-programmes: Office of the Principal, incorporating International, Special Projects and Communications; Office of the Chief Financial Officer; and Internal Audit Corporate Management, providing services related to strategic planning and performance management, human resource development and management; ICT; legal, risk management and compliance; logistics and facilities management

9 Programme 1: Administration
During the 2017/18 financial year, the Programme 1 will undertake the following: Strategic Objective Performance Target 1. Improve financial sustainability, organisational performance, accountability and compliance Unqualified or clean audit report issued by the Auditor-General Average of 60 days for debt collection in this financial year   All suppliers within 30 days of receipt of a valid invoice Projected revenue generated by the Training Trading Account 2. Implement efficient and effective infrastructure and human resource management to support improved performance Maintain a vacancy rate of 10% or less by end of the financial year Review the Disaster Recovery Plan (if necessary) and monitor and test ICT Disaster Recovery solution 3. Establish strategic multi and bilateral partnerships to enable the NSG to deliver its learning and development programmes aimed at capacitating the public service Facilitate 3 agreements supporting international exchanges and capacity building initiatives 

10 Programme 2: Public Sector Organisational and Staff Development
Programme 2 facilitates the transfer payments to the Training Trading Account (TTA) for the training and development of public sector employees In terms of the organisational environment, Programme 2 comprises the sub-programmes: Training Management and Delivery Training Policy and Planning Specialised Services

11 Programme 2: Public Sector Organisational and Staff Development
During the 2017/18 financial year, the Programme 2 will undertake the following: Strategic Objective Performance Target 1. Implement effective research to inform training and development needs and opportunities within the public sector Complete 5 research projects to inform training needs and opportunities Undertake 8 training needs analyses with public sector institutions Host 6 research colloquia workshops annually 2. Implement effective monitoring of the quality of training and development interventions and the evaluation of effectiveness of interventions Complete 60 evaluations by end of financial year Complete 4 application of learning studies 3. Develop accredited and non-accredited curriculum responding to public service training and development needs Develop or review 6 programmes annually (including 2 in-service training programmes supporting outcome 12) Institutionalise the Executive Coaching programme by end of financial year Quality assure 6 programmes by the NSG Quality Assurance Committee Maintain the status of the NSG as an accredited training provider by the relevant accrediting bodies

12 Programme 2: Public Sector Organisational and Staff Development
During the 2017/18 financial year, the Programme 2 will undertake the following: Strategic Objective Performance Target 4. Develop and offer technology mediated learning Offer 22 eLearning interventions by the end of the financial year 5. Provide training and development opportunities for compulsory and demand-led training to current and potential public servants on NSG curriculum and programmes Train new and current public servants on compulsory and demand-led programmes through face to face and online learning annually Orientate unemployed youth graduates and interns through the BB2E Programme

13 Training Targets 2017/18 – 2019/20 Stream 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20
Compulsory Induction Programme 26 320 Breaking Barriers to Entry Programme 2 750 3 000 Administration 4 050 Management 9 000 9 394 9 913 Leadership 6 000 TOTAL 48 120 48 514 49 283

14 Training Delivery The NSG is shifting from a solely a facilitator of training, to a mixed model of provider and/or facilitator of training depending on the nature of the programme. In order to achieve the training targets that is set for the 2017/18 financial year, training will be delivered using the following modalities: The NSG has partnerships with four higher education institutions for the delivery of the Emerging/ Advanced Management Development Programme The University of the Free State (UFS) has 31 trainers The Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) has 26 trainers The University of Fort Hare (UFH) has 15 trainers The University of Western Cape (UWC) has 17 trainers There is a partnership with the North West University (NWU), which has 22 trainers for the delivery of the Executive Development Programme (EDP) The NSG is also contracted with 162 individual independent contractors (IICs) for the rollout of NSG courses and programmes The NSG has prepared department officials to deliver on the CIP. There is also a project management unit comprising 15 trainers dedicated to the delivery of the CIP, and 23 NSG officials who conduct training on CIP and other Induction programmes such as the BB2E

15 Monitoring and Evaluation
Types of evaluation: Onsite training Design evaluations - i.e. evaluate the development and design of the curriculum Process evaluations –evaluate the implementation of the programme Application of Learning Studies Impact Assessment The NSG conducts “Application of Learning” Studies (ALS) with selected programmes which is linked to the outcome level – i.e. the change in the participants’ knowledge and behaviour within the context of his/her own work. The objective of the study is to determine if the training has been applied by participants in the workplace Studies conducted in the following areas: Khaedu; Supply Chain Management; Executive Development Programme; PILIR; Recruitment and Selection (not yet complete); and Excellent Customer Service Currently the following studies are undertaken: Foundation Management Development Programme (FMDP) and CIP (13-14)


17 MTEF Allocation Programme Audited outcome Revised Baseline 2013/14
2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R’000  R’000 Administration 85 622 78 293 89 843 71 067 95 894 Public Sector Organisational and Staff Development 49 000 55 597 47 795 64 612 68 982 71 638 Total Allocation  Economic classification Audited outcome Revised Baseline 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R’000  R’000 Compensation of employees 36 259 37 127 44 122 49 989 51 911 58 687 63 148 Goods and services 48 000 36 630 40 957 21 078  41 019 43 415 45 851 Transfers and subsidies 49 000 55 597 47 795 64 612 68 082 71 638 Payments for capital assets 1 363 4 536 4 764 2 964 3 107 3 253 Total economic classification 71 067

18 MTEF Trade Account: Forecast Budget
Training Trading Account Economic Classification Audited outcome Audited outcome Revised Budget Estimate 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R’000  R’000 Training related revenue (course fees) 86 617 60 134 167184 Interest & other income 6 644 6 859 8 286 2 434 2 556 2693 2 844 Transfers received 49 419 55 597 47 795 64 612 68 082 71 638 Reserve Funds 91 275 Total revenue Compensation of employees 58 202 61 471 71 506 86 713 93 911 Goods and services 99 753 87 354 84 895 Total expenses Surplus / (Deficit) 234 248 (40 186)


20 Vacancy Rate The NSG has a total of 227 posts on the approved establishment for Programmes 1 & 2 with 207 posts filled, representing a vacancy rate of 7,5% by 31 March 2017

21 Employment Equity


23 Corporate Governance The NSG continues to improve corporate governance and will ensure that in 2017/18: All oversight meetings including the Audit, Risk and departmental management are convened to ensure operational efficiency The strategic risk assessment is continually monitored All Performance Agreements are signed within the required timeline, and financial disclosure forms submitted on time The NSG completed the MPAT 1.6 assessment administered by the DPME – for the first time the NSG has obtained an outright score of 4 in the KRA: Financial Management. We are putting in place improvement plans and mechanisms to improve the MPAT scores in the other KRAs


25 Conclusion Our Constitution declares public administration to be development-oriented (s195), and therefore any developmental public administration requires a professionalised public service with public servants with the necessary attributes, skills and competencies. The NSG, in terms of its legal mandate, remains the focal institution for capacity development in the public service. We remain committed to the mandate and fulfilling the ideals of the Constitution and the NDP We seek to reach across all three spheres of government and other organs of State to build a capable and developmental state. Our gains in the previous financial year (such the memorandums of understanding with SALGA and other state entities) lead us to believe we can achieve this

26 Enkosi, Realeboga, Dankie, Thank you


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