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Justin Sydnor, PhD Leslie P. Schultz Professor in Risk Management and Insurance Wisconsin School of Business University of Wisconsin, Madison.

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Presentation on theme: "Justin Sydnor, PhD Leslie P. Schultz Professor in Risk Management and Insurance Wisconsin School of Business University of Wisconsin, Madison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Justin Sydnor, PhD Leslie P. Schultz Professor in Risk Management and Insurance Wisconsin School of Business University of Wisconsin, Madison

2 Two visions for WI healthcare
Existing vision Many smaller insurers Narrow networks Cost control: HMO practices Alternative vision Few large insurers Large networks Cost control: “consumer directed” approach

3 Effects of insurer concentration?
In theory could go either way Big insurers have leverage with providers But big insurers have market power with buyers Dafny et al. (2012) studied merger between Aetna and Prudential in 1999. More concentration = higher premiums Lowered pay to physicians but little pass through.

4 Effects of network size?
Gruber and McNight (2016) studied MA state employee health insurance. “Natural experiment” that pushed some employees toward narrow-network community HMO plans over broader-network PPO plans. Conclude: “Limited network plans are saving money by directing care towards primary care and away from downstream spending.”

5 HMO vs “Consumer-directed”?
Both shown to limit spending. Brot-Goldberg et al (2016) studied shift to high-deductible plans at large employer HDHP reduced total spending by around 12% But people pulled back in bad ways, including on preventative care and chronic care.

6 How this relates to self-funding?
Research broadly supports current model. WAHP members in line with positive research State employee program setup currently supports Other self-insured states hard to compare Wisconsin has different (more competitive) starting point.

7 Important open questions
How well do large third-party administrators bargain for self-insured clients? No research on this that I could find. Could a third-party administrator effectively include smaller integrated health organizations into a coverage network?

8 Thank you

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