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Information for Workers Issued a Radiation Monitoring Badge

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1 Information for Workers Issued a Radiation Monitoring Badge
Office of Radiation Safety

2 Why have I been issued a badge?
Our Radioactive Materials License (issued by the State of Illinois) requires us to monitor an employee’s radiation exposure when there is a reasonable likelihood that they will receive more than 10% of the occupational limit annually. Link to Regulation: Bushberg JT, et al. The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, 3rd Edition, 2012.

3 Example of an Online Dose Report
Note that the above doses are in mrem (milli-rem, ie. 1/1000 of a rem) DDE = Deep Dose Equivalent (Limit = 5,000 mrem) LDE = Lens Dose Equivalent (Limit = 15,000 mrem) SDE = Shallow Dose Equivalent (Limit = 50,000 mrem)

4 What is a Form 5 Annual Report?
In addition to your online dose report you will receive a yearly summary of your exposure from the Office of Radiation Safety. The form is provided by Landauer, singed by the Radiation Safety Officer and distributed in the first Quarter of each year.

5 What do the Form 5 doses mean?
Deep Dose Equivalent (DDE) is the estimated dose to your internal organs. Lens Dose Equivalent (LDE) is the estimated dose to lens of your eye. Shallow Dose Equivalent (SDE) is the estimated dose to your skin. It is estimated for the whole body (SDE, WB) and as a maximum for any extremity (SDE, ME). Committed Effective Dose Equivalent (CEDE) refers to internal dose as a result of ingestion or inhalation of radioisotopes. This is negligible in our environment. Committed Dose Equivalent Maximally Exposed Organ (CDE) Similar to CEDE, this quantity is internal and negligible in our environment. Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) is the sum of the DDE and CEDE. Since CEDE = 0 in our environment, this is equal to DDE. Total Organ Dose Equivalent Max Organ (TODE) is the sum of the DDE and CDE. Since CDE=0 in our environment, this is equal to DDE.

6 What are the limits for Form 5 doses?
Limits (rem) 5 15 50 Not Applicable Note that these dose are in rem! 1 rem = 1,000 mrem

7 Thank You! For further information, you may contact: The Office of Radiation Safety Or visit the Radiation Safety Home Page by navigating to “R” on the Portal Site Map and selecting “Radiation Safety”:

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